path: root/data/qm9_readme.txt
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+Data set dsgdb9nsd
+Thermochemical properties for 133885 small organic molecules at the DFT/B3LYP level of theory.
+Please cite this publication if you use this data set:
+* Raghunathan Ramakrishnan, Pavlo O. Dral, Matthias Rupp, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld:
+ Quantum chemistry structures and properties of 134 kilo molecules
+ Scientific Data (2014)
+Related publications:
+* Raghunathan Ramakrishnan, Pavlo O. Dral, Matthias Rupp, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld:
+ Learning the error: Augmenting legacy quantum chemistry with machine learning.
+ submitted (2014)
+* Matthias Rupp, Alexandre Tkatchenko, Klaus-Robert Mueller, O. Anatole von
+ Lilienfeld: Fast and Accurate Modeling of Molecular Atomization Energies with
+ Machine Learning, Physical Review Letters, 108(5): 058301, 2012.
+ DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.058301
+This data set is publicly available at
+ - 133885 molecules with properties in XYZ-like format - 6095 isomers of C7O2H10 with properties in XYZ-like format
+validation.txt - 100 randomly drawn molecules from the 133885 set with enthalpies of formation
+uncharacterized.txt - 3054 molecules from the 133885 set that failed a consistency check
+atomref.txt - Atomic reference data
+readme.txt - Documentation
+For a subset of the GDB-9 database [1] consisting of 133885 neutral organic
+molecules composed from elements H,C,N,O,F, molecular geometries were relaxed
+and properties calculated at the DFT/B3LYP/6-31G(2df,p) level of theory.
+For a subset of 6095 isomers of C7O2H10, energetics were calculated
+at the G4MP2 [2] level of theory.
+For a validation set of 100 randomly drawn molecules from the 133885 molecules set,
+enthalpies of formation were additionally calculated at the
+DFT/B3LYP/6-31G(2df,p), G4MP2, G4 and CBS-QB3 levels of theory.
+3054 molecules from the 133885 GDB9 molecules failed a consistency check where the Corina generated
+Cartesian coordinates and the B3LYP/6-31G(2df,p) equilibrium geometry lead to different SMILES strings.
+Each molecule is stored in its own file, ending in ".xyz".
+The format is an ad hoc extension of the XYZ format [3].
+Line Content
+---- -------
+1 Number of atoms na
+2 Properties 1-17 (see below)
+3,...,na+2 Element type, coordinate (x,y,z) (Angstrom), and Mulliken partial charge (e) of atom
+na+3 Frequencies (3na-5 or 3na-6)
+na+4 SMILES from GDB9 and for relaxed geometry
+na+5 InChI for GDB9 and for relaxed geometry
+The properties stored in the second line of each file:
+I. Property Unit Description
+-- -------- ----------- --------------
+ 1 tag - "gdb9"; string constant to ease extraction via grep
+ 2 index - Consecutive, 1-based integer identifier of molecule
+ 3 A GHz Rotational constant A
+ 4 B GHz Rotational constant B
+ 5 C GHz Rotational constant C
+ 6 mu Debye Dipole moment
+ 7 alpha Bohr^3 Isotropic polarizability
+ 8 homo Hartree Energy of Highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO)
+ 9 lumo Hartree Energy of Lowest occupied molecular orbital (LUMO)
+10 gap Hartree Gap, difference between LUMO and HOMO
+11 r2 Bohr^2 Electronic spatial extent
+12 zpve Hartree Zero point vibrational energy
+13 U0 Hartree Internal energy at 0 K
+14 U Hartree Internal energy at 298.15 K
+15 H Hartree Enthalpy at 298.15 K
+16 G Hartree Free energy at 298.15 K
+17 Cv cal/(mol K) Heat capacity at 298.15 K
+I. = Property index (properties are given in this order)
+For the 6095 isomers, properties 12-16 were calculated at the G4MP2 level of theory.
+All other calculations were done at the DFT/B3LYP/6-31G(2df,p) level of theory.
+Out of the 133885 molecules, geometries of the 11 molecules with indices
+21725, 87037, 59827, 117523, 128113, 129053, 129152, 129158, 130535, 6620, 59818
+were difficult to converge.
+Low threshold convergence was possible for 21725, 59827, 128113, 129053, 129152, 130535.
+Molecules 6620 and 59818 converged to very low-lying saddlepoints, with lowest frequency < 10i cm^-1.
+[1] Lorenz C. Blum, Jean-Louis Reymond: 970 Million Druglike Small Molecules
+ for Virtual Screening in the Chemical Universe Database GDB-13, Journal of
+ the American Chemical Society 131(25): 8732-8733, 2009. DOI: 10.1021/ja902302h
+[2] Larry A. Curtiss, Paul C. Redfern, Krishnan Raghavachari: Gaussian-4 theory
+ using reduced order perturbation theory, Journal of Chemical Physics 127(12):
+ 124105, 2007. DOI: 10.1063/1.2770701
+[3] The XYZ format, originally developed for the XMol program by the Minnesota
+ Supercomputer Center, is a widespread plain text format for exchange of molecules
+ (atomic coordinates and annotation). There is no formal specification. See, e.g.,
+, or,