diff options
authorDavid Luevano Alvarado <>2021-06-04 22:13:44 -0600
committerDavid Luevano Alvarado <>2021-06-04 22:13:44 -0600
commit11b9e8505b8a92555cce6615f19268a620e9ce53 (patch)
parent30607ae87ed36289d860a41f8027900bebeec1e8 (diff)
refactor and add support for jinija
18 files changed, 483 insertions, 589 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index fac7994..a51fb5a 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+* just include changelog
diff --git a/ b/
index 59a1333..80bbe65 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@ I'm writing this in *pYtHoN* (thought about doing it in Go, but I'm most comfort
**This is still a WIP. Still doesn't build `sitemap.xml` or `rss.xml` files.**
- [x] Build static site parsing `markdown` files ( `*.md` -> `*.html`)
- - [x] Using plain `*.html` files for templates.
- - [ ] Would like to change to something more flexible and easier to manage ([`jinja`](, for example).
- - [x] Preserves hand-made `*.html` files.
- - [x] Tag functionality.
- - [ ] Open Graph (and similar) support.
+ - [x] ~~Using plain `*.html` files for templates.~~ Changed to Jinja templates.
+ - [x] Would like to change to something more flexible and easier to manage ([`jinja`](, for example).
+ - [x] Preserves hand-made `*.html` files.
+ - [x] Tag functionality.
+ - [ ] Open Graph (and similar) support.
- [x] Build `sitemap.xml` file.
- [x] Build `rss.xml` file.
- [x] Only build page if `*.md` is new or updated.
- - [ ] Extend this to tag pages and index (right now all tags and index is built no matter if no new/updated file is present).
+ - [ ] Extend this to tag pages and index (right now all tags and index is built no matter if no new/updated file is present).
- [x] Configuration file as an alternative to using command line flags (configuration file options are prioritized).
### Markdown features
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ First initialize the directories you're going to use for the source files and de
pyssg -s src_dir -d dst_dir -i
-That creates the desired directories with the basic templates that can be edited as desired. Place your `*.md` files somewhere inside the source directory (`src_dir` in the command above), but outside of the `templates` directory. It accepts sub-directories.
+That creates the desired directories with the basic templates that can be edited as desired (see variables available for Jinja below). Place your `*.md` files somewhere inside the source directory (`src_dir` in the command above), but outside of the `templates` directory. It accepts sub-directories.
-Strongly recommended to edit `rss.xml` template under `rss` directory, since it has a lot of placeholder values.
+Strongly recommended to edit the `rss.xml` template.
Build the site with:
@@ -64,3 +64,45 @@ pyssg -s src_dir -d dst_dir -u https://base.url -b
That creates all `*.html` for the site and can be easily moved to the server. Here, the `-u` flag is technically optional in the sense that you'll not receive a warning/error, but it's used to prepend links with this URL (not strictly required everywhere), so don't ignore it; also don't include the trailing `/`.
For now, the `-b`uild tag also creates the `rss.xml` and `sitemap.xml` files based on templates including only all converted `*.md` files (and processed tags in case of the sitemap), meaning that separate `*.html` files should be included manually in the template.
+For more options/flags just checkout `pyssg -h`.
+## Available Jinja variables
+Here is the list of variables that you can use specific Jinja templates with a short description. Note that all urls are without the trailing slash `/`.
+- General:
+ - `site_title` (`str`) (all): title of the website.
+ - `site_base_url` (`str`) (all): base url of the website.
+ - `site_base_static_url` (`str`) (all): base static url where all static files are located, mostly needed for correct rss feed generator when using a `base` tag and using relative links to files. For more, see [<base>](
+ - `pyssg_version` (`str`) (all): version in numeric form, i.e. `0.5.0`.
+ - `run_date` (`str`) (all): date when the program was run, with format required for rss.
+- Pages:
+ - `all_pages` (`list(Page)`) (all): list of all the pages, sorted by creation time, reversed.
+ - `page` (`Page`) (`page.html`): page object that contains the following attributes:
+ - `title` (`str`): title of the page.
+ - `author` (`str`): author of the page.
+ - `content` (`str`): actual content of the page.
+ - `cdatetime` (`str`): creation datetime object of the page.
+ - `cdate` (`str`): formatted `cdatetime` as the configuration option `DATE_FORMAT`.
+ - `cdate_list` (`str`): formatted `cdatetime` as the configuration option `LIST_DATE_FORMAT`.
+ - `cdate_list_sep` (`str`): formatted `cdatetime` as the configuration option `LIST_SEP_DATE_FORMAT`.
+ - `cdate_rss` (`str`): formatted `cdatetime` as required by rss.
+ - `cdate_sitemap` (`str`): formatted `cdatetime` as required by sitemap.
+ - `mdatetime` (`str`): modification datetime object of the page. Defaults to None.
+ - `mdate` (`str`): formatted `mdatetime` as the configuration option `DATE_FORMAT`. Defaults to None.
+ - `mdate_list` (`str`): formatted `mdatetime` as the configuration option `LIST_DATE_FORMAT`.
+ - `mdate_list_sep` (`str`): formatted `mdatetime` as the configuration option `LIST_SEP_DATE_FORMAT`.
+ - `mdate_rss` (`str`): formatted `mdatetime` as required by rss.
+ - `mdate_sitemap` (`str`): formatted `mdatetime` as required by sitemap.
+ - `summary` (`str`): summary of the page, as specified in the `*.md` file.
+ - `lang` (`str`): page language, used for the general `html` tag `lang` attribute.
+ - `tags` (`list(tuple(str))`): list of tuple of tags of the page, containing the name and the url of the tag, in that order. Defaults to empty list.
+ - `url` (`str`): url of the page, this already includes the `site_base_url`.
