path: root/.config/nvim/colors/paramount.vim
diff options
authorDavid Luevano Alvarado <>2022-04-17 13:37:29 -0600
committerDavid Luevano Alvarado <>2022-04-17 13:37:29 -0600
commit593acd3a3f57224b6b195ebc519bc40983ac1382 (patch)
tree1852008ebb394668cdb74db8ade33599acf57b9a /.config/nvim/colors/paramount.vim
parent50be8b1cd2f42b257bd2704c538de3a81ac17189 (diff)
add vim config
this is compatible both with nvim and vim
Diffstat (limited to '.config/nvim/colors/paramount.vim')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/nvim/colors/paramount.vim b/.config/nvim/colors/paramount.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3e60cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/colors/paramount.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+" Name: paramount.vim
+" Version: 0.1.0
+" Maintainer:
+" License: The MIT License (MIT)
+" A minimal colorscheme for Vim that only puts emphasis on the paramount.
+" Based on the pencil and off colorschemes:
+hi clear
+if exists('syntax on')
+ syntax reset
+let g:colors_name='paramount'
+let s:black = { "gui": "#000000", "cterm": "232" }
+let s:medium_gray = { "gui": "#767676", "cterm": "243" }
+let s:white = { "gui": "#F1F1F1", "cterm": "15" }
+let s:actual_white = { "gui": "#FFFFFF", "cterm": "231" }
+let s:subtle_black = { "gui": "#303030", "cterm": "236" }
+let s:light_black = { "gui": "#262626", "cterm": "235" }
+let s:lighter_black = { "gui": "#4E4E4E", "cterm": "239" }
+let s:light_gray = { "gui": "#A8A8A8", "cterm": "248" }
+let s:lighter_gray = { "gui": "#C6C6C6", "cterm": "251" }
+let s:lightest_gray = { "gui": "#EEEEEE", "cterm": "255" }
+let s:pink = { "gui": "#fb007a", "cterm": "9" }
+let s:dark_red = { "gui": "#C30771", "cterm": "1" }
+let s:light_red = { "gui": "#E32791", "cterm": "1" }
+let s:orange = { "gui": "#D75F5F", "cterm": "167" }
+let s:darker_blue = { "gui": "#005F87", "cterm": "18" }
+let s:dark_blue = { "gui": "#008EC4", "cterm": "32" }
+let s:blue = { "gui": "#20BBFC", "cterm": "12" }
+let s:light_blue = { "gui": "#b6d6fd", "cterm": "153" }
+let s:dark_cyan = { "gui": "#20A5BA", "cterm": "6" }
+let s:light_cyan = { "gui": "#4FB8CC", "cterm": "14" }
+let s:dark_green = { "gui": "#10A778", "cterm": "2" }
+let s:light_green = { "gui": "#5FD7A7", "cterm": "10" }
+let s:dark_purple = { "gui": "#af5fd7", "cterm": "134" }
+let s:light_purple = { "gui": "#a790d5", "cterm": "140" }
+let s:yellow = { "gui": "#F3E430", "cterm": "11" }
+let s:light_yellow = { "gui": "#ffff87", "cterm": "228" }
+let s:dark_yellow = { "gui": "#A89C14", "cterm": "3" }
+let s:background = &background
+if &background == "dark"
+ let s:bg = s:black
+ let s:bg_subtle = s:lighter_black
+ let s:bg_very_subtle = s:subtle_black
+ let s:norm = s:lighter_gray
+ let s:norm_subtle = s:medium_gray
+ let s:purple = s:light_purple
+ let s:cyan = s:light_cyan
+ let s:green = s:light_green
+ let s:red = s:light_red
+ let s:visual = s:light_purple
+ let s:yellow = s:light_yellow
+ let s:bg = s:actual_white
+ let s:bg_subtle = s:light_gray
