import os, time, re, discord, asyncio, config, emoji, sys, colorama, typing, signal, errno, mysql.connector, a2s from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from datetime import datetime, timedelta from colorama import Fore, Style, init from config import LOGCHAN_ID as lchanID from config import VCHANNEL_ID as chanID from config import BUGCHANNEL_ID as dbchanID from config import SQL_HOST as MYhost from config import SQL_PORT as MYport from config import SQL_USER as MYuser from config import SQL_PASS as MYpass from config import SQL_DATABASE as MYbase from config import file from discord.ext import commands import matplotlib.dates as md import matplotlib.ticker as ticker import matplotlib.spines as ms import pandas as pd ######################### Code below ########################## ##### Dont complain if you edit it and something dont work #### #Color init colorama.init() pdeath = '^\[Info\s+:\s+Unity Log\].*? Got character ZDOID from (\w+) : 0:0$' pevent = '^\[Info\s+:\s+Unity Log\].*? Random event set:(\w+)$' pjoin = '^\[Info\s+:\s+Unity Log\].*? Got character ZDOID from (\w+) : ([-0-9]*:[-0-9]*)$' pquit = '^\[Info\s+:\s+Unity Log\].*? Destroying abandoned non persistent zdo ([-0-9]*:[0-9]*) owner [-0-9]*$' pfind = '^\[Info\s+:\s+Unity Log\].*? Found location of type (\w+)$' # Extra Server Info ssaved1 = '.*? Saved ([0-9]+) zdos$' ssaved2 = '.*? World saved \( ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)ms \)$' sversion = '^\[Info\s+:\s+Unity Log\].*? Valheim version:([\.0-9]+)@([\.0-9]+)$' gdays = '^\[Info\s+:\s+Unity Log\].*? Time [\.0-9]+, day:([0-9]+)\s{1,}nextm:[\.0-9]+\s+skipspeed:[\.0-9]+$' bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=config.BOT_PREFIX, help_command=None) server_name = config.SERVER_NAME sonline = 1 # Connect to MYSQL async def mydbconnect(): global mydb mydb = mysql.connector.connect( host=MYhost, user=MYuser, password=MYpass, database=MYbase, port=MYport, ) bugchan = bot.get_channel(dbchanID) try: if mydb.is_connected(): db_Info = mydb.get_server_info() print(Fore.GREEN + "Connected to MySQL database... MySQL Server version ", db_Info + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: buginfo = discord.Embed(title=":white_check_mark: **INFO** :white_check_mark:", description="Connected to MySQL database... MySQL Server version " + db_Info, color=0x7EFF00) buginfo.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=buginfo) except mysql.connector.Error as err: print(Fore.RED + err + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description=err, color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) async def get_cursor(): try:, attempts=3, delay=5) except mysql.connector.Error as err: await mydbconnect() print(Fore.RED + "Connection to MySQL database went away... Reconnecting " + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugchan = bot.get_channel(dbchanID) bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description="Connection to MySQL database went away... Reconnecting", color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) return mydb.cursor() # Method for catching SIGINT, cleaner output for restarting bot def signal_handler(signal, frame): os._exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) async def timenow(): now = gettime = now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") return gettime async def convert(n): return str(timedelta(seconds = n)) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(Fore.GREEN + f'Bot connected as {bot.user} :)' + Style.RESET_ALL) print('Command prefix: %s' % config.BOT_PREFIX) print('Log channel: #%s' % (bot.get_channel(lchanID))) if config.USEVCSTATS == True: print('VoIP channel: %d' % (chanID)) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: print('Debug channel: #%s' % (bot.get_channel(dbchanID))) bugchan = bot.get_channel(dbchanID) buginfo = discord.Embed(title=":white_check_mark: **INFO** :white_check_mark:", color=0x7EFF00) buginfo.set_author(name=server_name) buginfo.add_field(name="Bot connected