+ - `next/previous` (`Page`): reference to the next or previous page object (containing all these attributes). Defaults to None
+ - `og` (`dict(str, str)`): dict for object graph metadata.
+ - `meta` (`dict(str, list(str))`): meta dict as obtained from python-markdown, in case you use a meta tag not yet supported, it will be available there.
+- Tags:
+ - `tag` (`tuple(str)`) (`tag.html`): tuple of name and url of the current tag.
+ - `tag_pages` (`list(Page)`) (`tag.html`): similar to `all_pages` but contains all the pages for the current tag.
+ - `all_tags` (`list(tuple(str))`) (all): similar to `page.tags` but contains all the tags.
diff --git a/plt/index.html b/plt/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c96db3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plt/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <base href="{{site_base_static_url}}">
+ <title>Index -- {{site_title}}</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>Index -- {{site_title}}</h1>
+ <p>Some text here.</p>
+ <p>Tags:
+ {%for t in all_tags%}
+ <a href="{{t[1]}}">{{t[0]}}</a>{{", " if not loop.last else ""}}
+ {%endfor%}
+ </p>
+ <h2>Articles</h2>
+ <ul>
+ {%for p in all_pages%}
+ {%if loop.previtem%}
+ {%if loop.previtem.cdate_list_sep !=p.cdate_list_sep%}
+ <h3>{{p.cdate_list_sep}}</h3>
+ {%endif%}
+ {%else%}
+ <h3>{{p.cdate_list_sep}}</h3>
+ {%endif%}
+ <li>{{p.cdate_list}} - <a href="{{p.url}}">{{p.title}}</a></li>
+ {%endfor%}
+ </ul>
+ </body>
diff --git a/plt/page.html b/plt/page.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fefaaa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plt/page.html
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="{{page.lang}}">
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <base href="{{site_base_static_url}}">
+ <title>{{page.title}} -- {{site_title}}</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>{{page.title}}</h1>
+ <p>By {{}}</p>
+ <p>Created: {{page.cdate}}</p>
+ {%if page.mdate is not none%}
+ <p>Modified: {{page.mdate}}</p>
+ {%endif%}
+ {{page.content}}
+ <p>Tags:
+ {%for t in page.tags%}
+ <a href="{{t[1]}}">{{t[0]}}</a>{{", " if not loop.last else ""}}
+ {%endfor%}
+ </p>
+ </body>
diff --git a/plt/rss.xml b/plt/rss.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99b2b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plt/rss.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<rss version="2.0"
+ xmlns:atom=""
+ xmlns:content="">
+ <channel>
+ <title>{{site_title}}</title>
+ <link>{{site_base_url}}</link>
+ <atom:link href="{{site_base_url}}/rss.xml" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
+ <description>Short site description.</description>
+ <language>en-us</language>
+ <category>Blog</category>
+ <copyright>Copyright 2021 Somebody</copyright>
+ <managingEditor> (Sombody)</managingEditor>
+ <webMaster> (Sombody)</webMaster>
+ <pubDate>{{run_date}}</pubDate>
+ <lastBuildDate>{{run_date}}</lastBuildDate>
+ <generator>pyssg v{{pyssg_version}}</generator>
+ <docs></docs>
+ <ttl>30</ttl>
+ <image>
+ <url>{{site_base_static_url}}/images/blog.png</url>
+ <title>{{site_title}}</title>
+ <link>{{site_base_url}}</link>
+ </image>
+ {%for p in all_pages%}
+ <item>
+ <title>{{p.title}}</title>
+ <link>{{p.url}}</link>
+ <guid isPermaLink="true">{{p.url}}</guid>
+ <pubDate>{{p.cdate_rss}}</pubDate>
+ {%for t in p.tags%}
+ <category>{{t[0]}}</category>
+ {%endfor%}
+ <description>{{p.summary}}</description>
+ <content:decoded><![CDATA[{{p.content}}]]></content:decoded>
+ </item>
+ {%endfor%}
+ </channel>
diff --git a/plt/sitemap.xml b/plt/sitemap.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5b5404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plt/sitemap.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<urlset xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="">
+ {%for p in all_pages%}
+ <url>
+ <loc>{{p.url}}</loc>
+ <lastmod>{{p.mdate_sitemap if p.mdate_sitemap else p.cdate_sitemap}}</lastmod>
+ <changefreq>weekly</changefreq>
+ <priority>1.0</priority>
+ </url>
+ {%endfor%}
+ {%for t in all_tags%}
+ <url>
+ <loc>{{t[1]}}</loc>
+ <lastmod>{{run_date}}</lastmod>
+ <changefreq>daily</changefreq>
+ <priority>0.5</priority>
+ </url>
+ {%endfor%}
diff --git a/plt/tag.html b/plt/tag.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fdc27b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plt/tag.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <base href="{{site_base_static_url}}">
+ <title>Posts filtered by {{tag[0]}} -- {{site_title}}</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>Posts filtered by {{tag[0]}}</h1>
+ <p>Some text here.</p>
+ <h2>Articles</h2>
+ <ul>
+ {%for p in tag_pages%}
+ {%if loop.previtem%}
+ {%if loop.previtem.cdate_list_sep !=p.cdate_list_sep%}
+ <h3>{{p.cdate_list_sep}}</h3>
+ {%endif%}
+ {%else%}
+ <h3>{{p.cdate_list_sep}}</h3>
+ {%endif%}
+ <li>{{p.cdate_list}} - <a href="{{p.url}}">{{p.title}}</a></li>
+ {%endfor%}
+ </ul>
+ </body>
diff --git a/pyssgrc b/pyssgrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e8f895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyssgrc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+TITLE=Luévano's Blog
