import os, time, re, discord, asyncio, config, emoji, sys, colorama, typing, signal, errno, mysql.connector, a2s from datetime import datetime, timedelta from colorama import Fore, Style, init from config import LOGCHAN_ID as lchanID from config import VCHANNEL_ID as chanID from config import BUGCHANNEL_ID as dbchanID from config import file from discord.ext import commands ######################### Code below ########################## ##### Dont complain if you edit it and something dont work #### #Color init colorama.init() pdeath = '^[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: Got character ZDOID from (\w+) : 0:0' pevent = '^[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: Random event set:(\w+)' pjoin = '^[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: Got character ZDOID from (\w+) : ([-0-9]*:[-0-9]*)$' pquit = '^[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: Destroying abandoned non persistent zdo ([-0-9]*:[0-9]*) owner [-0-9]*$' pfind = '^[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: Found location of type (\w+)' # Extra Server Info ssaved1 = '^[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: Saved ([0-9]+) zdos$' ssaved2 = '^[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: World saved \( ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)ms \)$' sversion = '^[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: Valheim version:([\.0-9]+)@([\.0-9]+)$' gdays = '^[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: Time [\.0-9]+, day:([0-9]+)\s{1,}nextm:[\.0-9]+\s+skipspeed:[\.0-9]+$' ploc = '^[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: Placed locations in zone ([-,0-9]+) duration ([\.0-9]+) ms$' tloc = '^[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}: Loaded ([0-9]+) locations$' bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=config.BOT_PREFIX) server_name = config.SERVER_NAME sonline = 1 startup_extensions = ["utils.botsql"] cogs_dir = "botcmds" # Method for catching SIGINT, cleaner output for restarting bot def signal_handler(signal, frame): os._exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) async def timenow(): now = gettime = now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") return gettime async def convert(n): return str(timedelta(seconds = n)) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(Fore.GREEN + f'Bot connected as {bot.user} :)' + Style.RESET_ALL) print('Command prefix: %s' % config.BOT_PREFIX) print('Log channel: #%s' % (bot.get_channel(lchanID))) if config.USEVCSTATS == True: print('VoIP channel: %d' % (chanID)) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: print('Debug channel: #%s' % (bot.get_channel(dbchanID))) bugchan = bot.get_channel(dbchanID) buginfo = discord.Embed(title=":white_check_mark: **INFO** :white_check_mark:", color=0x7EFF00) buginfo.set_author(name=server_name) buginfo.add_field(name="Bot connected as:", value="{}".format(bot.user), inline=False) buginfo.add_field(name="Command prefix:", value="{}".format(config.BOT_PREFIX), inline=False) buginfo.add_field(name="Log channel:", value="#{}".format(bot.get_channel(lchanID)), inline=False) if config.USEVCSTATS == True: buginfo.add_field(name="VoIP channel:", value="#{}".format(chanID), inline=False) buginfo.add_field(name="Debug channel", value="#{}".format(bot.get_channel(dbchanID)), inline=False) await bugchan.send(embed=buginfo) if __name__ == "__main__": icount = 0 ecount = 0 for extension in startup_extensions: try: bot.load_extension(extension) print(Fore.GREEN + 'Loaded extension {}'.format(extension) + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: if icount == 1: description = description + '\n' + '{}'.format(extension) else: description = '{}'.format(extension) icount = 1 except Exception as e: exc = '{}: {}'.format(type(e).__name__, e) print(Fore.RED + 'Failed to load extension {}\n{}'.format(extension, exc) + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: if ecount == 1: erdescription = erdescription + '\n' + '{}'.format(extension) else: erdescription = '{}'.format(extension) ecount = 1 for extension in [f.replace('.py', '') for f in os.listdir(cogs_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(cogs_dir, f))]: try: bot.load_extension(cogs_dir + "." + extension) print(Fore.GREEN + 'Loaded extension {}.