# Optional Addons Optional commands for the bot ## Pluscmds: ### Info: `plussettingstodb.py` Will make a new table in the MySQL database and load the contents from `vplusfile` setting in `config.py` to the table. If the table exist it will delete the table and remake it `pluscmds.py` Is bot commands for displaying Valheim Plus setting from the table created by `plussettingstodb.py` ### Setup: Move `plussettingstodb.py` to the `code` dir Move `pluscmds.py` to the `code/botcmds` dir ### Usage: `python3 plussettingstodb.py` While in the `code` dir. Script will run and exit when finished. **NOTE:** This will have to be done every time you make a change to the Valheim Plus configuration file. After moving the `pluscmds.py` restart the bot. This only needs to be done once, you can run `plussettingstodb.py` at anytime without having to restart the bot. ### Example Output: ## Pluscmds: ![](../example/vplushelp.png)