+DATE_FORMAT=%a, %b %d, %Y @ %H:%M %Z
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index cc2d163..248a5ba 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 4df0e93..f661287 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ console_scripts =
package_dir =
= src
packages = find:
where = src
diff --git a/src/pyssg/ b/src/pyssg/
index 8f7b67c..3a4474e 100644
--- a/src/pyssg/
+++ b/src/pyssg/
@@ -1,34 +1,48 @@
import os
import shutil
+from operator import itemgetter
from copy import deepcopy
+from jinja2 import Environment, Template
+from markdown import Markdown
+from importlib.metadata import version
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
from .configuration import Configuration
-from .template import Template
from .database import Database
from .parser import MDParser
from .page import Page
from .discovery import get_file_list, get_dir_structure
+VERSION = version('pyssg')
+# specific format for rss
+DFORMAT = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'
class HTMLBuilder:
def __init__(self, config: Configuration,
- template: Template,
- db: Database):
+ env: Environment,
+ db: Database,
+ md: Markdown):
self.src: str = config.src
self.dst: str = config.dst
+ self.title: str = config.title
self.base_url: str = config.base_url
- self.dformat: str = config.dformat
- self.l_dformat: str = config.l_dformat
- self.lsep_dformat: str = config.lsep_dformat
+ self.base_static_url: str = config.base_static_url
self.force: bool = config.force
- self.template: Template = template
+ self.config: Configuration = config
+ self.env: Environment = env
self.db: Database = db
+ Markdown = md
self.dirs: list[str] = None
self.md_files: list[str] = None
self.html_files: list[str] = None
self.all_pages: list[Page] = None
+ self.updated_pages: list[Page] = None
self.all_tags: list[str] = None
@@ -40,31 +54,22 @@ class HTMLBuilder:
- parser: MDParser = MDParser(self.src, self.md_files, self.db)
- parser.parse()
+ parser: MDParser = MDParser(self.src,
+ self.md_files,
+ self.db,
+ parser.parse(self.config)
# just to be able to extract all pages out of this class
self.all_pages = parser.all_pages
+ self.updated_pages = parser.updated_pages
self.all_tags = parser.all_tags
# create the article index
- self.__create_article_index(parser.all_tags, parser.all_pages)
- # create each category of html pages
+ self.__create_article_index()
# check if all pages should be created
- if self.force:
- self.__create_articles(parser.all_pages)
- else:
- self.__create_articles(parser.updated_pages)
- self.__create_tags(parser.all_tags, parser.all_pages)
- def get_pages(self) -> list[Page]:
- return self.all_pages
- def get_tags(self) -> list[str]:
- return self.all_tags
+ self.__create_articles()
+ self.__create_tags()
def __create_dir_structure(self) -> None:
@@ -90,142 +95,57 @@ class HTMLBuilder:
shutil.copy2(src_file, dst_file)
- # this is really similar to create_tag (singular)
- def __create_article_index(self, tags: list[str],
- pages: list[Page]) -> None:
- # make temporary template
- t: Template = deepcopy(self.template)
- # do basic replacements
- # get page and tag list formated, both functions do replacements
- p_list: list[str] = self.__get_pages_formatted(pages, t)
- t_list: list[str] = self.__get_tags_formatted(tags, t)
- # common
- t.header = t.header.replace("$$LANG", 'en')
- t.header = t.header.replace('$$TITLE', f'Index')
+ def __create_article_index(self) -> None:
+ template: Template = self.env.get_template("index.html")
+ content: str = template.render(site_title=self.title,
+ site_base_url=self.base_url,
+ site_base_static_url=self.base_static_url,
+ pyssg_version=VERSION,
+ run_date=RUN_DATE,
+ all_pages=self.all_pages,
+ all_tags=self.all_tags)
with open(os.path.join(self.dst, 'index.html'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(t.header)
- f.write(t.articles.header)
- f.write(t.tags.list_header)
- for tag in t_list:
- f.write(tag)
- f.write(t.tags.list_footer)
+ f.write(content)
- f.write(t.articles.list_header)
- for page in p_list:
- f.write(page)
- f.write(t.articles.list_footer)
- f.write(t.articles.footer)
- f.write(t.footer)
- def __create_articles(self, pages: list[Page]) -> None:
- for p in pages:
- self.__create_article(p)
+ def __create_articles(self) -> None:
+ # check if only updated should be created
+ if self.force:
+ for p in self.all_pages:
+ self.__create_article(p)
+ else:
+ for p in self.updated_pages:
+ self.__create_article(p)
def __create_article(self, page: Page) -> None:
- # TODO: create better solution for replace
- # make temporary template
- t: Template = deepcopy(self.template)
# prepare html file name
f_name: str =
f_name = f_name.replace('.md', '.html')
- # get timestamps
- c_date: str = page.c_datetime.strftime(self.dformat)
- m_date: str = None
- if page.m_datetime is not None:
- m_date: str = page.m_datetime.strftime(self.dformat)
- # do basic replacements
- # get tag list formatted (some replacements done inside
- # get_tags_formatted)
- t_list: list[str] = None
- if page.tags is not None:
- t_list = self.__get_tags_formatted(page.tags, t)
- # tags formatted as a single string.
- tags_formatted: str = ''.join(t_list)
- # join list header and footer with all tags list.
