path: root/src/addons/GifMaker/godot-gdgifexporter/gdgifexporter/
diff options
authorDavid Luevano Alvarado <>2022-05-31 21:11:46 -0600
committerDavid Luevano Alvarado <>2022-05-31 21:11:46 -0600
commit227095a4f710ac6afd43f0a7e8b296f188cf20be (patch)
treee2f7e6a323ca4cad92b6a6012ed01a1afaf517fa /src/addons/GifMaker/godot-gdgifexporter/gdgifexporter/
parentbd197168c39551c3456099ed2a39375a8442483f (diff)
add working gif maker
Diffstat (limited to 'src/addons/GifMaker/godot-gdgifexporter/gdgifexporter/')
1 files changed, 292 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/addons/GifMaker/godot-gdgifexporter/gdgifexporter/ b/src/addons/GifMaker/godot-gdgifexporter/gdgifexporter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb33c27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/addons/GifMaker/godot-gdgifexporter/gdgifexporter/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+extends Reference
+enum Error { OK = 0, EMPTY_IMAGE = 1, BAD_IMAGE_FORMAT = 2 }
+var little_endian = preload("./").new()
+var lzw = preload("./gif-lzw/").new()
+var converter = preload("./")
+var last_color_table := []
+var last_transparency_index := -1
+# File data and Header
+var data := PoolByteArray([])
+func _init(_width: int, _height: int):
+ add_header()
+ add_logical_screen_descriptor(_width, _height)
+ add_application_ext("NETSCAPE", "2.0", [1, 0, 0])
+func export_file_data() -> PoolByteArray:
+ return data + PoolByteArray([0x3b])
+func add_header() -> void:
+ data += "GIF".to_ascii() + "89a".to_ascii()
+func add_logical_screen_descriptor(width: int, height: int) -> void:
+ # not Global Color Table Flag
+ # Color Resolution = 8 bits
+ # Sort Flag = 0, not sorted.
+ # Size of Global Color Table set to 0
+ # because we'll use only Local Tables
+ var packed_fields: int = 0b01110000
+ var background_color_index: int = 0
+ var pixel_aspect_ratio: int = 0
+ data += little_endian.int_to_2bytes(width)
+ data += little_endian.int_to_2bytes(height)
+ data.append(packed_fields)
+ data.append(background_color_index)
+ data.append(pixel_aspect_ratio)
+func add_application_ext(app_iden: String, app_auth_code: String, _data: Array) -> void:
+ var extension_introducer := 0x21
+ var extension_label := 0xff
+ var block_size := 11
+ data.append(extension_introducer)
+ data.append(extension_label)
+ data.append(block_size)
+ data += app_iden.to_ascii()
+ data += app_auth_code.to_ascii()
+ data.append(_data.size())
+ data += PoolByteArray(_data)
+ data.append(0)
+func add_comment_ext(string: String) -> void:
+ var extension_introducer := 0x21
+ var comment_label := 0xFE
+ data.append(extension_introducer)
+ data.append(comment_label)
+ data += string.to_utf8()
+ data.append(0)
+# finds the image color table. Stops if the size gets larger than 256.
+func find_color_table(image: Image) -> Dictionary:
+ image.lock()
+ var result: Dictionary = {}
+ var image_data: PoolByteArray = image.get_data()
+ for i in range(0, image_data.size(), 4):
+ var color: Array = [
+ int(image_data[i]),
+ int(image_data[i + 1]),
+ int(image_data[i + 2]),
+ int(image_data[i + 3])
+ ]
+ if not color in result:
+ result[color] = result.size()
+ if result.size() > 256:
+ break
+ image.unlock()
+ return result
+func find_transparency_color_index(color_table: Dictionary) -> int:
+ for color in color_table:
+ if color[3] == 0:
+ return color_table[color]
+ return -1
+func colors_to_codes(img: Image, col_palette: Dictionary, transp_color_index: int) -> PoolByteArray:
+ img.lock()
+ var image_data: PoolByteArray = img.get_data()
+ var result: PoolByteArray = PoolByteArray([])
+ for i in range(0, image_data.size(), 4):
+ var color: Array = [image_data[i], image_data[i + 1], image_data[i + 2], image_data[i + 3]]
+ if color in col_palette:
+ if color[3] == 0 and transp_color_index != -1:
+ result.append(transp_color_index)
+ else:
+ result.append(col_palette[color])
+ else:
+ result.append(0)
+ push_warning("colors_to_codes: color not found! [%d, %d, %d, %d]" % color)
+ img.unlock()
+ return result
+# makes sure that the color table is at least size 4.
+func make_proper_size(color_table: Array) -> Array:
+ var result := [] + color_table
+ if color_table.size() < 4:
+ for i in range(4 - color_table.size()):
+ result.append([0, 0, 0, 0])
+ return result
+func color_table_to_indexes(colors: Array) -> PoolByteArray:
+ var result: PoolByteArray = PoolByteArray([])
+ for i in range(colors.size()):
+ result.append(i)
+ return result
+func add_frame(image: Image, delay_time: int, quantizator: Script) -> int:
+ # check if image is of good format
+ if image.get_format() != Image.FORMAT_RGBA8:
+ return Error.BAD_IMAGE_FORMAT
+ # check if image isn't empty
+ if image.is_empty():
+ return Error.EMPTY_IMAGE
+ var found_color_table: Dictionary = find_color_table(image)
+ var image_converted_to_codes: PoolByteArray
+ var transparency_color_index: int = -1
+ var color_table: Array
+ if found_color_table.size() <= 256: # we don't need to quantize the image.
