path: root/src/entities/food/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/entities/food/scripts')
4 files changed, 71 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/entities/food/scripts/ b/src/entities/food/scripts/
index aa5207f..386f0e5 100644
--- a/src/entities/food/scripts/
+++ b/src/entities/food/scripts/
@@ -7,13 +7,9 @@ var texture: Dictionary
var timer: Timer
var properties: Dictionary
-var points: int = 1
-var time_to_live: float = -1.0
func _ready():
- randomize_stats()
- _set_properties()
timer =
timer.one_shot = true
@@ -21,35 +17,24 @@ func _ready():
connect("body_entered", self, "_on_body_entered")
-func set_type(type: int) -> void:
- set_property("type", type)
- _sprite.texture = texture[type]
+func update_texture() -> void:
+ _sprite.texture = texture[properties["type"]]
-func set_location(loc: Vector2) -> void:
- set_property("location", loc)
+func set_properties(pos: Vector2, loc: Vector2, special: bool, type: int, points: int=1, ttl: float = -1.0) -> void:
+ properties["global_position"] = pos
+ global_position = pos
+ properties["location"] = loc
+ properties["special"] = special
+ properties["type"] = type
-func set_timer(time: float) -> void:
- time_to_live = time
- if time_to_live != -1.0:
- timer.wait_time = time_to_live
+ properties["points"] = points
+ properties["ttl"] = ttl
+ if properties["ttl"] != -1.0:
+ timer.wait_time = properties["ttl"]
-func set_property(property: String, value) -> void:
- properties[property] = value
-func _set_properties() -> void:
- set_property("points", points)
- set_property("global_position", global_position)
-func randomize_stats() -> void:
- points = int(rand_range(1, 10))
func _on_body_entered(body: Node) -> void:
Event.emit_signal("food_eaten", properties)
diff --git a/src/entities/food/scripts/ b/src/entities/food/scripts/
index 032ec23..8090cdc 100644
--- a/src/entities/food/scripts/
+++ b/src/entities/food/scripts/
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ enum Type {
func _ready():
texture[Type.APPLE] = preload("res://entities/food/sprites/apple.png")
- texture[Type.BANANA] = preload("res://entities/food/sprites/banana.png") \ No newline at end of file
+ texture[Type.BANANA] = preload("res://entities/food/sprites/banana.png")
diff --git a/src/entities/food/scripts/ b/src/entities/food/scripts/
index bbe27be..a605f9e 100644
--- a/src/entities/food/scripts/
+++ b/src/entities/food/scripts/
@@ -2,39 +2,66 @@ class_name FoodManager
extends Node2D
export(PackedScene) var FOOD_BASIC: PackedScene
+export(PackedScene) var FOOD_SPECIAL: PackedScene
export(NodePath) var WORLD_GENERATOR_NP: NodePath
onready var world_generator: Node2D = get_node(WORLD_GENERATOR_NP)
onready var possible_food_locations: Array = world_generator.get_valid_map_coords()
+# needed to know what food is available to setup
+var stats: Stats = SaveData.get_stats()
var current_basic_food: Array = []
+var current_special_food: Array = []
+var max_basic_food: int
+var max_special_food: int
func _ready():
+ max_basic_food = int(possible_food_locations.size() * Global.MAX_BASIC_FOOD)
+ max_special_food = int(possible_food_locations.size() * Global.MAX_SPECIAL_FOOD)
Event.connect("food_eaten", self, "_on_food_eaten")
func _process(delta) -> void:
- if current_basic_food.size() < Global.MAX_BASIC_FOOD:
+ if current_basic_food.size() < max_basic_food:
+ if current_special_food.size() < max_special_food:
+ _place_new_special_food()
func _place_new_basic_food() -> void:
var food: FoodBasic = FOOD_BASIC.instance()
var type: int = _get_random_food_type(FoodBasic.Type)
- Event.emit_signal("food_placing_new_food", type)
+ Event.emit_signal("food_placing_new_food", false, type)
var pos_loc: Array = _get_random_pos()
var pos: Vector2 = pos_loc[0]
var loc: Vector2 = pos_loc[1]
# need to set the position first, else it will spawn on the middle and the moved
- food.global_position = pos
+ food.set_properties(pos, loc, false, type)
- food.set_type(type)
- food.set_location(loc)
- #["points"] = 1
+ food.update_texture()
- Event.emit_signal("food_placed_new_food",["type"],["location"])
+ Event.emit_signal("food_placed_new_food",
+func _place_new_special_food() -> void:
+ var food: FoodSpecial = FOOD_SPECIAL.instance()
+ var type: int = _get_random_food_type(FoodSpecial.Type)
+ Event.emit_signal("food_placing_new_food", true, type)
+ var pos_loc: Array = _get_random_pos()
+ var pos: Vector2 = pos_loc[0]
+ var loc: Vector2 = pos_loc[1]
+ # need to set the position first, else it will spawn on the middle and the moved
+ food.set_properties(pos, loc, true, type, Global.POINTS_TO_GROW)
+ add_child(food)
+ food.update_texture()
+ current_special_food.append(loc)
+ Event.emit_signal("food_placed_new_food",
func _get_random_food_type(type) -> int:
@@ -49,12 +76,17 @@ func _get_random_pos() -> Array:
while not found_valid_loc:
index = randi() % possible_food_locations.size()
location = possible_food_locations[index]
- if current_basic_food.find(location) == -1:
+ if current_basic_food.find(location) == -1 and current_special_food.find(location) == -1:
found_valid_loc = true
return [world_generator.get_centered_world_position(location), location]
func _on_food_eaten(properties: Dictionary) -> void:
- var index: int = current_basic_food.find(properties["location"])
- current_basic_food.remove(index)
+ var index: int
+ if properties["special"]:
+ index = current_special_food.find(properties["location"])
+ current_special_food.remove(index)
+ else:
+ index = current_basic_food.find(properties["location"])
+ current_basic_food.remove(index)
diff --git a/src/entities/food/scripts/ b/src/entities/food/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2fde78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/entities/food/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+class_name FoodSpecial
+extends Food
+enum Type {
+func _ready():
+ texture[Type.BUNNY] = preload("res://entities/food/sprites/bunny.png")
+ texture[Type.FROG] = preload("res://entities/food/sprites/frog.png")
+ texture[Type.TURTLE] = preload("res://entities/food/sprites/turtle.png")
+ texture[Type.RAT] = preload("res://entities/food/sprites/rat.png")