pyssgA Static Site Generator using markdown files.luevano
tiranteA wannabe manga manager.luevano3 years
gogodot_jam3Entry for the Go Godot Jam 3: https://blog.l...luevano
flappybird_godotFlappyBird clone made in godot for learning purposes.
ml_expML explorations.luevano4 years
.mdotsMinimal dots, for when working on systems with minimal programs.luevano
luevano.xyzMy website.luevano
server_scriptsPersonal server scripts to automate stuff (mostly after new deployment of a serv...luevano
pymdvarPython-Markdown extension for key-value pair conversion.luevano
.dotsThese are my personal dotfiles.luevano4 years
valbotValheim discord bot with support for V+.luevano
memefymeMeFy sOMe tExT.luevano4 years
nvimnvim configuration which started from nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim.luevano