diff options
authorDavid Luevano <>2019-10-11 20:11:12 -0600
committerDavid Luevano <>2019-10-11 20:11:12 -0600
commit9f95534962ee5c59d9f5209a5fa3877ae5fd39f4 (patch)
parentb497dc904c40f7755afc8734748b4136f7843090 (diff)
1 files changed, 464 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8466250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+import os
+import urllib3
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+import requests
+# Main manga source.
+MAIN_URL = ''
+# Manga name.
+MANGA_NAME = 'Kimetsu no Yaiba'
+# Manga name in the form of how appears in the url.
+MANGA_NAME_URL = 'kimetsu_no_yaiba/'
+# PC main file location.
+MANGA_DIR = 'E:\\Mangas\\'
+# PC main manga data location.
+MANGA_DATA_DIR = ''.join(['C:\\Users\\Lorentzeus\\Google Drive\\',
+ 'Personal\\Python\\mangas\\data'])
+def get_chapters_list(main_url=MAIN_URL,
+ manga_name_url=MANGA_NAME_URL,
+ manga_name=MANGA_NAME,
+ reverse_sorted=True):
+ """
+ Retrieves chapter urls and names. Returns a list of lists
+ containing the url and the title of the chapter.
+ main_url: Main webpage name (source).
+ manga_name_url: Name of the manga in the url format
+ that's used by the webpage.
+ manga_name: Actual name of the manga, as it appears in the webpage.
+ reverse_sorted: Sorting of the final array.
+ """
+ manga_url = ''.join([MAIN_URL, MANGA_NAME_URL])
+ # Not actually a file, but the content of the html.
+ html = urllib3.PoolManager().request('GET', manga_url)
+ # Get the data from the html and parse it.
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser')
+ # Get the "rows" class, this contains the url
+ # and title data for each chapter.
+ # Deletes the first tag, since it's not useful.
+ soup_rows = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'row'})
+ del soup_rows[0]
+ # Creates a list to store date for each url and chapter name.
+ chapter_list = []
+ for row in soup_rows:
+ # Gets the url name from the a tag.
+ href = row.a['href']
+ # Same, for the title. Deletes every ocurrance of the manga name,
+ # unwanted characters and then gets everyword.
+ title_words = row.a['title'].replace(manga_name, '').replace('?', '')
+ title_words = title_words.replace(':', '').replace('-', '')
+ title_words = title_words.replace('...', '').replace(',', '').split()
+ # Doing all the work in oneliner doesn't work for some chapters,
+ # for some reason.
+ # title = '_'.join(row.a['title'].replace(manga_name, '')
+ # .replace(':', '').replace('-', '').lower().split())
+ # Lowers every word and appends it to a new list,
+ # then it gets joined with '_' as a sep.
+ title_words_lower = []
+ for word in title_words:
+ title_words_lower.append(word.lower())
+ title = '_'.join(title_words_lower)
+ # print(href, title)
+ chapter_list.append([href, title])
+ if reverse_sorted:
+ return chapter_list[::-1]
+ else:
+ return chapter_list
+def chapters_list_to_csv(chapters_list,
+ manga_name=MANGA_NAME):
+ """
+ Creates a csv file from the input chapter_list.
+ chapters_list: List of data of the chapters.
+ manga_name: Name of the manga, folder naming friendly.
+ """
+ # Adding '.csv' for csv creation.
+ m_name_ext = ''.join([manga_name, '.csv'])
+ # print(m_name)
+ with open(m_name_ext, 'w') as outcsv:
+ for chapter in chapters_list:
+ outcsv.write(''.join([chapter[0], ',', chapter[1], '\n']))
+def chapters_csv_to_list(chapter_csv):
+ """
+ Gives a list of chaptesrs from a csv file.
+ chapters_list: List of data of the chapters.
+ """
+ out_chapters_list = []
+ with open(chapter_csv, 'r') as incsv:
+ lines = incsv.readlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ out_chapters_list.append(line.strip().split(','))
+ return out_chapters_list
+def get_chapter_image_list(chapter_data):
+ """
+ Gets the links for each image in the chapter,
+ and returns a list of the links.
+ Returns a list of the image urls and its file name.
+ chapter_data: A list containing a url and a title.
+ NOTE: Not for direct use with the result of 'get_chapters_list'
+ """
+ # Not actually a file, but the content of the html.
+ html = urllib3.PoolManager().request('GET', chapter_data[0])
+ # Get the data from the html and parse it.
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser')
+ # Get the "vung-doc" class, this contains a url for each page,
+ # which redirects to the source of the image.
+ # Deletes the first and last items, since they're trash.
+ soup_img = soup.find_all('img')
+ del soup_img[0]
+ del soup_img[len(soup_img)-1]
+ # Stores each image url in a list.
+ image_url_list = []
+ for img in soup_img:
+ # Gets the sring of the url, splits it by the char '/',
+ # and gets the last item, which is the name of the file.
+ image_url_list.append([img['src'], img['src'].split('/')[-1]])
+ return image_url_list
+def chapter_image_list_to_csv(chapter_data):
+ """
+ Creates csv file for a chapter, given the list.
