path: root/.local/bin
diff options
authorDavid Luevano Alvarado <>2021-03-16 21:37:40 -0700
committerDavid Luevano Alvarado <>2021-03-16 21:37:40 -0700
commitbf330db8d9d503c26fee54ec3d1f29cc0d0fda09 (patch)
tree6e2ca44ffbda6783ca852dcc3d06c846f8a8b5cb /.local/bin
parent8ca5706087326e94e594c2ac28c546181459e418 (diff)
Add new sbg command, based on ssg, rssg and lb, wip
Diffstat (limited to '.local/bin')
2 files changed, 442 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.local/bin/sbg b/.local/bin/sbg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c989709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/sbg
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+# (s)tatic (b)log (g)enerator.
+# Heavily inspired (ripped off) by Roman Zolotarev's ssg5 (
+# and rssg (, as well as Luke Smith's lb and sup
+# (
+# Aimed to correct 'flaws' of both sets of scripts, and made to work
+# as how I wanted them both to work.
+# This script uses lowdown ( for
+# the .md to .html translation.
+ # $1: dir/file or parameter name, $2: dir/file name
+ if [ "$1" = "dir" ]
+ then echo "$(basename "$0"): $2: no such directory."
+ elif [ "$1" = "file" ]
+ then echo "$(basename "$0"): $2: no such file."
+ else
+ if test -n "$1"
+ then echo "$(basename "$0"): missing -$1 parameter."
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") [-s] [-d] [-t] [-b] [other options]"
+ echo " -s 'src' directory."
+ echo " -d 'dst' directory."
+ echo " -t 'title' blog title."
+ echo " -b 'base url' blog base url."
+ echo " -f 'date format' date format as stated in 'find' command."
+ echo " -e 'extract' extract the header and footer from this .html file (replaces _header.html and _footer.html in src)."
+ exit 1
+ # $1: src/dst
+ file="$1"
+ cd "$(dirname "$file")"
+ file=$(basename "$file")
+ # Tests if src or dst is a symbolic link,
+ # in which case resolves the symbolic link
+ # and gets the actual directories.
+ while test -L "$file"
+ do
+ file=$(readlink "$file")
+ cd "$(dirname "$file")"
+ file=$(basename "$file")
+ done
+ # Avoid all symbolic links and return the actual path.
+ dir=$(pwd -P)
+ echo "$dir/$file"
+ # $1: html file name, $2: title
+ # Get the header part, and replace title.
+ sed "/<\/header/q" "$1" > "$src/_header.html"
+ sed -i "s/<title>.*/<title>$2<\/title>/g" "$src/_header.html"
+ # Not proud of this... get the footer part.
+ tac "$1" | sed "/<footer/q" | tac > "$src/_footer.html"
+ # $1: dir path.
+ cd "$1" && eval "find . -type d ! -name '.' ! -path '*/_*' $IGNORE"
+ # $1: dir path.
+ cd "$1" && eval "find . -type f ! -name '.' ! -path '*/_*' $IGNORE -exec stat -c '%Y 0 %n' {} \\;"
+ # $1: dir path.
+ e="\\( -name '*.html' -o -name '*.md' \\)"
+ cd "$1" && eval "find . -type f ! -path '*/.*' ! -path '*/_*' $IGNORE $e" |
+ sed 's#^./##;$#.html#;s#/index.html$#/#'
+ # $1: dir path, $2: .files.
+ # 'n' stands for new and 'o' for old.
+ cd "$1" && fn=$(list_files "$1")
+ fo=$(cat "$2")
+ # Loop over new file list.
+ while IFS= read -r fn_line
+ do
+ fn_n=$(echo "$fn_line" | cut -d' ' -f3)
+ fn_ts=$(echo "$fn_line" | cut -d' ' -f1)
+ fo_line=$(echo "$fo" | grep "$fn_n")
+ if test -n "$fo_line"
+ then
+ # If file name exists in old list...
+ fo_ts=$(echo "$fo_line" | cut -d' ' -f1)
+ # Either add the new timestamp on the
+ # second column (mod) or keep the old line.
+ if [ $fn_ts -gt $fo_ts ]
+ then echo $fo_ts $fn_ts $fn
+ else echo $fo_line
+ fi
+ else
+ # If not, just print the new file data.
+ echo $fn_ts" 0 "$fn
+ fi
+ done <<EOF
+ $fn
+ # $1: src, $2: dst, $3: title, $4: .files
+ while read -r line
+ do
+ # Only for .md files, duh.
+ if echo $line | grep -q '\.md$'
+ then
+ # File name, birth ts and mod ts.
