diff options
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lua/plugins/neo-tree.lua b/lua/plugins/neo-tree.lua
index 32bc11d..02182e6 100644
--- a/lua/plugins/neo-tree.lua
+++ b/lua/plugins/neo-tree.lua
@@ -5,13 +5,287 @@ return {
+ -- Defaults
+ -- Most of the options here are the defaults, I just have them to be on top of them
+ -- Other cool options would be the way the lists are rendered
opts = {
+ close_if_last_window = true,
+ popup_border_style = "rounded",
+ -- when opening files, do not use windows containing these filetypes or buftypes
+ open_files_do_not_replace_types = { "terminal", "trouble", "qf" },
+ sort_case_insensitive = false,
+ sort_function = nil,
+ -- this sorts files and directories descendantly
+ -- sort_function = function (a,b)
+ -- if a.type == b.type then
+ -- return a.path > b.path
+ -- else
+ -- return a.type > b.type
+ -- end
+ -- end,
+ use_popups_for_input = true, -- If false, inputs will use vim.ui.input() instead of custom floats.
+ use_default_mappings = true,
+ window = {
+ position = "left",
+ width = 40,
+ mapping_options = {
+ noremap = true,
+ nowait = true,
+ },
+ mappings = {
+ ["<space>"] = {
+ "toggle_node",
+ -- disable `nowait` if you have existing combos starting with this char that you want to use
+ nowait = false,
+ },
+ ["<2-LeftMouse>"] = "open",
+ ["<cr>"] = "open",
+ ["<esc>"] = "revert_preview",
+ ["P"] = { "toggle_preview", config = { use_float = true } },
+ ["l"] = "focus_preview",
+ ["S"] = "open_split",
+ -- ["S"] = "split_with_window_picker",
+ ["s"] = "open_vsplit",
+ -- ["s"] = "vsplit_with_window_picker",
+ ["t"] = "open_tabnew",
+ -- ["<cr>"] = "open_drop",
+ -- ["t"] = "open_tab_drop",
+ ["w"] = "open_with_window_picker",
+ ["C"] = "close_node",
+ ["z"] = "close_all_nodes",
+ --["Z"] = "expand_all_nodes",
+ ["R"] = "refresh",
+ ["a"] = {
+ "add",
+ config = {
+ -- "none", "relative", "absolute"
+ show_path = "none",
+ },
+ },
+ -- also accepts the config.show_path and config.insert_as options.
+ ["A"] = "add_directory",
+ ["d"] = "delete",
+ ["r"] = "rename",
+ ["y"] = "copy_to_clipboard",
+ ["x"] = "cut_to_clipboard",
+ ["p"] = "paste_from_clipboard",
+ -- takes text input for destination, also accepts the config.show_path and config.insert_as options
+ ["c"] = "copy",
+ -- takes text input for destination, also accepts the config.show_path and config.insert_as options
+ ["m"] = "move",
+ ["e"] = "toggle_auto_expand_width",
+ ["q"] = "close_window",
+ ["?"] = "show_help",
+ ["<"] = "prev_source",
+ [">"] = "next_source",
+ },
+ },
+ default_component_configs = {
+ icon = {
+ folder_empty = "󰜌",
+ folder_empty_open = "󰜌",
+ },
+ git_status = {
+ symbols = {
+ renamed = "󰁕",
+ unstaged = "󰄱",
+ },
+ },
+ },
filesystem = {
+ filtered_items = {
+ visible = false,
+ force_visible_in_empty_folder = true,
+ show_hidden_count = true,
+ hide_dotfiles = true,
+ hide_gitignored = true,
+ -- Windows only
+ hide_hidden = true,
+ hide_by_name = {
+ -- "node_modules"
+ },
+ -- uses glob style patterns
+ hide_by_pattern = {
+ -- "*.meta",
+ -- "*/src/*/tsconfig.json",
+ },
+ always_show = {
+ -- ".gitignored",
+ },
+ never_show = {
+ -- ".DS_Store",
+ -- "thumbs.db"
+ },
+ never_show_by_pattern = {
+ -- ".null-ls_*",
+ },
+ },
+ follow_current_file = true,
+ group_empty_dirs = false,
+ hijack_netrw_behavior = "open_default",
+ use_libuv_file_watcher = false,
+ window = {
+ mappings = {
+ ["H"] = "toggle_hidden",
+ ["/"] = "fuzzy_finder",
+ ["D"] = "fuzzy_finder_directory",
+ --["/"] = "filter_as_you_type", -- this was the default until v1.28
+ ["#"] = "fuzzy_sorter", -- fuzzy sorting using the fzy algorithm
+ -- ["D"] = "fuzzy_sorter_directory",
+ ["f"] = "filter_on_submit",
+ ["<C-x>"] = "clear_filter",
+ ["<bs>"] = "navigate_up",
+ ["."] = "set_root",
+ ["[g"] = "prev_git_modified",
+ ["]g"] = "next_git_modified",
+ },
+ -- define keymaps for filter popup window in fuzzy_finder_mode
+ fuzzy_finder_mappings = {
+ ["<down>"] = "move_cursor_down",
+ ["<C-n>"] = "move_cursor_down",
+ ["<up>"] = "move_cursor_up",
+ ["<C-p>"] = "move_cursor_up",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ buffers = {
+ bind_to_cwd = true,
follow_current_file = true,
- hijack_netrw_behavior = 'open_current',
+ group_empty_dirs = true,
+ show_unloaded = true,
+ window = {
+ mappings = {
+ ["<bs>"] = "navigate_up",
+ ["."] = "set_root",
+ ["bd"] = "buffer_delete",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ git_status = {
+ window = {
+ position = "float",
+ mappings = {
+ ["A"] = "git_add_all",
+ ["gu"] = "git_unstage_file",
+ ["ga"] = "git_add_file",
+ ["gr"] = "git_revert_file",
+ ["gc"] = "git_commit",
+ ["gp"] = "git_push",
+ ["gg"] = "git_commit_and_push",
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ document_symbols = {
+ follow_cursor = false,
+ client_filters = "first",
+ renderers = {
+ root = {
+ {"indent"},
+ {"icon", default="C" },
+ {"name", zindex = 10},
+ },
+ symbol = {
+ {"indent", with_expanders = true},
+ {"kind_icon", default="?" },
+ {"container",
+ content = {
+ {"name", zindex = 10},
+ {"kind_name", zindex = 20, align = "right"},
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ window = {
+ mappings = {
+ ["<cr>"] = "jump_to_symbol",
+ ["o"] = "jump_to_symbol",
+ -- also accepts the config.show_path and config.insert_as options.