+ chapter_data: A list containing a url and a title.
+ """
+ ch_name = ''.join([chapter_data[1], '.csv'])
+ chapter_image_list = get_chapter_image_list(chapter_data)
+ with open(ch_name, 'w') as outcsv:
+ for image in chapter_image_list:
+ outcsv.write(''.join([image[0], ',', image[1], '\n']))
+def chapter_image_csv_to_list(chapter_image_csv):
+ """
+ Returns a list given the csv file.
+ chapter_image_csv: csv containing data for the chapter.
+ """
+ out_chapter_image_list = []
+ with open(chapter_image_csv, 'r') as incsv:
+ lines = incsv.readlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ # print(line.strip().split(','))
+ out_chapter_image_list.append(line.strip().split(','))
+ return out_chapter_image_list
+def create_database(main_url=MAIN_URL,
+ manga_name_url=MANGA_NAME_URL,
+ manga_name=MANGA_NAME,
+ manga_dir=MANGA_DIR,
+ manga_data_dir=MANGA_DATA_DIR):
+ """
+ Creates a database from zero, made of csv files.
+ main_url: Main webpage name (source).
+ manga_name_url: Name of the manga in the url format
+ that's used by the webpage.
+ manga_name: Actual name of the manga, as it appears in the webpage.
+ manga_dir: Main manga folder in computer, subfolders here will be created.
+ manga_data_dir: Main manga data folder in computer.
+ NOTE: This does not updates the database.
+ If a database already exists, omits the creation of new files.
+ """
+ # A better "naming" for the manga, for use with folder creation.
+ # As well as the name of the main database.
+ m_name = '_'.join(word.lower() for word in manga_name.split())
+ m_name_ext = ''.join([m_name, '.csv'])
+ # Navigate to where the main data folder is,
+ # then to where the manga folder is.
+ os.chdir(manga_data_dir)
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(m_name)
+ os.chdir(m_name)
+ except FileExistsError:
+ print(''.join([m_name,
+ ' folder already exists.']))
+ os.chdir(m_name)
+ # List of files and folders in the current path.
+ data_list_dir = os.listdir()
+ # Get the list of chapters, if this already exists,
+ # read it from the database.
+ # This is the main manga data.
+ if m_name_ext not in data_list_dir:
+ chapters_list = get_chapters_list(main_url=main_url,
+ manga_name_url=manga_name_url,
+ manga_name=manga_name)
+ chapters_list_to_csv(chapters_list=chapters_list, manga_name=m_name)
+ else:
+ print(''.join([m_name_ext, ' already exists.']))
+ chapters_list = chapters_csv_to_list(m_name_ext)
+ # Data for each chapter.
+ for chapter in chapters_list:
+ # Get the list for the images of each chapter.
+ chapter_name_ext = ''.join([chapter[1], '.csv'])
+ if chapter_name_ext not in data_list_dir:
+ chapter_image_list_to_csv(chapter)
+ else:
+ print(''.join([chapter_name_ext, ' already exists.']))
+def update_database(main_url=MAIN_URL,
+ manga_name_url=MANGA_NAME_URL,
+ manga_name=MANGA_NAME,
+ manga_dir=MANGA_DIR,
+ manga_data_dir=MANGA_DATA_DIR):
+ """
+ Updates the database already created, adding missing ones.
+ main_url: Main webpage name (source).
+ manga_name_url: Name of the manga in the url format
+ that's used by the webpage.
+ manga_name: Actual name of the manga, as it appears in the webpage.
+ manga_dir: Main manga folder in computer, subfolders here will be created.
+ manga_data_dir: Main manga data folder in computer.
+ """
+ # A better "naming" for the manga, for use with folder creation.
+ # As well as the name of the main database.
+ m_name = '_'.join(word.lower() for word in manga_name.split())
+ m_name_ext = ''.join([m_name, '.csv'])
+ # Navigate to where the main data folder is,
+ # then to where the manga folder is.
+ os.chdir(manga_data_dir)
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(m_name)
+ os.chdir(m_name)
+ except FileExistsError:
+ print(''.join([m_name,
+ ' folder already exists.']))
+ os.chdir(m_name)
+ # Get a list of files present in path.
+ data_list_dir = os.listdir()
+ # First, download the data from the web.
+ new_chapter_list = get_chapters_list(main_url=main_url,
+ manga_name_url=manga_name_url,
+ manga_name=manga_name,
+ reverse_sorted=False)
+ # And then, read the current database.
+ last_chapter = chapters_csv_to_list(m_name_ext)[-1]
+ # The missing chapters.
+ missing_chapters = []
+ for chapter in new_chapter_list:
+ # If we get to the last acquired chapter, exit loop.
+ if chapter == last_chapter:
+ break
+ missing_chapters.append(chapter)
+ # Reverse the order.
+ missing_chapters = missing_chapters[::-1]
+ # Write the last chapters to already existing csv file.
+ # No need for checking if items are present,
+ # since that's checked on the last steps,
+ # that's how missing_chapters is acquired.