+ f=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d'/' -f2-)
+ b=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f1)
+ m=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f2)
+ html=$(
+ lowdown \
+ --html-no-skiphtml \
+ --html-no-escapehtml \
+ --html-no-owasp \
+ --html-no-head-ids < "$1/$f")
+ if echo "$f" | grep -q "index"
+ then html=$(add_article_list "$html" "$1" "$4")
+ else html=$(add_html_ts "$html" "$b" "$m")
+ fi
+ add_hf_html "$html" > "$2/${f%\.md}.html"
+ fi
+ done <<EOF
+ $4
+add_article_list() {
+ # $1: html text, $2: src, $3: .files
+ # Reverse sorted file list.
+ fs_reversed="$(echo "$3" | sort -r -k 1)"
+ # echo the current html text and add the ul tag for the list.
+ echo "$1"
+ echo ""
+ echo '<ul class="articles">'
+ c_month_year=
+ while IFS= read -r line
+ do
+ # Some necessary varaibles
+ fn=$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d'/' -f2-)
+ d=$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f1)
+ month_year=$(date --date @$d +"%B %Y")
+ date=$(date --date @$d +"%b %d")
+ # Only work on non index files.
+ if ! echo "$fn" | grep -q 'index'
+ then
+ if [ "$c_month_year" = "" ]
+ then
+ # For the first appearing year.
+ c_month_year=$month_year
+ echo ""
+ echo "<h3>$month_year</h3>"
+ echo ""
+ else
+ # Each time the year changes, print it.
+ if [ "$c_month_year" != "$month_year" ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "<h3>$month_year</h3>"
+ echo ""
+ fi
+ fi
+ page_title=$(head -n 1 "$2/$fn" | cut -c 3-)
+ echo "<li>$date - <a href=${fn%\.md}>$page_title</a></li>"
+ fi
+ done <<EOF
+ $fs_reversed
+ echo "</ul>"
+ # $1: html text, $2: birth ts, $3: mod ts.
+ echo "$1"
+ if [ $m -gt $b ]
+ then
+ printf "\n<div class="timestamp">\n<hr>\n<p>Created: $(date --date @$b +"$date_f"); modified: $(date --date @$m +"$date_f")</p>\n</div>"
+ else
+ printf "\n<div class="timestamp">\n<hr>\n<p>Created: $(date --date @$b +"$date_f")</p>\n</div>"
+ fi
+ # $1: html text.
+ # lol.
+ echo "$HEADER"
+ echo "$1"
+ echo "$FOOTER"
+ # $1: src, $2: dst, $3: .files.
+ while IFS= read -r line
+ do
+ if echo "$line" | grep -q '\.html$'
+ then
+ f=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d'/' -f2-)
+ html=$(cat "$src/$f")
+ add_hf_html "$html" > "$2/$f"
+ fi
+ done <<EOF
+ $3
+print_status() {
+ # $1: singular, $2: plural, $3: list of something (urls, files, etc.)
+ # Prints a simple status line.
+ test -z "$3" && printf 'no %s' "$2" && return
+ echo "$3" | awk -v singular="$1" -v plural="$2" '
+ END {
+ if (NR==1) printf NR " " singular
+ if (NR>1) printf NR " " plural
+ }'
+create_sitemap() {
+ # $1: .files, $2: urls, $3: base_url.
+ # $1 = urls, $2 = base_url, $3 = date, $4 = .files_ts
+ date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
+ # Since fs saves lists as .md files, change .md to .html
+ # to be able to parse it.
+ fs="$(echo "$1" | sed 's#\.md#\.html#')"
+ echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
+ echo '<urlset'
+ echo 'xmlns:xsi=""'
+ echo 'xsi:schemaLocation="'
+ echo '"'
+ echo 'xmlns="">'
+ # Read each line on the urls list.
+ while IFS= read -r line
+ do
+ # Get the corresponding .files_ts line.
+ fd=$(echo "$fs" | grep "$line")
+ if test -n "$fd"
+ then
+ # Get timestamps present in .files_ts.
+ fdb=$(echo "$fd" | cut -d' ' -f1)
+ fdm=$(echo "$fd" | cut -d' ' -f2)
+ # echo "b: $fdb, m: $fdm"
+ # If modification timestamp is greater than creation timestamp...
+ if [ $fdm -gt $fdb ]
+ then
+ # Use modification timestamp.
+ echo $line |
+ sed -E 's#^(.*)$#<url><loc>'"$3"'/\1</loc><lastmod>'"$(date --date @$fdm +%Y-%m-%d)"'</lastmod><priority>1.0</priority></url>#'
+ else
+ # Use creation timestamp.
+ echo $line |
+ sed -E 's#^(.*)$#<url><loc>'"$3"'/\1</loc><lastmod>'"$(date --date @$fdb +%Y-%m-%d)"'</lastmod><priority>1.0</priority></url>#'
+ fi
+ else
+ # Use 'current' timestamp.