{}'.format(cogs_dir, extension) + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: if icount == 1: description = description + '\n' + '{}.{}'.format(cogs_dir, extension) else: description = '{}.{}'.format(cogs_dir, extension) icount = 1 except Exception as e: exc = '{}: {}'.format(type(e).__name__, e) print(Fore.RED + 'Failed to load extension {}\n{}'.format(extension, exc) + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: if ecount == 1: erdescription = erdescription + '\n' + '{}.{}'.format(cogs_dir, extension) else: erdescription = '{}.{}'.format(cogs_dir, extension) ecount = 1 if icount == 1: buginfo = discord.Embed(title=":white_check_mark: **INFO** :white_check_mark:", color=0x7EFF00) buginfo.set_author(name=server_name) buginfo.add_field(name="Loaded extensions:", value="{}".format(description), inline=False) await bugchan.send(embed=buginfo) if ecount == 1: bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=server_name) bugerror.add_field(name="Failed to load extensions:", value="{}".format(erdescription), inline=False) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) bot.loop.create_task(serveronline()) botsql = bot.get_cog('BotSQL') await botsql.mydbconnect() await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name="Stolenvw ValPlusBot")) # Main loop for reading log file and outputing events async def mainloop(file): await bot.wait_until_ready() lchannel = bot.get_channel(lchanID) bugchan = bot.get_channel(dbchanID) print('Main loop: init') if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: buginfo = discord.Embed(title=":white_check_mark: **INFO** :white_check_mark:", description="Main Loop Started", color=0x7EFF00) buginfo.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=buginfo) try: testfile = open(file) testfile.close() while not bot.is_closed(): with open(file, encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as f:,2) while True: try: line = f.readline() except UnicodeDecodeError: print('Got an invalid utf-8 character! Skipping moving to next line') if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description="Got an invalid utf-8 character! Skipping.. moving to next line", color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) else: if(, line)): pname =, line).group(1) botsql = bot.get_cog('BotSQL') mycursor = await botsql.get_cursor() sql = """UPDATE players SET deaths = deaths + 1 WHERE user = '%s'""" % (pname) mycursor.execute(sql) await botsql.botmydb() mycursor.close() await lchannel.send(':skull: **' + pname + '** just died!') # Announcing of mob events if(, line)): eventID =, line).group(1) botsql = bot.get_cog('BotSQL') mycursor = await botsql.get_cursor() sql = """SELECT type, smessage, image FROM events WHERE type = '%s' LIMIT 1""" % (eventID) mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() Info=Info[0] image = discord.File('img/' + Info[2], filename=Info[2]) embed = discord.Embed(title=Info[0], colour=discord.Colour(0xb6000e), description="*" + Info[1] + "*") embed.set_thumbnail(url='attachment://' + Info[2]) embed.set_author(name="📢 Random Mob Event") await lchannel.send(file=image, embed=embed) mycursor.close() # Announcing when a player joins the server, Announcing if they are a new player on the server, adds player to db if new, updates db with login time if(, line)): logJoin =, line).group(1) logID =, line).group(2) botsql = bot.get_cog('BotSQL') mycursor = await botsql.get_cursor() sql = """SELECT id, ingame FROM players WHERE user = '%s'""" % (logJoin) mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount if row_count == 0: StartDate = await timenow() JoinTime = int(time.time()) InGame = 1 sql = """INSERT INTO players (user, valid, startdate, jointime, ingame) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')""" % (logJoin, logID, StartDate, JoinTime, InGame) mycursor.execute(sql) await botsql.botmydb() await lchannel.send(':airplane_arriving: New player **' + logJoin + '** has joined the party!') else: Info=Info[0] if Info[1] == 1: sql = """UPDATE players SET valid = '%s' WHERE id = '%s'""" % (logID, Info[0]) mycursor.execute(sql) await botsql.botmydb() else: JoinTime = int(time.time()) InGame = 1 sql = """UPDATE players SET valid = '%s', jointime = '%s', ingame = '%s' WHERE user = '%s'""" % (logID, JoinTime, InGame, logJoin) mycursor.execute(sql) await botsql.botmydb() await