import mysql.connector, config, discord, asyncio from discord.ext import commands from colorama import Fore, Style, init from config import SQL_HOST as MYhost from config import SQL_PORT as MYport from config import SQL_USER as MYuser from config import SQL_PASS as MYpass from config import SQL_DATABASE as MYbase # Connect to MYSQL class BotSQL(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot async def mydbconnect(self): global mydb mydb = mysql.connector.connect( host=MYhost, user=MYuser, password=MYpass, database=MYbase, port=MYport, ) bugchan = try: if mydb.is_connected(): db_Info = mydb.get_server_info() print(Fore.GREEN + "Connected to MySQL database... MySQL Server version ", db_Info + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: buginfo = discord.Embed(title=":white_check_mark: **INFO** :white_check_mark:", description="Connected to MySQL database... MySQL Server version " + db_Info, color=0x7EFF00) buginfo.set_author(name=config.SERVER_NAME) await bugchan.send(embed=buginfo) except mysql.connector.Error as err: print(Fore.RED + err + 'From MySQL database' + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description="{} From MySQL database".format(err), color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=config.SERVER_NAME) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) async def get_cursor(self): try:, attempts=3, delay=5) except NameError as er: print(Fore.RED, er, "Reconnecting MySQL database" + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugchan = bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description= "{} Reconnection MySQL database".format(er), color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=config.SERVER_NAME) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) await self.mydbconnect() except mysql.connector.Error as err: await self.mydbconnect() print(Fore.RED + "Connection to MySQL database went away... Reconnecting " + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugchan = bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description="Connection to MySQL database went away... Reconnecting", color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=config.SERVER_NAME) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) return mydb.cursor() async def botmydb(self): mydb.commit() async def get_mydb(self): try:, attempts=3, delay=5) except NameError as er: print(Fore.RED, er, "Reconnecting MySQL database" + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugchan = bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description= "{} Reconnection MySQL database".format(er), color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=config.SERVER_NAME) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) await self.mydbconnect() except mysql.connector.Error as err: await self.mydbconnect() print(Fore.RED + "Connection to MySQL database went away... Reconnecting " + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugchan = bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description="Connection to MySQL database went away... Reconnecting", color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=config.SERVER_NAME) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) return mydb def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(BotSQL(bot))