- tags_formatted = ''.join([t.tags.list_header,
- tags_formatted,
- t.tags.list_footer])
- # common
- t.header = t.header.replace("$$LANG", page.lang)
- t.header = t.header.replace('$$TITLE', page.title)
- # article header
- t.article.header = t.article.header.replace('$$TITLE', page.title)
- t.article.header = t.article.header.replace('$$AUTHOR',
- t.article.header = t.article.header.replace('$$CTIME', c_date)
- if m_date is not None:
- t.article.header = t.article.header.replace('$$MTIME', m_date)
- else:
- t.article.header = t.article.header.replace('$$MTIME', '')
- # article footer (same replaces as header)
- t.article.footer = t.article.footer.replace('$$TITLE', page.title)
- t.article.footer = t.article.footer.replace('$$AUTHOR',
- t.article.footer = t.article.footer.replace('$$CTIME', c_date)
- if m_date is not None:
- t.article.footer = t.article.footer.replace('$$MTIME', m_date)
- else:
- t.article.footer = t.article.footer.replace('$$MTIME', '')
- # add tags to article list
- if t_list is not None:
- t.article.footer = t.article.footer.replace('$$TAGS',
- tags_formatted)
- else:
- t.article.footer = t.article.footer.replace('$$TAGS', '')
+ template: Template = self.env.get_template("page.html")
+ content: str = template.render(site_title=self.title,
+ site_base_url=self.base_url,
+ site_base_static_url=self.base_static_url,
+ pyssg_version=VERSION,
+ run_date=RUN_DATE,
+ all_pages=self.all_pages,
+ all_tags=self.all_tags,
+ page=page)
with open(os.path.join(self.dst, f_name), 'w') as f:
- f.write(t.header)
- f.write(t.article.header)
- f.write(page.html)
- # not required anymore, tags included in article footer
- # if t_list is not None:
- # f.write(t.tags.list_header)
- # for tag in t_list:
- # f.write(tag)
- # f.write(t.tags.list_footer)
- f.write(t.article.footer)
- f.write(t.footer)
- def __get_tags_formatted(self, tags: list[str],
- template: Template) -> list[str]:
- tag_amount: int = len(tags)
- tags_formatted: list[str] = []
- for i, t in enumerate(tags):
- # t_e=tag entry
- t_e: str = template.tags.list_entry
- t_e = t_e.replace('$$URL',
- f'{self.base_url}/tag/@{t}.html')
- t_e = t_e.replace('$$NAME', t)
- tags_formatted.append(t_e)
- if i != tag_amount - 1:
- tags_formatted.append(template.tags.list_separator)
- return tags_formatted
- def __create_tags(self, tags: list[str],
- pages: list[Page]) -> None:
- for t in tags:
+ f.write(content)
+ def __create_tags(self) -> None:
+ for t in self.all_tags:
# get a list of all pages that have current tag
tag_pages: list[Page] = []
- for p in pages:
- if p.tags is not None and t in p.tags:
+ for p in self.all_pages:
+ if p.tags is not None and t[0] in list(map(itemgetter(0),
+ p.tags)):
# build tag page
@@ -235,61 +155,19 @@ class HTMLBuilder:
tag_pages = []
- def __create_tag(self, tag: str,
+ def __create_tag(self, tag: tuple[str],
pages: list[Page]) -> None:
- # TODO: create better solution for replace
- # make temporary template
- t: Template = deepcopy(self.template)
- # do basic replacements
- # get page list formated (some replacements done inside
- # get_pages_formatted)
- p_list: list[str] = self.__get_pages_formatted(pages, t)
- # common
- t.header = t.header.replace("$$LANG", 'en')
- t.header = t.header.replace('$$TITLE', f'Posts filtered by: {tag}')
- # tag header
- tag_url: str = f'{self.base_url}/tag/@{tag}.html'
- t.tags.header = t.tags.header.replace('$$NAME', tag)
- with open(os.path.join(self.dst, f'tag/@{tag}.html'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(t.header)
- f.write(t.tags.header)
- f.write(t.articles.list_header)
- for p in p_list:
- f.write(p)
- f.write(t.articles.list_footer)
- f.write(t.tags.footer)
- f.write(t.footer)
- def __get_pages_formatted(self, pages: list[Page],
- template: Template) -> list[str]:
- month_year: str = '-'
- pages_formatted: list[str] = []
- for p in pages:
- # check if the monthly separator should be included
- c_month_year: str = p.c_datetime.strftime(self.lsep_dformat)
- if c_month_year != month_year:
- month_year = c_month_year
- month_sep: str = template.articles.list_separator
- month_sep = month_sep.replace('$$SEP', month_year)
- pages_formatted.append(month_sep)
- f_name: str =
- f_name = f_name.replace('.md', '.html')
- # p_e=page entry
- p_e: str = template.articles.list_entry
- p_e = p_e.replace('$$URL', f'{self.base_url}/{f_name}')
- p_e = p_e.replace('$$DATE', p.c_datetime.strftime(self.l_dformat))
- p_e = p_e.replace('$$TITLE', p.title)
- pages_formatted.append(p_e)
- return pages_formatted
+ template: Template = self.env.get_template("tag.html")
+ content: str = template.render(site_title=self.title,
+ site_base_url=self.base_url,
+ site_base_static_url=self.base_static_url,
+ pyssg_version=VERSION,
+ run_date=RUN_DATE,
+ all_pages=self.all_pages,
+ all_tags=self.all_tags,
+ tag=tag,
+ tag_pages=pages)
+ with open(os.path.join(self.dst, f'tag/@{tag[0]}.html'), 'w') as f:
+ f.write(content)
diff --git a/src/pyssg/ b/src/pyssg/
index 8ee592e..dca43b5 100644
--- a/src/pyssg/
+++ b/src/pyssg/
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ class Configuration:
self.path: str = path
self.src: str = None
self.dst: str = None
+ self.plt: str = None
self.base_url: str = None
+ self.base_static_url: str = None
self.title: str = None
self.dformat: str = None
self.l_dformat: str = None
@@ -45,10 +47,18 @@ class Configuration:
except KeyError: pass
+ self.plt = opts['PLT_PATH']
+ except KeyError: pass
+ try:
self.base_url = opts['BASE_URL']
except KeyError: pass
+ self.base_static_url = opts['BASE_STATIC_URL']
+ except KeyError: pass
+ try:
self.title = opts['TITLE']
except KeyError: pass
@@ -80,9 +90,15 @@ class Configuration:
if self.dst is None:
self.dst = opts['dst']
+ if self.plt is None:
+ self.plt = opts['plt']
if self.base_url is None:
self.base_url = opts['url']
+ if self.base_static_url is None:
+ self.base_static_url = opts['static_url']
if self.title is None:
self.title = opts['title']
diff --git a/src/pyssg/ b/src/pyssg/
index e03ca6b..1e0cdeb 100644
--- a/src/pyssg/
+++ b/src/pyssg/
@@ -1,68 +1,101 @@
from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from .configuration import Configuration
+DFORMAT_RSS = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'
class Page:
def __init__(self,
name: str,
- c_time: float,
- m_time: float,
+ ctime: float,
+ mtime: float,
html: str,
meta: dict):
+ # initial data str = name
- self.c_time: float = c_time
- self.m_time: float = m_time
- self.html: str = html
+ self.ctimestamp: float = ctime
+ self.mtimestamp: float = mtime
+ self.content: str = html
self.meta: dict = meta
# data from self.meta
self.title: str = '' str = ''
- self.c_datetime: datetime = None
- self.m_datetime: datetime = None
+ self.cdatetime: datetime = None
+ self.mdatetime: datetime = None
self.summary: str = ''
self.lang: str = 'en'
- self.tags: list = None
+ self.tags: list[tuple[str]] = []
+ # constructed
+ self.url: str = ''
+ self.cdate: str = ''
+ self.cdate_list: str = ''
+ self.cdate_list_sep: str = ''
+ self.cdate_rss: str = ''
+ self.cdate_sitemap: str = ''
+ self.mdate: str = None
+ self.mdate_list: str = None
+ self.mdate_list_sep: str = None
+ self.mdate_rss: str = ''
+ self.mdate_sitemap: str = ''
+ # later assigned references to next and previous pages
+ Page = None
+ self.previous: Page = None
# also from self.meta, but for og metadata
self.og: dict[str, str] = dict()
- self.__parse_meta()
def __lt__(self, other):
- return self.c_time < other.c_time
+ return self.ctimestamp < other.ctimestamp
# parses meta from self.meta, for og, it prioritizes,
# the actual og meta
- def __parse_meta(self):
- try:
- self.title = self.meta['title'][0]
- except KeyError: pass
- try:
- = self.meta['author'][0]
- except KeyError: pass
- self.c_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.c_time,
+ def parse(self, config: Configuration):
+ # required meta elements
+ self.title = self.meta['title'][0]
+ = self.meta['author'][0]
+ self.summary = self.meta['summary'][0]
+ self.lang = self.meta['lang'][0]
+ # dates
+ self.cdatetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.ctimestamp,
- if self.m_time != 0.0:
- self.m_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.m_time,
+ self.cdate = self.cdatetime.strftime(config.dformat)
+ self.cdate_list = self.cdatetime.strftime(config.l_dformat)
+ self.cdate_list_sep = self.cdatetime.strftime(config.lsep_dformat)
+ self.cdate_rss = self.cdatetime.strftime(DFORMAT_RSS)
+ self.cdate_sitemap = self.cdatetime.strftime(DFORMAT_SITEMAP)
+ # only if file/page has been modified
+ if self.mtimestamp != 0.0:
+ self.mdatetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.mtimestamp,
+ self.mdate = self.mdatetime.strftime(config.dformat)
+ self.mdate_list = self.mdatetime.strftime(config.l_dformat)
+ self.mdate_list_sep = self.mdatetime.strftime(config.lsep_dformat)
+ self.mdate_rss = self.mdatetime.strftime(DFORMAT_RSS)
+ self.mdate_sitemap = self.mdatetime.strftime(DFORMAT_SITEMAP)
+ # not always contains tags
- self.summary = self.meta['summary'][0]
- except KeyError: pass
+ tags_only: list[str] = self.meta['tags']
+ tags_only.sort()
- try:
- self.lang = self.meta['lang'][0]
+ for t in tags_only:
+ self.tags.append((t,
+ f'{config.base_url}/tag/@{t}.html'))
except KeyError: pass
- try:
- self.tags = self.meta['tags']
- self.tags.sort()
- except KeyError: pass
+ self.url = f'{config.base_url}/{".md", ".html")}'
+ # if contains object graph elements
# og_e = object graph entry
for og_e in self.meta['og']:
diff --git a/src/pyssg/ b/src/pyssg/
index 548fb05..7323bde 100644
--- a/src/pyssg/
+++ b/src/pyssg/
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
import os
+from operator import itemgetter
from datetime import datetime
from markdown import Markdown
from .database import Database
+from .configuration import Configuration
+from .configuration import Configuration
from .page import Page
@@ -10,33 +13,38 @@ from .page import Page
class MDParser:
def __init__(self, src: str,
files: list[str],
- db: Database):
- Markdown = Markdown(extensions=['extra', 'meta', 'sane_lists',
- 'smarty', 'toc', 'wikilinks'],
- output_format='html5')
+ db: Database,
+ md: Markdown):
self.src: str = src
self.files: list[str] = files
self.db: Database = db
+ Markdown = md
self.all_pages: list[Page] = None
self.updated_pages: list[Page] = None
- self.all_tags: list[str] = None
+ self.all_tags: list[tuple[str]] = None
- def parse(self):
+ def parse(self, config: Configuration):
# initialize lists
self.all_pages = []
self.updated_pages = []
self.all_tags = []
+ all_tag_names: list[str] = []
for f in self.files:
src_file: str = os.path.join(self.src, f)
# get flag if update is successful
updated: bool = self.db.update(src_file, remove=f'{self.src}/')
- page: Page = None
content: str =
- page = Page(f, self.db.e[f][0], self.db.e[f][1], content,
+ page: Page = Page(f,
+ self.db.e[f][0],
+ self.db.e[f][1],
+ content,
+ page.parse(config)
# keep a separated list for all and updated pages
if updated:
@@ -46,14 +54,26 @@ class MDParser:
# parse tags
if page.tags is not None:
# add its tag to corresponding db entry if existent
- self.db.update_tags(f, page.tags)
+ self.db.update_tags(f, list(map(itemgetter(0), page.tags)))
# update all_tags attribute
for t in page.tags:
- if t not in self.all_tags:
+ if t[0] not in list(map(itemgetter(0), self.all_tags)):
# sort list of tags for consistency
- self.all_tags.sort()
+ self.all_tags.sort(key=itemgetter(0))
+ # TODO: fix this in case it doesn't work lol
+ # this should update references to all_pages and updated_pages???