+ let s:bg_very_subtle = s:lightest_gray
+ let s:norm = s:light_black
+ let s:norm_subtle = s:medium_gray
+ let s:purple = s:dark_purple
+ let s:cyan = s:dark_cyan
+ let s:green = s:dark_green
+ let s:red = s:dark_red
+ let s:visual = s:dark_purple
+ let s:yellow = s:dark_yellow
+function! s:h(group, style)
+ execute "highlight" a:group
+ \ "guifg=" (has_key(a:style, "fg") ? a:style.fg.gui : "NONE")
+ \ "guibg=" (has_key(a:style, "bg") ? : "NONE")
+ \ "guisp=" (has_key(a:style, "sp") ? a:style.sp.gui : "NONE")
+ \ "gui=" (has_key(a:style, "gui") ? a:style.gui : "NONE")
+ \ "ctermfg=" (has_key(a:style, "fg") ? a:style.fg.cterm : "NONE")
+ \ "ctermbg=" (has_key(a:style, "bg") ? : "NONE")
+ \ "cterm=" (has_key(a:style, "cterm") ? a:style.cterm : "NONE")
+call s:h("Normal", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm})
+" restore &background's value in case changing Normal changed &background (:help :hi-normal-cterm)
+if &background != s:background
+ execute "set background=" . s:background
+call s:h("Cursor", {"bg": s:purple, "fg": s:norm })
+call s:h("Comment", {"fg": s:bg_subtle, "gui": "italic"})
+call s:h("Constant", {"fg": s:purple})
+hi! link Character Constant
+hi! link Number Constant
+hi! link Boolean Constant
+hi! link Float Constant
+hi! link String Constant
+"call s:h("Identifier", {"fg": s:dark_blue})
+hi! link Identifier Normal
+hi! link Function Identifier
+call s:h("Statement", {"fg": s:norm_subtle})
+hi! link Conditonal Statement
+hi! link Repeat Statement
+hi! link Label Statement
+hi! link Keyword Statement
+hi! link Exception Statement
+call s:h("Operator", {"fg": s:norm, "cterm": "bold", "gui": "bold"})
+call s:h("PreProc", {"fg": s:norm_subtle})
+hi! link Include PreProc
+hi! link Define PreProc
+hi! link Macro PreProc
+hi! link PreCondit PreProc
+call s:h("Type", {"fg": s:norm})
+hi! link StorageClass Type
+hi! link Structure Type
+hi! link Typedef Type
+call s:h("Special", {"fg": s:norm_subtle, "gui": "italic"})
+hi! link SpecialChar Special
+hi! link Tag Special
+hi! link Delimiter Special
+hi! link SpecialComment Special
+hi! link Debug Special
+call s:h("Underlined", {"fg": s:norm, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline"})
+call s:h("Ignore", {"fg": s:bg})
+call s:h("Error", {"fg": s:actual_white, "bg": s:red, "cterm": "bold"})
+call s:h("Todo", {"fg": s:purple, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline"})
+call s:h("SpecialKey", {"fg": s:light_green})
+call s:h("NonText", {"fg": s:medium_gray})
+call s:h("Directory", {"fg": s:dark_blue})
+call s:h("ErrorMsg", {"fg": s:red})
+call s:h("IncSearch", {"bg": s:yellow, "fg": s:light_black})
+call s:h("Search", {"bg": s:light_green, "fg": s:light_black})
+call s:h("MoreMsg", {"fg": s:medium_gray, "cterm": "bold", "gui": "bold"})
+hi! link ModeMsg MoreMsg
+call s:h("LineNr", {"fg": s:bg_subtle})
+call s:h("CursorLineNr", {"fg": s:purple, "bg": s:bg_very_subtle})
+call s:h("Question", {"fg": s:red})
+call s:h("StatusLine", {"bg": s:bg_very_subtle})
+call s:h("StatusLineNC", {"bg": s:bg_very_subtle, "fg": s:medium_gray})
