import os, re, config, sys, mysql.connector from colorama import Fore, Style, init from mysql.connector import errorcode from config import SQL_HOST as MYhost from config import SQL_PORT as MYport from config import SQL_USER as MYuser from config import SQL_PASS as MYpass from config import SQL_DATABASE as MYbase from config import vplusfile section = '^\[([\w]*)\]$' settings = '^(\w*) = (\w*)$' TABLES = {} TABLES['vplus'] = ( "CREATE TABLE `vplus` (" " `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," " `section` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL," " `enabled` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL," " `option1` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL," " `settings` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL," " PRIMARY KEY (`id`)" ") ENGINE=InnoDB") def mydbconnect(): global mydb mydb = mysql.connector.connect( host=MYhost, user=MYuser, password=MYpass, database=MYbase, port=MYport, ) try: if mydb.is_connected(): db_Info = mydb.get_server_info() print(Fore.GREEN + "Connected to MySQL database... MySQL Server version ", db_Info + Style.RESET_ALL) except mysql.connector.Error as err: print(Fore.RED + err + 'From MySQL database' + Style.RESET_ALL) mydbconnect() def maketable(): mycursor = mydb.cursor() for table_name in TABLES: table_description = TABLES[table_name] try: print(Fore.GREEN + "Creating table {}: ".format(table_name), end='') mycursor.execute(table_description) except mysql.connector.Error as err: if err.errno == errorcode.ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR: print(Fore.RED + "already exists. Droping table and trying again." + Style.RESET_ALL) sql = "DROP TABLE vplus" mycursor.execute(sql) maketable() else: print(Fore.RED + err.msg + Style.RESET_ALL) else: print(Fore.GREEN + "OK" + Style.RESET_ALL) mycursor.close() def mainloop(): try: plusconf = open(vplusfile, mode="r") Lines = plusconf.readlines() print(Fore.GREEN + "Adding Valheim Plus settings to table vplus" + Style.RESET_ALL) mycursor = mydb.cursor() section1 = "ValheimPlus" enabled1 = 0 option = 0 setting = 0 for line in Lines: insert = 0 if(, line)): section1 =, line).group(1) insert = 0 enabled1 = 0 option = 0 setting = 0 if(, line)): what =, line).group(1) setting =, line).group(2) insert = 1 if what == "enabled": enabled1 = setting else: option = what if insert == 1: sql = """INSERT INTO vplus (section, enabled, option1, settings) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')""" % (section1, enabled1, option, setting) mycursor.execute(sql) mydb.commit() plusconf.close() mycursor.close() print(Fore.GREEN + "Done" + Style.RESET_ALL) except IOError: print(Fore.RED + 'Could not read Valheim Plus config file. Please check' + Style.RESET_ALL) maketable() mainloop() mydb.close() exit()