lchannel.send(':airplane_arriving: **' + logJoin + '** has joined the party!') sql2 = """INSERT INTO serverstats (date, timestamp, users) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')""" % (await timenow(), int(time.time()), await serverstatsupdate()) mycursor.execute(sql2) await botsql.botmydb() mycursor.close() # Announcing when a player leaves the server, updates db with playtime if(, line)): logquit =, line).group(1) botsql = bot.get_cog('BotSQL') mycursor = await botsql.get_cursor() sql = """SELECT id, user, jointime, playtime FROM players WHERE valid = '%s'""" % (logquit) mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount if row_count == 1: Info=Info[0] EndTime = int(time.time()) Ptime = EndTime - Info[2] + Info[3] ponline = await convert(EndTime - Info[2]) InGame = 0 sql = """UPDATE players SET playtime = '%s', ingame = '%s' WHERE id = '%s'""" % (Ptime, InGame, Info[0]) mycursor.execute(sql) await botsql.botmydb() await lchannel.send(':airplane_departure: **' + Info[1] + '** has left the party! Online for: ' + ponline + '') sql2 = """INSERT INTO serverstats (date, timestamp, users) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')""" % (await timenow(), int(time.time()), await serverstatsupdate()) mycursor.execute(sql2) await botsql.botmydb() mycursor.close() # Annocing that a boss location was found if(, line)): newitem =, line).group(1) botsql = bot.get_cog('BotSQL') mycursor = await botsql.get_cursor() sql = """SELECT type, smessage, image FROM events WHERE type = '%s' LIMIT 1""" % (newitem) mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() Info=Info[0] image = discord.File('img/' + Info[2], filename=Info[2]) embed = discord.Embed(title=Info[0], colour=discord.Colour(0x77ac18)) embed.set_thumbnail(url='attachment://' + Info[2]) embed.set_author(name="📢 Location Found") await lchannel.send(file=image, embed=embed) mycursor.close() # Extra Server Info DB After this point if config.EXSERVERINFO == True: # Getting and storing how many zdos where saved if(, line)): save1 =, line).group(1) botsql = bot.get_cog('BotSQL') mycursor = await botsql.get_cursor() sql = """INSERT INTO exstats (savezdos, timestamp) VALUES ('%s', '%s')""" % (save1, int(time.time())) mycursor.execute(sql) await botsql.botmydb() mycursor.close() # Getting time it took for the save if(, line)): save2 =, line).group(1) botsql = bot.get_cog('BotSQL') mycursor = await botsql.get_cursor() tlookup = int(time.time()) - 60 sql = """SELECT id FROM exstats WHERE savesec is null AND timestamp BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s' LIMIT 1""" % (tlookup, int(time.time())) mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount if row_count == 1: Info=Info[0] if config.WORLDSIZE == True: sql ="""UPDATE exstats SET savesec = '%s', worldsize = '%s' WHERE id = '%s'""" % (save2, '{:,.2f}'.format(os.path.getsize(config.worldfile)/float(1<<20)), Info[0]) else: sql = """UPDATE exstats SET savesec = '%s' WHERE id = '%s'""" % (save2, Info[0]) mycursor.execute(sql) await botsql.botmydb() else: print(Fore.RED + 'ERROR: Could not find save zdos info' + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description="Could not find save zdos info", color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) mycursor.close() # Getting and storing server version and Valheim Plus number in db, and announcing in channel if version was updated if(, line)): serversion =, line).group(1) vplversion =, line).group(2) botsql = bot.get_cog('BotSQL') mycursor = await botsql.get_cursor() sql = """SELECT id, serverversion, plusversion FROM exstats WHERE id = 1""" mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount if row_count == 0: print(Fore.RED + 'ERROR: Extra server info is set, but missing database table/info' + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description="Extra server info is set, but missing database table/info", color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) else: Info=Info[0] vcount = 0 if serversion != Info[1]: sqlv = 'serverversion = "' + serversion + '"' vcount = 1 await lchannel.send('**INFO:** Server has been updated to version: ' + serversion + '') if vplversion != Info[2]: if vcount == 1: sqlv = sqlv + ', plusversion = "' + vplversion + '"' else: sqlv = 'plusversion = "' + vplversion + '"' vcount = 1 await lchannel.send('**INFO:** Valheim