+call s:h("VertSplit", {"bg": s:bg_very_subtle, "fg": s:bg_very_subtle})
+call s:h("Title", {"fg": s:dark_blue})
+call s:h("Visual", {"fg": s:norm, "bg": s:visual})
+call s:h("VisualNOS", {"bg": s:bg_subtle})
+call s:h("WarningMsg", {"fg": s:yellow})
+call s:h("WildMenu", {"fg": s:bg, "bg": s:norm})
+call s:h("Folded", {"fg": s:medium_gray})
+call s:h("FoldColumn", {"fg": s:bg_subtle})
+call s:h("DiffAdd", {"fg": s:green})
+call s:h("DiffDelete", {"fg": s:red})
+call s:h("DiffChange", {"fg": s:dark_yellow})
+call s:h("DiffText", {"fg": s:dark_blue})
+call s:h("SignColumn", {"fg": s:light_green})
+if has("gui_running")
+ call s:h("SpellBad", {"gui": "underline", "sp": s:red})
+ call s:h("SpellCap", {"gui": "underline", "sp": s:light_green})
+ call s:h("SpellRare", {"gui": "underline", "sp": s:pink})
+ call s:h("SpellLocal", {"gui": "underline", "sp": s:dark_green})
+ call s:h("SpellBad", {"cterm": "underline", "fg": s:red})
+ call s:h("SpellCap", {"cterm": "underline", "fg": s:light_green})
+ call s:h("SpellRare", {"cterm": "underline", "fg": s:pink})
+ call s:h("SpellLocal", {"cterm": "underline", "fg": s:dark_green})
+call s:h("Pmenu", {"fg": s:norm, "bg": s:bg_subtle})
+call s:h("PmenuSel", {"fg": s:norm, "bg": s:purple})
+call s:h("PmenuSbar", {"fg": s:norm, "bg": s:bg_subtle})
+call s:h("PmenuThumb", {"fg": s:norm, "bg": s:bg_subtle})
+call s:h("TabLine", {"fg": s:norm, "bg": s:bg_very_subtle})
+call s:h("TabLineSel", {"fg": s:purple, "bg": s:bg_subtle, "gui": "bold", "cterm": "bold"})
+call s:h("TabLineFill", {"fg": s:norm, "bg": s:bg_very_subtle})
+call s:h("CursorColumn", {"bg": s:bg_very_subtle})
+call s:h("CursorLine", {"bg": s:bg_very_subtle})
+call s:h("ColorColumn", {"bg": s:bg_subtle})
+call s:h("MatchParen", {"bg": s:bg_subtle, "fg": s:norm})
+call s:h("qfLineNr", {"fg": s:medium_gray})
+call s:h("htmlH1", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm})
+call s:h("htmlH2", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm})
+call s:h("htmlH3", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm})
+call s:h("htmlH4", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm})
+call s:h("htmlH5", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm})
+call s:h("htmlH6", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm})
+" Synatastic
+call s:h("SyntasticWarningSign", {"fg": s:yellow})
+call s:h("SyntasticWarning", {"bg": s:yellow, "fg": s:black, "gui": "bold", "cterm": "bold"})
+call s:h("SyntasticErrorSign", {"fg": s:red})
+call s:h("SyntasticError", {"bg": s:red, "fg": s:white, "gui": "bold", "cterm": "bold"})
+" Neomake
+hi link NeomakeWarningSign SyntasticWarningSign
+hi link NeomakeErrorSign SyntasticErrorSign
+" ALE
+hi link ALEWarningSign SyntasticWarningSign
+hi link ALEErrorSign SyntasticErrorSign
+" Signify, git-gutter
+hi link SignifySignAdd LineNr
+hi link SignifySignDelete LineNr
+hi link SignifySignChange LineNr
+hi link GitGutterAdd LineNr
+hi link GitGutterDelete LineNr
+hi link GitGutterChange LineNr
+hi link GitGutterChangeDelete LineNr