+ echo $line |
+ sed -E 's#^(.*)$#<url><loc>'"$3"'/\1</loc><lastmod>'"$date"'</lastmod><priority>1.0</priority></url>#'
+ fi
+ done <<EOF
+ $2
+ echo '</urlset>'
+### Parameter catching.
+while getopts ":s:d:t:b:f:e:" opt
+ case "$opt" in
+ s) src="$OPTARG" ;;
+ d) dst="$OPTARG" ;;
+ t) title="$OPTARG" ;;
+ b) base_url="$OPTARG" ;;
+ f) date_f="$OPTARG" ;;
+ e) extract_hf="$OPTARG" ;;
+ \?) echo "$(basename "$0"): invalid option -$OPTARG."
+ print_help ;;
+ :) echo "$(basename "$0"): invalid option -$OPTARG: requires an argument."
+ print_help ;;
+ esac
+### Handle exeptions, prepare variables and add default values.
+test -n "$src" || print_help "s"
+test -n "$dst" || print_help "d"
+test -n "$title" || print_help "t"
+test -n "$base_url" || print_help "b"
+test -d "$src" || print_help "dir" "$src"
+test -d "$dst" || print_help "dir" "$dst"
+test -z "$extract_hf" || test -f "$extract_hf" || print_help "file" "$extract_hf"
+# Only tests if there is a string in date_f,
+# doesn't really check if it has the correct formatting.
+if test -z "$date_f"
+then date_f="%a, %b %d, %+4Y @ %R %Z"
+# Convert src and dst to full paths, avoiding symlinks.
+src=$(readlink_f "$src")
+dst=$(readlink_f "$dst")
+### Actual program logic.
+# General ignores for 'find'.
+ if test -f "$src/.sbgignore"
+ then
+ while read -r x
+ do
+ test -n "$x" || continue
+ printf ' ! -path "*/%s*"' "$x"
+ done < "$src/.sbgignore"
+ else
+ # If no .sbgignore, just ignore all dotfiles.
+ printf ' ! -path "*/.*"'
+ fi
+# Get the _header.html and _footer.html.
+if test -n "$extract_hf"
+then extract_hf_from_html "$extract_hf" "$title"
+test -f "$h_file" && HEADER=$(cat "$h_file")
+test -f "$f_file" && FOOTER=$(cat "$f_file")
+# Get list of directories inside src
+# and create them inside dst.
+list_dirs "$src" | (cd "$src" && cpio -pdu "$dst")
+# Get file list.
+echo "[file list]"
+ if test -f "$src/.files"
+ then list_files_add_mod "$src" "$src/.files"
+ else list_files "$src"
+ fi
+echo "$fs" | tee "$src/.files"
+# If the file list contains .md files,
+# parse them with lowdown.
+if echo "$fs" | grep -q '\.md$'
+ if test -x "$(which lowdown 2> /dev/null)"
+ then
+ md_to_html "$src" "$dst" "$title" "$fs"
+ else
+ echo "$(basename "$0"): couldn't find lowdown."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# If the file list contains .html files,
+# just add the header and the footer.
+html_add_hf "$src" "$dst" "$fs"
+printf '[ssg] ' >&2
+print_status 'file, ' 'files, ' "$fs" >&2
+# Create sitemap.
+urls=$(list_pages "$src")
+test -n "$urls" && test -n "$fs" &&
+create_sitemap "$fs" "$urls" "$base_url" > "$dst/sitemap.xml"
+print_status 'url' 'urls' "$urls" >&2
+echo >&2
diff --git a/.local/bin/ssg b/.local/bin/ssg
index 5c26190..2b4a4ec 100755
--- a/.local/bin/ssg
+++ b/.local/bin/ssg
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ main() {
test -d "$1" || no_dir "$1"
test -d "$2" || no_dir "$2"
+ # Convert src and dst to full paths,
+ # avoiding symlinks.
src=$(readlink_f "$1")
dst=$(readlink_f "$2")
@@ -131,15 +133,25 @@ main() {
readlink_f() {
+ # $1 = src or dst
+ # Go to the root of the blog (strips dst or src from path)
cd "$(dirname "$file")"
+ # Only get the directory name (src or dst)
file=$(basename "$file")
+ # Tests if src or dst is a symbolic link,
+ # in which case resolves the symbolic link (readlink)
+ # and gets the actual directories.
while test -L "$file"
file=$(readlink "$file")
cd "$(dirname "$file")"
file=$(basename "$file")
+ # Avoid all symbolic links and return the actual path.
dir=$(pwd -P)
echo "$dir/$file"