path: root/src/pyssg/md/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pyssg/md/')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pyssg/md/ b/src/pyssg/md/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34a8922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pyssg/md/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+import os
+from logging import Logger, getLogger
+from typing import Any
+from markdown import Markdown
+from yafg import YafgExtension
+from pymdvar import VariableExtension
+from markdown_checklist.extension import ChecklistExtension
+from markdown.extensions.toc import TocExtension
+from pyssg.db.database import Database
+from import Page
+from pyssg.utils import get_file_stats
+log: Logger = getLogger(__name__)
+# TODO: add configuration testing for extensions config (pymdvar for ex)
+def get_md_obj(variables: dict[str, str],
+ enable_env: bool) -> Markdown:
+ exts: list = ['extra',
+ 'meta',
+ 'sane_lists',
+ 'smarty',
+ 'wikilinks',
+ TocExtension(permalink=True,
+ baselevel=2),
+ VariableExtension(variables=variables,
+ enable_env=enable_env),
+ # stripTitle generates an error when True,
+ # if there is no title attr
+ YafgExtension(stripTitle=False,
+ figureClass='',
+ figcaptionClass='',
+ figureNumbering=False,
+ figureNumberClass='number',
+ figureNumberText='Figure'),
+ ChecklistExtension(),
+ 'pymdownx.mark',
+ 'pymdownx.caret',
+ 'pymdownx.tilde']
+ log.debug('list of md extensions: (%s)',
+ ', '.join([e if isinstance(e, str) else type(e).__name__
+ for e in exts]))
+ # for some reason, the definition for output_format doesn't include html5
+ # even though it is listed in the documentation, ignoring
+ return Markdown(extensions=exts, output_format='html5') # type: ignore
+# page and file is basically a synonym
+class MDParser:
+ def __init__(self, files: list[str],
+ config: dict,
+ dir_config: dict,
+ db: Database):
+ log.debug('initializing the md parser with %d files', len(files))
+ self.files: list[str] = files
+ self.config: dict = config
+ self.dir_config: dict = dir_config
+ self.db: Database = db
+ # TODO: actually add extensions support, for now only pymdvar is configured
+ self.pymdvar_vars: dict[str, str] = dict()
+ self.pymdvar_enable_env: bool = False
+ if 'exts' in config and 'pymdvar' in config['exts']:
+ pymdvar: dict[str, Any] = config['exts']['pymdvar']
+ if 'variables' in pymdvar and type(pymdvar['variables']) == dict:
+ self.pymdvar_vars = pymdvar['variables']
+ if 'enable_env' in pymdvar and type(pymdvar['enable_env']) == bool:
+ self.pymdvar_enable_env = pymdvar['enable_env']
+ log.debug('pymdvar_variables: %s', self.pymdvar_vars)
+ log.debug('pymdvar_enable_env: %s', self.pymdvar_enable_env)
+ Markdown = get_md_obj(self.pymdvar_vars, self.pymdvar_enable_env)
+ self.all_files: list[Page] = []
+ self.all_tags: list[str] = []
+ def parse_files(self) -> None:
+ for i, f in enumerate(self.files):
+ log.debug('parsing file "%s"', f)
+ path: str = os.path.join(self.dir_config['src'], f)
+ content: str =
+ fstats = get_file_stats(path)
+ chksm: str = fstats[0]
+ time: float = fstats[1]
+ entry: tuple
+ # old entry
+ oentry: tuple | None =
+ if not oentry:
+ entry = self.db.insert(f, time, chksm)
+ else:
+ oe_chksm: str = oentry[3]
+ if chksm != oe_chksm:
+ entry = self.db.update(f, time, chksm)
+ else:
+ entry = oentry
+ # ignoring md.Meta type as it is not yet defined
+ # (because it is from an extension)
+ page: Page = Page(f,
+ entry[1],
+ entry[2],
+ content,
+, # type: ignore
+, # type: ignore
+, # type: ignore
+ self.config)
+ page.parse_metadata()
+ self.all_files.append(page)
+ if self.dir_config['tags']:
+ if entry[4] is not None:
+ if set(page.tags) != set(entry[4]):
+ self.db.update_tags(f, page.tags)
+ for t in page.tags:
+ if t not in self.all_tags:
+ self.all_tags.append(t)
+ log.debug('added tag "%s" to all tags', t)
+ self.all_files.sort(reverse=True)
+ self.all_tags.sort()
+ pages_amount: int = len(self.all_files)
+ # note that prev and next are switched because of the
+ # reverse ordering of all_pages
+ for i, p in enumerate(self.all_files):
+ if i != 0:
+ next_page: Page = self.all_files[i - 1]
+ = next_page
+ if i != pages_amount - 1:
+ prev_page: Page = self.all_files[i + 1]
+ p.previous = prev_page