AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-09-25add original assets and imgsHEADmainDavid Luevano Alvarado
2021-09-25Update a bit the readmeDavid Luevano Alvarado
2021-05-07Added code for showing percent of world explored. Will not show right on an ↵stolenvw
existing world
2021-04-18Valheim plus discord botstolenvw
2021-04-16Added channel check to setstatus and savestats commandsstolenvw
2021-04-15fixed insert command for exstats so it dont give an errorstolenvw
2021-04-15Added role check for commands, so you can set what roles users need to use a ↵stolenvw
command. Set commands to only work in the LOGCHAN_ID channel if not owner. Owner can use commands in any channel.
2021-04-15Added table data for exstats db so 1st row will always have version info.stolenvw
2021-04-14Fixed help command where it would error if you did not have permisson to a ↵stolenvw
2021-04-13Fixed an error where bot would stop working if server went off-linestolenvw
2021-04-12Fixed where some commands where not reconnecting the MySQL database when ↵stolenvw
connecting to database timedout do to being inactive
2021-04-12Updated to not show Owner commands to non-ownersstolenvw
2021-04-10Major rewrite, Added optional commands for displaying V+ config settingsstolenvw
2021-04-09up coming option to check V+ server settingsstolenvw
example image
2021-04-06Updated to work with differnt log output for Valheim Plus 0.9.7stolenvw
2021-04-04Updated readmestolenvw
2021-04-04Merge branch 'main' of ↵stolenvw
into main
2021-04-04Fixed error in debug output for when server is off-linestolenvw
2021-04-02Update README.mdstolenvw
2021-04-02Valheim plus discord botstolenvw
2021-04-02Valheim plus discord botstolenvw