import discord, typing, config from discord.ext import commands class Explored(commands.Cog): """ Explored commands """ def __init__(self, bot): = bot async def chancheck(ctx): if == config.LOGCHAN_ID or commands.is_owner(): return True @commands.command(name='explored', brief="Explored stats", help="Shows total world locations and how many have be explored.", ) @commands.has_any_role(config.PLOC_CMD) @commands.check(chancheck) async def explored(self, ctx): ldrembed = discord.Embed(title="World Explored Stats", color=0x33a163) botsql ='BotSQL') mycursor = await botsql.get_cursor() sql = """SELECT COUNT(*) FROM plocinfo WHERE locations IS NULL""" mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() sql1 = """SELECT locations FROM plocinfo WHERE locations IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1""" mycursor.execute(sql1) Info1 = mycursor.fetchall() mycursor.close() Info=Info[0] Info1=Info1[0] ldrembed.add_field(name="Total Locations", value="{}".format(Info1[0]), inline=True) ldrembed.add_field(name="Locations Explored", value="{}".format(Info[0]), inline=True) ldrembed.add_field(name="Percent of World Explored", value="{}%".format(format(Info[0]/Info1[0]*100, ".2f")), inline=True) await ctx.send(embed=ldrembed) @explored.error async def explored_error_handler(self, ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.MissingAnyRole): if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugchan = bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description='**{}** Tried to use command: **{}**\n{}'.format(, ctx.command, error), color=0xFF001E) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) if isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure): if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugchan = bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description='**{}** Tried to use command: **{}**\nIn channel **#{}**'.format(, ctx.command,, color=0xFF001E) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Explored(bot))