+ for i, p in enumerate(self.all_pages):
+ try:
+ prev_page: Page = self.all_pages[i - 1]
+ p.previous = prev_page
+ except IndexError: pass
+ try:
+ next_page: Page = self.all_pages[i + 1]
+ = next_page
+ except IndexError: pass
diff --git a/src/pyssg/ b/src/pyssg/
index 5d8ac33..933f7d3 100644
--- a/src/pyssg/
+++ b/src/pyssg/
@@ -1,16 +1,23 @@
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
from typing import Union
+from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
+from markdown import Markdown
+from importlib.metadata import version
+from importlib.resources import contents
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
from .configuration import Configuration
from .database import Database
-from .template import Template
from .builder import HTMLBuilder
from .page import Page
from .rss import RSSBuilder
from .sitemap import SitemapBuilder
+VERSION = version('pyssg')
def get_options() -> Namespace:
parser = ArgumentParser(prog='pyssg',
description='''Static Site Generator that reads
@@ -19,6 +26,9 @@ def get_options() -> Namespace:
location) all other options are ignored.\nFor
datetime formats see:''')
+ parser.add_argument('-v', '--version',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='''print program version''')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
@@ -34,11 +44,20 @@ def get_options() -> Namespace:
help='''dst directory; generated (and transfered html)
files; defaults to 'dst' ''')
+ parser.add_argument('-t', '--plt',
+ default='plt',
+ type=str,
+ help='''plt directory; all template files; defaults to
+ 'plt' ''')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--url',
help='''base url without trailing slash''')
- parser.add_argument('-t', '--title',
+ parser.add_argument('--static-url',
+ default='',
+ type=str,
+ help='''base static url without trailing slash''')
+ parser.add_argument('--title',
help='''general title for the website; defaults to
@@ -86,16 +105,20 @@ def main() -> None:
+ if opts['version']:
+ print(f'pyssg v{VERSION}')
+ return
if opts['init']:
os.makedirs(os.path.join(config.dst, 'tag'))
+ os.mkdir(config.plt)
except FileExistsError:
- # write default templates
- template: Template = Template(config.src)
- template.write()
+ for f in contents('pyssg'):
+ print(f)
if opts['build']:
@@ -103,22 +126,34 @@ def main() -> None:
db: Database = Database(os.path.join(config.src, '.files'))
- # read templates
- template: Template = Template(config.src)
+ # the autoescape option could be a security risk if used in a dynamic
+ # website, as far as i can tell
+ env: Environment = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(config.plt),
+ autoescape=False,
+ trim_blocks=True,
+ lstrip_blocks=True)
- builder: HTMLBuilder = HTMLBuilder(config, template, db)
+ md: Markdown = Markdown(extensions=['extra', 'meta', 'sane_lists',
+ 'smarty', 'toc', 'wikilinks'],
+ output_format='html5')
+ builder: HTMLBuilder = HTMLBuilder(config,
+ env,
+ db,
+ md)
- # get all parsed pages for rss construction
- all_pages: list[Page] = builder.get_pages()
- rss_builder: RSSBuilder = RSSBuilder(config, template.rss, all_pages)
+ # get all parsed pages and tags for rss and sitemap construction
+ all_pages: list[Page] = builder.all_pages
+ all_tags: list[tuple[str]] = builder.all_tags
+ rss_builder: RSSBuilder = RSSBuilder(config,
+ env,
+ all_pages,
+ all_tags)
- # get all tags for sitemap construction
- all_tags: list[str] = builder.get_tags()
sm_builder: SitemapBuilder = SitemapBuilder(config,
- template.sitemap,
+ env,
diff --git a/src/pyssg/ b/src/pyssg/
index 742b6b2..7de29ae 100644
--- a/src/pyssg/
+++ b/src/pyssg/
@@ -1,60 +1,38 @@
import os
-import importlib.metadata
+from jinja2 import Environment, Template
+from importlib.metadata import version
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from .page import Page
from .configuration import Configuration
-VERSION = importlib.metadata.version('pyssg')
-# This is static right here since an rss feed
-# requires very specific date format
+VERSION = version('pyssg')
+# specific format for rss
DFORMAT = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'
class RSSBuilder:
def __init__(self, config: Configuration,
- template: str,
- pages: list[Page]):
+ env: Environment,
+ pages: list[Page],
+ tags: list[tuple[str]]):
self.config: Configuration = config
- self.rss: str = template
+ self.env: Environment = env
self.pages: list[Page] = pages
+ self.tags: list[tuple[str]] = tags
def build(self):
- # initial base replacements
- self.rss = self.rss.replace('$$TITLE', self.config.title)
- self.rss = self.rss.replace('$$LINK', self.config.base_url)
- self.rss = self.rss.replace('$$PYSSGVERSION', f'pyssg v{VERSION}')
- items_formatted: str = self.__get_items_formatted()
- self.rss = self.rss.replace('$$ITEMS', items_formatted)
- current_date: str =
- self.rss = self.rss.replace('$$CURRENTDATE', current_date)
+ template: Template = self.env.get_template("rss.xml")
+ content: str = template.render(site_title=self.config.title,
+ site_base_url=self.config.base_url,
+ site_base_static_url=self.config.base_static_url,
+ pyssg_version=VERSION,
+ run_date=RUN_DATE,
+ all_pages=self.pages,
+ all_tags=self.tags)
with open(os.path.join(self.config.dst, 'rss.xml'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(self.rss)
- def __get_items_formatted(self) -> str:
- # i_f=items formatted for short
- i_f: str = ''
- for p in self.pages:
- url: str = f'{self.config.base_url}/{".md", ".html")}'
- date: str = p.c_datetime.strftime(DFORMAT)
- i_f = f'{i_f} <item>\n'
- i_f = f'{i_f} <title>{p.title}</title>\n'
- i_f = f'{i_f} <link>{url}</link>\n'
- i_f = f'{i_f} <guid isPermaLink="true">{url}</guid>\n'
- i_f = f'{i_f} <pubDate>{date}</pubDate>\n'
- # TODO: maybe make this optional?