+ # try to find transparency color index.
+ transparency_color_index = find_transparency_color_index(found_color_table)
+ # if didn't found transparency color index but there is atleast one
+ # place for this color then add it artificially.
+ if transparency_color_index == -1 and found_color_table.size() <= 255:
+ found_color_table[[0, 0, 0, 0]] = found_color_table.size()
+ transparency_color_index = found_color_table.size() - 1
+ image_converted_to_codes = colors_to_codes(
+ image, found_color_table, transparency_color_index
+ )
+ color_table = make_proper_size(found_color_table.keys())
+ else: # we have to quantize the image.
+ var quantization_result: Array =
+ image_converted_to_codes = quantization_result[0]
+ color_table = quantization_result[1]
+ # transparency index should always be as the first element of color table.
+ transparency_color_index = 0 if quantization_result[2] else -1
+ last_color_table = color_table
+ last_transparency_index = transparency_color_index
+ var color_table_indexes := color_table_to_indexes(color_table)
+ var compressed_image_result: Array = lzw.compress_lzw(
+ image_converted_to_codes, color_table_indexes
+ )
+ var compressed_image_data: PoolByteArray = compressed_image_result[0]
+ var lzw_min_code_size: int = compressed_image_result[1]
+ add_graphic_constrol_ext(delay_time, transparency_color_index)
+ add_image_descriptor(Vector2.ZERO, image.get_size(), color_table_bit_size(color_table))
+ add_local_color_table(color_table)
+ add_image_data_block(lzw_min_code_size, compressed_image_data)
+ return Error.OK
+# adds frame with last color informations
+func add_frame_with_lci(image: Image, delay_time: int) -> int:
+ # check if image is of good format
+ if image.get_format() != Image.FORMAT_RGBA8:
+ return Error.BAD_IMAGE_FORMAT
+ # check if image isn't empty
+ if image.is_empty():
+ return Error.EMPTY_IMAGE
+ var image_converted_to_codes: PoolByteArray =
+ image, last_color_table
+ )
+ var color_table_indexes := color_table_to_indexes(last_color_table)
+ var compressed_image_result: Array = lzw.compress_lzw(
+ image_converted_to_codes, color_table_indexes
+ )
+ var compressed_image_data: PoolByteArray = compressed_image_result[0]
+ var lzw_min_code_size: int = compressed_image_result[1]
+ add_graphic_constrol_ext(delay_time, last_transparency_index)
+ add_image_descriptor(Vector2.ZERO, image.get_size(), color_table_bit_size(last_color_table))
+ add_local_color_table(last_color_table)
+ add_image_data_block(lzw_min_code_size, compressed_image_data)
+ return Error.OK
+func add_graphic_constrol_ext(_delay_time: float, tci: int = -1) -> void:
+ var extension_introducer: int = 0x21
+ var graphic_control_label: int = 0xf9
+ var block_size: int = 4
+ var packed_fields: int = 0b00001000
+ if tci != -1:
+ packed_fields = 0b00001001
+ var delay_time: int = _delay_time
+ var transparent_color_index: int = tci if tci != -1 else 0
+ data.append(extension_introducer)
+ data.append(graphic_control_label)
+ data.append(block_size)
+ data.append(packed_fields)
+ data += little_endian.int_to_2bytes(delay_time)
+ data.append(transparent_color_index)
+ data.append(0)
+func add_image_descriptor(pos: Vector2, size: Vector2, l_color_table_size: int) -> void:
+ var image_separator: int = 0x2c
+ var packed_fields: int = 0b10000000 | (0b111 & l_color_table_size)
+ data.append(image_separator)
+ data += little_endian.int_to_2bytes(int(pos.x)) # left pos
+ data += little_endian.int_to_2bytes(int(pos.y)) # top pos
+ data += little_endian.int_to_2bytes(int(size.x)) # width
+ data += little_endian.int_to_2bytes(int(size.y)) # height
+ data.append(packed_fields)
+func color_table_bit_size(color_table: Array) -> int:
+ if color_table.size() <= 1:
+ return 0
+ var bit_size := int(ceil(log(color_table.size()) / log(2.0)))
+ return bit_size - 1
+func add_local_color_table(color_table: Array) -> void:
+ for color in color_table:
+ data.append(color[0])
+ data.append(color[1])
+ data.append(color[2])
+ var size := color_table_bit_size(color_table)
+ var proper_size := int(pow(2, size + 1))
+ if color_table.size() != proper_size:
+ for i in range(proper_size - color_table.size()):
+ data += PoolByteArray([0, 0, 0])
+func add_image_data_block(lzw_min_code_size: int, _data: PoolByteArray) -> void:
+ data.append(lzw_min_code_size)
+ var block_size_index: int = 0
+ var i: int = 0
+ var data_index: int = 0
+ while data_index < _data.size():
+ if i == 0:
+ data.append(0)
+ block_size_index = data.size() - 1
+ data.append(_data[data_index])
+ data[block_size_index] += 1
+ data_index += 1
+ i += 1
+ if i == 254:
+ i = 0
+ if not _data.empty():
+ data.append(0)