path: root/
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1 files changed, 7 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index f971860..4686564 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,19 +12,15 @@ Initially inspired by Roman Zolotarev's [`ssg5`]( and [`
- [x] Uses [`jinja`]( for templating.
- [x] Preserves hand-made `*.html` files.
- [x] Tag functionality, useful for blog-style sites.
- - [ ] Open Graph (and similar) support.
- - Technically, this works if you add the correct metadata to the `*.md` files and use the variables available for Jinja.
- [x] Build `sitemap.xml` file.
- [ ] Include manually added `*.html` files.
- [x] Build `rss.xml` file.
- - [ ] Join the `static_url` to all relative URLs found to comply with the [RSS 2.0 spec](
- - This would be added to the parsed HTML text extracted from the MD files, so it would be available to the created `*.html` and `*.xml` files. Note that depending on the reader, it will append the URL specified in the RSS file or use the [`xml:base`]( specified (for example, [newsboat]( parses `xml:base`).
- [ ] Include manually added `*.html` files.
- [x] YAML for configuration file, uses [`PyYAML`](
- - [ ] Handle multiple "documents".
- - [ ] More complex directory structure to support multiple subdomains and different types of pages.
+ - [x] Handle multiple "documents". `PyYAML` supports this.
+ - [x] More complex directory structure to support multiple subdomains and different types of pages. This is supported by using mupltiple "documents" in the `yaml` config file.
+- [x] File checksum checking for modification of files.
- [ ] Option/change to using an SQL database instead of the custom solution.
-- [x] Checksum checking because the timestamp of the file is not enough.
- [ ] Use external markdown extensions.
### Markdown features
@@ -37,6 +33,7 @@ This program uses the base [`markdown` syntax](
- SmartyPants.
- Table of Contents. (With defaults as specified [here](
- WikiLinks.
+- [pymdvar]( (made by me).
- [yafg - Yet Another Figure Generator](
- [Markdown Checklist](
- [PyMdown Extensions](
@@ -196,19 +193,18 @@ These variables are exposed to use within the templates. The below list is displ
- `toc` (`str`): table of contents as taken from `md.toc`.
- `toc_tokens` (`list(dict)`): table of contents tokens as taken from `md.toc_tokens`.
- `cdatetime` (`datetime.datetime`): creation datetime object of the page.
- - `cdate` (`method`): method thtat takes the name of the `fmt.FMT` and applies it to the `cdatetime` object.
+ - `cdate` (`method`): method that takes the name of the `fmt.FMT` and applies it to the `cdatetime` object.
- `cdate_rss` (`str`): formatted `cdatetime` as required by rss.
- `cdate_sitemap` (`str`): formatted `cdatetime` as required by sitemap.
- `mdatetime` (`datetime.datetime`): modification datetime object of the page. Defaults to `None`.
- - `mdate` (`method`): method thtat takes the name of the `fmt.FMT` and applies it to the `mdatetime` object.
+ - `mdate` (`method`): method that takes the name of the `fmt.FMT` and applies it to the `mdatetime` object.
- `mdate_rss` (`str`): formatted `mdatetime` as required by rss.
- `mdate_sitemap` (`str`): formatted `mdatetime` as required by sitemap.
- `tags` (`list(tuple(str))`): list of tuple of tags of the page, containing the name and the url of the tag, in that order. Defaults to empty list.
- `url` (`str`): url of the page, this already includes the `url/main` from config file.
- `image_url` (`str`): image url of the page, this already includes the `url/static`. Defaults to the `url/default_image` config option.
- `next/previous` (`Page`): reference to the next or previous page object (containing all these attributes). Defaults to `None`.
- - `og` (`dict(str, str)`): dict for object graph metadata.
- - `meta` (`dict(str, list(str))`): meta dict as obtained from python-markdown, in case you use a meta tag not yet supported, it will be available there.
+ - `meta` (`dict(str, list(str))`): meta dict as obtained from python-markdown, in case you use a meta tag not directly supported, it will be available there.
- `tag` (`tuple(str)`) (`tag.html`): tuple of name and url of the current tag.
- `tag_pages` (`list(Page)`) (`tag.html`): similar to `all_pages` but contains all the pages for the current tag.
- `all_tags` (`list(tuple(str))`) (all): similar to `page.tags` but contains all the tags.