- # add the tags as categories
- if p.tags is not None:
- for t in p.tags:
- i_f = f'{i_f} <category>{t.capitalize()}</category>\n'
- i_f = f'{i_f} <description>{p.summary}</description>\n'
- i_f = f'{i_f} <content:encoded><![CDATA[{p.html}]]></content:encoded>\n'
- i_f = f'{i_f} </item>\n'
- return i_f
+ f.write(content)
diff --git a/src/pyssg/ b/src/pyssg/
index 410033f..f63a7e6 100644
--- a/src/pyssg/
+++ b/src/pyssg/
@@ -1,60 +1,38 @@
import os
+from jinja2 import Environment, Template
+from importlib.metadata import version
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from .page import Page
from .configuration import Configuration
+VERSION = version('pyssg')
+# specific format for sitemap (not as strict)
DFORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'
class SitemapBuilder:
def __init__(self, config: Configuration,
- template: str,
+ env: Environment,
pages: list[Page],
tags: list[str]):
self.config: Configuration = config
- self.sitemap: str = template
+ self.env: Environment = env
self.pages: list[Page] = pages
self.tags: list[str] = tags
def build(self):
- # initial base replacements
- urls_formatted: str = self.__get_urls_formatted()
- self.sitemap = self.sitemap.replace('$$URLS', urls_formatted)
+ template: Template = self.env.get_template("sitemap.xml")
+ content: str = template.render(site_title=self.config.title,
+ site_base_url=self.config.base_url,
+ site_base_static_url=self.config.base_static_url,
+ pyssg_version=VERSION,
+ run_date=RUN_DATE,
+ all_pages=self.pages,
+ all_tags=self.tags)
with open(os.path.join(self.config.dst, 'sitemap.xml'), 'w') as f:
- f.write(self.sitemap)
- def __get_urls_formatted(self) -> str:
- # u_f=items formatted for short
- u_f: str = ''
- for p in self.pages:
- url: str = f'{self.config.base_url}/{".md", ".html")}'
- if p.m_datetime is not None:
- date: str = p.m_datetime.strftime(DFORMAT)
- else:
- date: str = p.c_datetime.strftime(DFORMAT)
- u_f = f'{u_f} <url>\n'
- u_f = f'{u_f} <loc>{url}</loc>\n'
- u_f = f'{u_f} <lastmod>{date}</lastmod>\n'
- u_f = f'{u_f} <changefreq>weekly</changefreq>\n'
- u_f = f'{u_f} <priority>1.0</priority>\n'
- u_f = f'{u_f} </url>\n'
- for t in self.tags:
- url: str = f'{self.config.base_url}/tag/@{t}.html'
- date: str =
- u_f = f'{u_f} <url>\n'
- u_f = f'{u_f} <loc>{url}</loc>\n'
- u_f = f'{u_f} <lastmod>{date}</lastmod>\n'
- u_f = f'{u_f} <changefreq>daily</changefreq>\n'
- u_f = f'{u_f} <priority>0.5</priority>\n'
- u_f = f'{u_f} </url>\n'
- return u_f
+ f.write(content)
diff --git a/src/pyssg/ b/src/pyssg/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ddcf82..0000000
--- a/src/pyssg/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from .page import Page
-# all objects here require a header and footer as minimum
-class HF:
- def __init__(self):
- self.header: str = None
- self.footer: str = None
-# some objects require a "list-like" set of attributes
-class Common(HF):
- def __init__(self):
- self.list_header: str = None
- self.list_footer: str = None
- self.list_entry: str = None
- self.list_separator: str = None
-# main class
-class Template(HF):
- def __init__(self, src: str):
- self.src: str = src
- self.article: HF = HF()
- self.articles: Common = Common()
- self.tags: Common = Common()
- self.rss: str = None
- self.sitemap: str = None
- self.is_read: bool = False
- # writes default templates
- def write(self) -> None:
- # get initial working directory
- iwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(self.src)
- # create templates dir
- os.mkdir('templates')
- os.chdir('templates')
- # common
- os.mkdir('common')
- os.chdir('common')
- self.__write_template('header.html',
- ['<!DOCTYPE html>\n',
- '<html lang="$$LANG">\n',
- '<head>\n',
- '<meta charset="utf-8">\n',
- '<title>$$TITLE</title>\n',
- '</head>\n',
- '<body>\n'])
- self.__write_template('footer.html',
- ['</body>\n',
- '</html>\n'])
- # go back to templates
- os.chdir('..')