Plus has been updated to version: ' + vplversion + '') if vcount == 1: sql = """UPDATE exstats SET %s WHERE id = '%s'""" % (sqlv, Info[0]) mycursor.execute(sql) await botsql.botmydb() mycursor.close() # Getting and storing game day in db (only reported in log when doing a sleep) reports day of sleep not day after waking up if(, line)): gamedays =, line).group(1) botsql = bot.get_cog('BotSQL') mycursor = await botsql.get_cursor() sql = """INSERT INTO exstats (gameday, timestamp) VALUES ('%s', '%s')""" % (gamedays, int(time.time())) mycursor.execute(sql) await botsql.botmydb() await lchannel.send('**INFO:** Server reported in game day as: ' + gamedays + '') mycursor.close() if config.PLOCINFO == True: if(, line)): zone =, line).group(1) duration =, line).group(2) botsql = bot.get_cog('BotSQL') mycursor = await botsql.get_cursor() sql = """INSERT INTO plocinfo (zone, duration) VALUES ('%s', '%s')""" % (zone, duration) mycursor.execute(sql) await botsql.botmydb() mycursor.close() if(, line)): location =, line).group(1) botsql = bot.get_cog('BotSQL') mycursor = await botsql.get_cursor() sql = """SELECT id, locations FROM plocinfo WHERE locations IS NOT NULL""" mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount if row_count == 0: sql = """INSERT INTO plocinfo (locations) VALUES ('%s')""" % (location) mycursor.execute(sql) await botsql.botmydb() print(Fore.GREEN + '**INFO:** ' + location + ' Locations Loaded' + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: buginfo = discord.Embed(title=":white_check_mark: **INFO** :white_check_mark:", description='{} Locations Loaded'.format(location), color=0x7EFF00) await bugchan.send(embed=buginfo) else: Info=Info[0] if location != Info[1]: sql = """UPDATE plocinfo SET locations = '%s' WHERE id = '%s'""" % (location, Info[0]) mycursor.execute(sql) await botsql.botmydb() print(Fore.GREEN + '**INFO:** Locations has been updated to: ' + location + '' + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: buginfo = discord.Embed(title=":white_check_mark: **INFO** :white_check_mark:", description='Locations has been updated to: {}'.format(location), color=0x7EFF00) await bugchan.send(embed=buginfo) mycursor.close() await asyncio.sleep(0.2) except IOError: print('No valid log found, event reports disabled. Please check') print('To generate server logs, run server with -logfile launch flag') print('Or permission error getting world file size') if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description="No valid log found, event reports disabled. Please check \n To generate server logs, run server with -logfile launch flag \n Or permission error getting world file size", color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) async def serverstatsupdate(): try: if channel = bot.get_channel(chanID) oplayers = if config.USEVCSTATS == True: await channel.edit(name=f"{emoji.emojize(':house:')} In-Game: {oplayers}" +" / 10") except Exception as e: print(Fore.RED + await timenow(), e, 'from A2S' + Style.RESET_ALL) channel = bot.get_channel(chanID) oplayers = 0 if config.USEVCSTATS == True: await channel.edit(name=f"{emoji.emojize(':cross_mark:')} Server Offline") else: return oplayers async def serveronline(): global sonline await bot.wait_until_ready() while not bot.is_closed(): try: if meonline = if sonline == 0: sonline = 1 if config.USEVCSTATS == True: channel = bot.get_channel(chanID) await channel.edit(name=f"{emoji.emojize(':house:')} Server OnLine") except Exception as e: if config.USEVCSTATS == True: channel = bot.get_channel(chanID) await channel.edit(name=f"{emoji.emojize(':cross_mark:')} Server Offline") if sonline == 1: sonline = 0 botsql = bot.get_cog('BotSQL') mycursor = await botsql.get_cursor() sql2 = """INSERT INTO serverstats (date, timestamp, users) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')""" % (await timenow(), int(time.time()), sonline) mycursor.execute(sql2) await botsql.botmydb() mycursor.close() print(Fore.RED + await timenow(), e, 'from A2S, retrying (60s)...' + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugchan = bot.get_channel(dbchanID) bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description="{} from A2S, retrying (60s)...".format(e), color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) await asyncio.sleep(60) bot.loop.create_task(mainloop(file))