path: root/src/pyssg/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-02-24add utils tests, small refactorDavid Luevano Alvarado
2022-12-27remove unnecessary variables for page objectv0.8.2David Luevano Alvarado
removed some of the unnecessary variables for dates on the page object, as well as from the mandatory config
2022-12-07refactor code, fix config checker and new files for pyssg.xyzDavid Luevano Alvarado
2022-11-27refactor code and fix type checksDavid Luevano Alvarado
still need to refactor more code before migrating to yaml config file
2022-04-23add proper var expansion from config filev0.7.1David Luevano Alvarado
2022-04-23add checksum checking for mod files instead of timestampv0.7.0David Luevano Alvarado
2022-04-20minor refactoringDavid Luevano Alvarado
2022-04-18add logging to builder, md_parser and page, and minor code refactorDavid Luevano Alvarado
2022-04-17add initial logging capabilitiesDavid Luevano Alvarado
still need to add logging to rest of the program: builder, database, discovery, page, parser and rest of the pyssg (build part)
2022-04-17refactor config handler and morev0.6.0David Luevano Alvarado
Refactored the configuration handling to use configparser; also the argument parser; generally added more 'logging'; updated template resources; and more minor things