- # article entry
- os.mkdir('article')
- os.chdir('article')
- self.__write_template('header.html',
- ['<h1>$$TITLE</h1>\n',
- '<p>$$AUTHOR</p>\n',
- '<p>Created: $$CTIME, modified: $$MTIME</p>\n'])
- self.__write_template('footer.html',
- [''])
- # go back to templates
- os.chdir('..')
- # article index (articles)
- os.mkdir('articles')
- os.chdir('articles')
- self.__write_template('header.html',
- [''])
- self.__write_template('list_header.html',
- ['<h2>Articles</h2>\n',
- '<ul>\n'])
- self.__write_template('list_entry.html',
- ['<li>$$DATE - <a href="$$URL">$$TITLE</a></li>\n'])
- self.__write_template('list_separator.html',
- ['<h3>$$SEP</h3>\n'])
- self.__write_template('list_footer.html',
- ['</ul>\n'])
- self.__write_template('footer.html',
- [''])
- # go back to templates
- os.chdir('..')
- # tag
- os.mkdir('tag')
- os.chdir('tag')
- self.__write_template('header.html',
- [''])
- self.__write_template('list_header.html',
- ['<p>Tags: '])
- self.__write_template('list_entry.html',
- ['<a href="$$URL">$$NAME</a>'])
- self.__write_template('list_separator.html',
- [', '])
- self.__write_template('list_footer.html',
- ['</p>\n'])
- self.__write_template('footer.html',
- [''])
- # go back to templates
- os.chdir('..')
- os.mkdir('rss')
- os.chdir('rss')
- self.__write_template('rss.xml',
- ['<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n',
- '<rss version="2.0"\n',
- ' xmlns:atom=""\n',
- ' xmlns:content="">\n',
- ' <channel>\n',
- ' <title>$$TITLE</title>\n',
- ' <link>$$LINK</link>\n',
- ' <atom:link href="EXAMPLE.ORG/RSS.XML" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>\n',
- ' <description>SHORT DESCRIPTION.</description>\n',
- ' <language>en-us</language>\n',
- ' <copyright>COPYRIGHT NOTICE.</copyright>\n',
- ' <managingEditor>EMAIL@EXAMPLE.ORG (NAME)</managingEditor>\n',
- ' <webMaster>EMAIL@EXAMPLE.ORG (NAME)</webMaster>\n',
- ' <pubDate>$$CURRENTDATE</pubDate>\n',
- ' <lastBuildDate>$$CURRENTDATE</lastBuildDate>\n',
- ' <generator>$$PYSSGVERSION</generator>\n',
- ' <docs></docs>\n',
- ' <ttl>30</ttl>\n',
- ' <image>\n',
- ' <url>EXAMPLE.ORG/IMAGE.PNG</url>\n',
- ' <title>$$TITLE</title>\n',
- ' <link>$$LINK</link>\n',
- ' </image>\n',
- '$$ITEMS\n',
- ' </channel>\n',
- '</rss>'])
- # go back to templates
- os.chdir('..')
- os.mkdir('sitemap')
- os.chdir('sitemap')
- self.__write_template('sitemap.xml',
- ['<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n',
- '<urlset xmlns=""\n',
- ' xmlns:xsi=""\n',
- ' xsi:schemaLocation="\n',
- '">\n',
- '$$URLS\n',
- '</urlset>'])
- # return to initial working directory
- os.chdir(iwd)
- # reads templates and stores them into class attributes
- def read(self) -> None:
- # only read templates if not read already
- # (might want to change this behaviour)
- if self.is_read:
- return
- self.is_read = True
- # get initial working directory
- iwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(os.path.join(self.src, 'templates'))
- # common
- os.chdir('common')
- self.header = self.__read_template('header.html')
- self.footer = self.__read_template('footer.html')
- # go back to templates
- os.chdir('..')
- # article entry
- os.chdir('article')
- self.article.header = self.__read_template('header.html')
- self.article.footer = self.__read_template('footer.html')
- # go back to templates
- os.chdir('..')
- # article index
- os.chdir('articles')
- self.articles.header = self.__read_template('header.html')
- self.articles.list_header = \
- self.__read_template('list_header.html')
- self.articles.list_entry = \
- self.__read_template('list_entry.html')
- self.articles.list_separator = \
- self.__read_template('list_separator.html')
- self.articles.list_footer = \
- self.__read_template('list_footer.html')
- self.articles.footer = self.__read_template('footer.html')
- # go back to templates
- os.chdir('..')
- # tag
- os.chdir('tag')
- self.tags.header = self.__read_template('header.html')
- self.tags.list_header = self.__read_template('list_header.html')
- self.tags.list_entry = self.__read_template('list_entry.html')
- self.tags.list_separator = self.__read_template('list_separator.html')
- self.tags.list_footer = self.__read_template('list_footer.html')
- self.tags.footer = self.__read_template('footer.html')
- # go back to templates
- os.chdir('..')
- # rss
- os.chdir('rss')
- self.rss = self.__read_template('rss.xml')
- # go back to templates
- os.chdir('..')
- # sitemap
- os.chdir('sitemap')
- self.sitemap = self.__read_template('sitemap.xml')
- # return to initial working directory
- os.chdir(iwd)
- def __write_template(self, file_name: str, content: list[str]) -> None:
- with open(file_name, 'w+') as f:
- for c in content:
- f.write(c)
- def __read_template(self, file_name: str) -> str:
- out: str = None
- with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
- out =
- return out