+ ["A"] = "noop",
+ ["d"] = "noop",
+ ["y"] = "noop",
+ ["x"] = "noop",
+ ["p"] = "noop",
+ ["c"] = "noop",
+ ["m"] = "noop",
+ ["a"] = "noop",
+ ["/"] = "filter",
+ ["f"] = "filter_on_submit",
+ },
+ },
+ custom_kinds = {
+ -- ccls
+ -- [252] = 'TypeAlias',
+ -- [253] = 'Parameter',
+ -- [254] = 'StaticMethod',
+ -- [255] = 'Macro',
+ },
+ kinds = {
+ Unknown = { icon = "?", hl = "" },
+ Root = { icon = "", hl = "NeoTreeRootName" },
+ Module = { icon = "", hl = "Exception" },
+ Method = { icon = "", hl = "Function" },
+ Field = { icon = "", hl = "@field" },
+ Constructor = { icon = "", hl = "@constructor" },
+ Interface = { icon = "", hl = "Type" },
+ Variable = { icon = "", hl = "@variable" },
+ Constant = { icon = "", hl = "Constant" },
+ Boolean = { icon = "", hl = "Boolean" },
+ Null = { icon = "", hl = "Constant" },
+ EnumMember = { icon = "", hl = "Number" },
+ Event = { icon = "", hl = "Constant" },
+ -- Nerd Fonts v3 fixed
+ File = { icon = "󰈙", hl = "Tag" },
+ Namespace = { icon = "󰌗", hl = "Include" },
+ Package = { icon = "󰏖", hl = "Label" },
+ Class = { icon = "󰌗", hl = "Include" },
+ Property = { icon = "󰆧", hl = "@property" },
+ Enum = { icon = "󰒻", hl = "@number" },
+ Function = { icon = "󰊕", hl = "Function" },
+ String = { icon = "󰀬", hl = "String" },
+ Number = { icon = "󰎠", hl = "Number" },
+ Array = { icon = "󰅪", hl = "Type" },
+ Object = { icon = "󰅩", hl = "Type" },
+ Key = { icon = "󰌋", hl = "" },
+ Struct = { icon = "󰌗", hl = "Type" },
+ Operator = { icon = "󰆕", hl = "Operator" },
+ TypeParameter = { icon = "󰊄", hl = "Type" },
+ -- StaticMethod = { icon = '󰠄 ', hl = 'Function' },
+ -- ccls, not really needing them yet; related to the above "custom_kinds"
+ -- TypeAlias = { icon = ' ', hl = 'Type' },
+ -- Parameter = { icon = ' ', hl = '@parameter' },
+ -- StaticMethod = { icon = 'ﴂ ', hl = 'Function' },
+ -- Macro = { icon = ' ', hl = 'Macro' },
+ },
+ },
+ source_selector = {
+ winbar = true,
+ statusline = false,
+ show_scrolled_off_parent_node = false,
+ -- These require a space on the sides for aesthetic reasons
+ sources = {
+ { source = "filesystem", display_name = " 󰉓 Files " },
+ { source = "git_status", display_name = " 󰊢 Git " },
+ { source = "buffers", display_name = " 󰈙 Buffs " },
+ { source = "document_symbols", display_name = " 󰊕 Symbols " },
+ },
+ -- only with `tabs_layout` = "equal", "focus"
+ content_layout = "start",
+ tabs_layout = "equal", -- start, end, center, equal, focus
+ truncation_character = "…",
+ tabs_min_width = nil,
+ tabs_max_width = nil,
+ padding = 0,
+ -- Default separators, wanted to use powerline icons, but the coloring is all wrong
+ separator = { left = "▏", right= "▕" },
+ separator_active = nil,
+ show_separator_on_edge = false,
+ highlight_tab = "NeoTreeTabInactive",
+ highlight_tab_active = "NeoTreeTabActive",
+ highlight_background = "NeoTreeTabInactive",
+ highlight_separator = "NeoTreeTabSeparatorInactive",
+ highlight_separator_active = "NeoTreeTabSeparatorActive",
- -- lazy load on <leader>nt
keys = {
{ '<leader>nt', '<CMD>Neotree toggle<CR>', desc = 'Toggle [N]eo[t]ree' },