path: root/src/tools/world_generator/scripts/
diff options
authorDavid Luevano Alvarado <>2022-06-03 21:13:19 -0600
committerDavid Luevano Alvarado <>2022-06-03 21:13:19 -0600
commitf922fe4669080d1633e0a345a3f8981867c9e841 (patch)
tree7c2c98bfca20fda37fe34ba99e2d3caa9a39ca02 /src/tools/world_generator/scripts/
parent898877f09808691a5e5d45850d27ae85f270db16 (diff)
add working world gen, fixed food placing, minor refactoring
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/world_generator/scripts/')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/world_generator/scripts/ b/src/tools/world_generator/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfa8f91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/world_generator/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+extends Node2D
+enum Direction {
+ UP,
+var direction: Dictionary = {
+ Direction.LEFT: Vector2.LEFT,
+ Direction.RIGHT: Vector2.RIGHT,
+ Direction.UP: Vector2.UP,
+ Direction.DOWN: Vector2.DOWN
+var _walker_head: Node2D
+var _tilemap: TileMap
+var given_birth: bool = false
+var walked_straight: bool = false
+var path_length: int
+var birth_chance: float
+var death_chance: float
+var walk_straight_chance: float
+var walk_straight_length: float
+func start(id: int) -> void:
+ Event.emit_signal("world_gen_walker_started", id)
+ _walker_head = get_parent()
+ _tilemap = _walker_head.tilemap
+ _randomize_stats()
+ var path_steps: Array = _get_path_steps()
+ var walker_died: bool = _set_path_tiles(path_steps)
+ if walker_died:
+ Event.emit_signal("world_gen_walker_died", id)
+ else:
+ Event.emit_signal("world_gen_walker_finished", id)
+ queue_free()
+func _randomize_stats() -> void:
+ randomize()
+ path_length = int(rand_range(50, 200))
+ birth_chance = rand_range(0.001, 0.01)
+ death_chance = rand_range(0.0, 0.005) / 2.0
+ walk_straight_chance = rand_range(0.001, 0.025)
+ walk_straight_length = rand_range(4, 20)
+func _get_path_steps() -> Array:
+ var path_steps: Array = []
+ var step: int
+ for _i in path_length:
+ step = randi() % Direction.size()
+ path_steps.append(step)
+ if randf() < walk_straight_chance and not walked_straight:
+ for j in walk_straight_length:
+ path_steps.append(step)
+ walked_straight = true
+ return path_steps
+func _set_path_tiles(path_steps: Array) -> bool:
+ # get initial tile location
+ var location: Vector2 = get_parent().global_position * Global.TILE_SIZE
+ var move_direction: Vector2
+ _set_tile(location, 0)
+ for step in path_steps:
+ move_direction = direction[step]
+ location += move_direction * Global.TILE_SIZE
+ _set_tile(location, Global.WORLD_TILE_PATH)
+ if randf() < birth_chance and not given_birth:
+ Event.emit_signal("world_gen_spawn_walker_unit", location)
+ given_birth = true
+ if randf() < death_chance:
+ return true
+ return false
+func _set_tile(location: Vector2, tile: int) -> void:
+ var coordinates: Vector2 = _tilemap.world_to_map(location)
+ _update_map_size(coordinates)
+ _tilemap.set_cellv(coordinates, tile)
+func _update_map_size(coordinates: Vector2) -> void:
+ if coordinates.x > _walker_head.max_x:
+ _walker_head.max_x = coordinates.x
+ if coordinates.y > _walker_head.max_y:
+ _walker_head.max_y = coordinates.y