+ with open(m_name_ext, 'a') as outcsv:
+ for chapter in missing_chapters:
+ outcsv.write(''.join([chapter[0], ',', chapter[1], '\n']))
+ # Create the missing csv data files for each chapter.
+ for chapter in missing_chapters:
+ # Get the list for the images of each chapter.
+ chapter_name_ext = ''.join([chapter[1], '.csv'])
+ if chapter_name_ext not in data_list_dir:
+ chapter_image_list_to_csv(chapter)
+ else:
+ print(''.join([chapter_name_ext, ' already exists.']))
+def download_image(image_list):
+ """
+ Downloads an image from the specified url,
+ and saves it with the specified name.
+ image_list: list that contains url and name.
+ """
+ # Gets the content of an image rom its url.
+ img_data = requests.get(image_list[0]).content
+ # Opens a file with its corresponding name as 'wb' (write, binary),
+ # and then, writes the img_data.
+ with open(image_list[1], 'wb') as handler:
+ handler.write(img_data)
+def download_chapter(image_list):
+ """
+ Downloads the whole chapter as images.
+ image_url_list: List containing urls and file names for each image.
+ """
+ for image in image_list:
+ print(image)
+ download_image(image)
+def download_manga(manga_name=MANGA_NAME,
+ manga_dir=MANGA_DIR,
+ manga_data_dir=MANGA_DATA_DIR):
+ """
+ Downloads a whole manga, saving it to subfolders.
+ Uses the database already created.
+ that's used by the webpage.
+ manga_name: Actual name of the manga, as it appears in the webpage.
+ manga_dir: Main manga folder in computer, subfolders here will be created.
+ manga_data_dir: Main manga data folder in computer.
+ NOTE: This updates the manga, downloading the missing chapters
+ if they're listed in the database.
+ """
+ # A better "naming" for the manga, for use with folder creation.
+ # As well as the name of the main database.
+ m_name = '_'.join(word.lower() for word in manga_name.split())
+ m_name_ext = ''.join([m_name, '.csv'])
+ # Go to where the database is located.
+ os.chdir(manga_data_dir)
+ try:
+ os.chdir(m_name)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ print(''.join([m_name,
+ ' folder doesn\'t exist.',
+ ' Most likely, the database hasn\'t been created.']))
+ raise NameError('Create database first.')
+ # Get info of the files in the database.
+ data_list_dir = os.listdir()
+ # Reads data from the main database.
+ if m_name_ext not in data_list_dir:
+ print(''.join([m_name,
+ ' database hasn\'t been created.',
+ ' Most likely, the database hasn\'t been created.']))
+ raise NameError('Create database first.')
+ else:
+ chapters_list = chapters_csv_to_list(m_name_ext)
+ # Navigate to the main manga dir,
+ # and either create or go to manga folder.
+ os.chdir(manga_dir)
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(manga_name)
+ os.chdir(manga_name)
+ except FileExistsError:
+ print(''.join([manga_name,
+ ' folder already exists.']))
+ os.chdir(manga_name)
+ # Get data of the folders in the manga folder.
+ manga_list_dir = os.listdir()
+ for chapter in chapters_list:
+ # chapter_url = chapter[0]
+ chapter_name = chapter[1]
+ ch_name_ext = ''.join([chapter_name, '.csv'])
+ if chapter_name not in manga_list_dir:
+ print(''.join(['Downloading ',
+ chapter_name,
+ ' now.']))
+ # First, create the chapter folder.
+ os.mkdir(chapter_name)
+ # Go to where the database is located.
+ os.chdir(manga_data_dir)
+ os.chdir(m_name)
+ chapter_image_list = chapter_image_csv_to_list(ch_name_ext)
+ # Go back to where the manga is going ot be downloaded.
+ os.chdir(manga_dir)
+ os.chdir(manga_name)
+ os.chdir(chapter_name)
+ # Download all the chapter images on its respective folder.
+ download_chapter(chapter_image_list)
+ # Go back one folder to repeat the process
+ # for the next chapter.
+ os.chdir('..')
+ else:
+ print(''.join([chapter_name,
+ ' already downloaded.']))
+# create_database()
+# update_database()
+# download_manga()
+# print(os.listdir())
+# chapter_csv_to_df(chapter_csv='kimetsu_no_yaiba.csv')
+# download_manga()
+# chapter_list = get_chapters_list()
+# for chapter in chapter_list:
+# print(chapter)
+# chapters_list_to_csv(chapters_list=chapter_list)
+# os.chdir('data/kimetsu_no_yaiba')
+# for image in chapter_image_csv_to_list('chapter_1_cruelty.csv'):
+# print(image)
+# chapters_list = chapters_csv_to_list(chapter_csv='kimetsu_no_yaiba.csv')
+# chapter_image_list_to_csv(chapters_list[0])
+# first_chapter_img_url_list = get_chapter_image_list(chapter_list[0])
+# download_image(first_chapter_img_url_list[0])
+# os.chdir(MANGA_DIR)
+# download_chapter(first_chapter_img_url_list)
+print('This is a test, bitch.')