as:", value="{}".format(bot.user), inline=False) buginfo.add_field(name="Command prefix:", value="{}".format(config.BOT_PREFIX), inline=False) buginfo.add_field(name="Log channel:", value="#{}".format(bot.get_channel(lchanID)), inline=False) if config.USEVCSTATS == True: buginfo.add_field(name="VoIP channel:", value="#{}".format(chanID), inline=False) buginfo.add_field(name="Debug channel", value="#{}".format(bot.get_channel(dbchanID)), inline=False) await bugchan.send(embed=buginfo) bot.loop.create_task(serveronline()) await mydbconnect() @bot.command(name='help') async def help_ctx(ctx): help_embed = discord.Embed(description="[**Valheim Plus Discord Bot**](", color=0x33a163,) help_embed.add_field(name="{}stats ".format(bot.command_prefix), value="Plots a graph of connected players over the last X hours.\n Example: `{}stats 12` \n Available: 24, 12, w (*default: 24*)".format(bot.command_prefix), inline=True) help_embed.add_field(name="{}deaths ".format(bot.command_prefix), value="Shows a top 5 leaderboard of players with the most deaths. \n Example:`{}deaths 3` \n Available: 1-10 (*default: 10*)".format(bot.command_prefix), inline=True) help_embed.add_field(name="{}playerstats ".format(bot.command_prefix), value="Shows player stats on active monitored world. \n Example: `{}playerstats bob`".format(bot.command_prefix), inline=True) help_embed.add_field(name="{}active".format(bot.command_prefix), value="Shows who is currently logged into the server and how long they have been on for. \n Example: `{}active`".format(bot.command_prefix), inline=True) help_embed.add_field(name="{}version".format(bot.command_prefix), value="Shows current version of Valheim and Valheim Plus server is running. \n Example: `{}version`".format(bot.command_prefix), inline=True) is_owner = await if is_owner: help_embed.add_field(name="**Owner**", value="Owner only commands", inline=False) help_embed.add_field(name="{}setstatus ".format(bot.command_prefix), value='Set status message of the bot. \n Example: `{}setstatus playing "Valheim"` \n Available type: playing, watching, listening'.format(bot.command_prefix), inline=True) if config.EXSERVERINFO == True: help_embed.add_field(name="{}savestats".format(bot.command_prefix), value="Shows how many zods where saved and time it took to save them. \n Example: `{}savestats`".format(bot.command_prefix), inline=True) help_embed.set_footer(text="stolenvw ValPlusBot v0.10") await ctx.send(embed=help_embed) @bot.command(name="deaths") async def leaderboards(ctx, arg: typing.Optional[str] = '5'): ldrembed = discord.Embed(title=":skull_crossbones: __Death Leaderboards (top " + arg + ")__ :skull_crossbones:", color=0xFFC02C) mycursor = await get_cursor() sql = """SELECT user, deaths FROM players WHERE deaths > 0 ORDER BY deaths DESC LIMIT %s""" % (arg) mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount l = 1 for ind in Info: grammarnazi = 'deaths' leader = '' pdname = ind[0] pddeath = ind[1] if pddeath == 1 : grammarnazi = 'death' if l == 1: leader = ':crown:' ldrembed.add_field(name="{} {}".format(pdname,leader), value='{} {}'.format(pddeath,grammarnazi), inline=False) l += 1 mycursor.close() await ctx.send(embed=ldrembed) @bot.command(name="stats") async def gen_plot(ctx, tmf: typing.Optional[str] = '24'): user_range = 0 if tmf.lower() in ['w', 'week', 'weeks']: user_range = 168 - 1 tlookup = int(time.time()) - 604800 interval = 24 date_format = '%m/%d' timedo = 'week' description = 'Players online in the past ' + timedo + ':' elif tmf.lower() in ['12', '12hrs', '12h', '12hr']: user_range = 12 - 0.15 tlookup = int(time.time()) - 43200 interval = 1 date_format = '%H' timedo = '12hrs' description = 'Players online in the past ' + timedo + ':' else: user_range = 24 - 0.30 tlookup = int(time.time()) - 86400 interval = 2 date_format = '%H' timedo = '24hrs' description = 'Players online in the past ' + timedo + ':' #Get data from mysql mycursor = await get_cursor() mycursor.close() sqls = """SELECT date, users FROM serverstats WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s'""" % (tlookup, int(time.time())) df = pd.read_sql(sqls, mydb, parse_dates=['date']) lastday = - timedelta(hours = user_range) # Plot formatting / styling matplotlib'seaborn-pastel') plt.minorticks_off() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.grid(b=True, alpha=0.2) ax.set_xlim(lastday, # ax.set_ylim(0, 10) Not sure about this one yet for axis in [ax.xaxis, ax.yaxis]: axis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(md.DateFormatter(date_format)) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(md.HourLocator(interval=interval)) for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_visible(False) for tick in ax.get_xticklabels(): tick.set_color('gray') for tick in ax.get_yticklabels(): tick.set_color('gray') #Plot and rasterize figure plt.gcf().set_size_inches([5.5,3.0]) plt.plot(df['date'], df['users'], drawstyle='steps-post') plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom=False, left=False) plt.margins(x=0,y=0,tight=True) plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig('img/temp.png', transparent=True, pad_inches=0) # Save and upload Plot image = discord.File('img/temp.png', filename='temp.png') plt.close() embed = discord.Embed(title=server_name, description=description, colour=12320855) embed.set_image(url='attachment://temp.png') await ctx.send(file=image, embed=embed) @bot.command(name="playerstats") async def playstats(ctx, arg): mycursor = await get_cursor() sql = """SELECT user, deaths, startdate, playtime FROM players WHERE user = '%s'""" % (arg) mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount if row_count == 1: Info=Info[0] plsembed = discord.Embed(title=":bar_chart: __Player Stats For " + Info[0] + "__ :bar_chart:", color=0x4A90E2) plsembed.add_field(name="Server Join Date:", value='{}'.format(Info[2]), inline=True) plsembed.add_field(name="Play Time:", value=await convert(Info[3]), inline=True) plsembed.add_field(name="Deaths:", value=Info[1], inline=True) await ctx.send(embed=plsembed) else: await ctx.send(content=':no_entry_sign: **' + arg + '** Not Found') mycursor.close() @bot.command(name="active") async def actives(ctx): mycursor = await get_cursor() sql = """SELECT user, jointime FROM players WHERE ingame = 1 ORDER BY jointime LIMIT 10""" mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount if row_count == 0: await ctx.send(content=':globe_with_meridians: 0 Players Active') else: ldrembed = discord.Embed(title=":man_raising_hand: __Active Users__ :woman_raising_hand:", color=0x50E3C2) EndTime = int(time.time()) for ind in Info: pname = ind[0] onfor = "Online For:" ponline = await convert(EndTime - ind[1]) ldrembed.add_field(name="{}".format(pname), value='{} {}'.format(onfor,ponline), inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=ldrembed) mycursor.close() @bot.command(name="version") async def versions(ctx): mycursor = await get_cursor() sql = """SELECT serverversion, plusversion FROM exstats WHERE id = 1""" mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount if row_count == 1: Info=Info[0] sembed = discord.Embed(title="Server Versions", color=0x407500) sembed.add_field(name="Valheim:", value='{}'.format(Info[0]), inline=True) sembed.add_field(name="Valheim Plus:", value='{}'.format(Info[1]), inline=True) await ctx.send(embed=sembed) else: await ctx.send(content=':no_entry_sign: Sorry no game version info found in the DB') mycursor.close() @bot.command(name="setstatus") @commands.is_owner() async def setstatus(ctx, arg: typing.Optional[str] = '0', arg1: typing.Optional[str] = '1'): if arg == "playing": await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(arg1)) # elif arg == "streaming": # await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Streaming(name=arg1, url=arg2)) elif arg == "watching": await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name=arg1)) elif arg == "listening": await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.listening, name=arg1)) else: await'Usage: `{}setstatus ""`'.format(bot.command_prefix)) @bot.command(name="savestats") @commands.is_owner() async def savestats(ctx): if config.EXSERVERINFO == True: mycursor = await get_cursor() sql = """SELECT savezdos, savesec, worldsize, timestamp FROM exstats WHERE savesec is not null AND savezdos is not null ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1""" mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount if row_count == 1: Info=Info[0] sembed = discord.Embed(title="World File Save Stats", color=0x407500, timestamp=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(Info[3])) sembed.set_footer(text="Last saved") sembed.add_field(name="Zdos Saved:", value='{}'.format(Info[0]), inline=True) sembed.add_field(name="Saving Took:", value='{}ms'.format(Info[1]), inline=True) if config.WORLDSIZE == True: sembed.add_field(name="World Size:", value='{}MB'.format(Info[2]), inline=True) await ctx.send(embed=sembed) else: await ctx.send(content=':no_entry_sign: No World File Save Stats Found') mycursor.close() else: await ctx.send(content=':no_entry_sign: Extra Server Info is turned off, turn on to see save stats') # Main loop for reading log file and outputing events async def mainloop(file): await bot.wait_until_ready() lchannel = bot.get_channel(lchanID) bugchan = bot.get_channel(dbchanID) print('Main loop: init') if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: buginfo = discord.Embed(title=":white_check_mark: **INFO** :white_check_mark:", description="Main Loop Started", color=0x7EFF00) buginfo.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=buginfo) try: testfile = open(file) testfile.close() while not bot.is_closed(): with open(file, encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as f:,2) while True: try: line = f.readline() except UnicodeDecodeError: print('Got an invalid utf-8 character! Skipping moving to next line') if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description="Got an invalid utf-8 character! Skipping.. moving to next line", color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) else: if(, line)): pname =, line).group(1) mycursor = await get_cursor() sql = """UPDATE players SET deaths = deaths + 1 WHERE user = '%s'""" % (pname) mycursor.execute(sql) mydb.commit() mycursor.close() await lchannel.send(':skull: **' + pname + '** just died!') if(, line)): eventID =, line).group(1) mycursor = await get_cursor() sql = """SELECT type, smessage, image FROM events WHERE type = '%s' LIMIT 1""" % (eventID) mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() Info=Info[0] image = discord.File('img/' + Info[2], filename=Info[2]) embed = discord.Embed(title=Info[0], colour=discord.Colour(0xb6000e), description="*" + Info[1] + "*") embed.set_thumbnail(url='attachment://' + Info[2]) embed.set_author(name="📢 Random Mob Event") await lchannel.send(file=image, embed=embed) mycursor.close() if(, line)): logJoin =, line).group(1) logID =, line).group(2) mycursor = await get_cursor() sql = """SELECT id, ingame FROM players WHERE user = '%s'""" % (logJoin) mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount if row_count == 0: StartDate = await timenow() JoinTime = int(time.time()) InGame = 1 sql = """INSERT INTO players (user, valid, startdate, jointime, ingame) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')""" % (logJoin, logID, StartDate, JoinTime, InGame) mycursor.execute(sql) mydb.commit() await lchannel.send(':airplane_arriving: New player **' + logJoin + '** has joined the party!') else: Info=Info[0] if Info[1] == 1: sql = """UPDATE players SET valid = '%s' WHERE id = '%s'""" % (logID, Info[0]) mycursor.execute(sql) mydb.commit() else: JoinTime = int(time.time()) InGame = 1 sql = """UPDATE players SET valid = '%s', jointime = '%s', ingame = '%s' WHERE user = '%s'""" % (logID, JoinTime, InGame, logJoin) mycursor.execute(sql) mydb.commit() await lchannel.send(':airplane_arriving: **' + logJoin + '** has joined the party!') sql2 = """INSERT INTO serverstats (date, timestamp, users) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')""" % (await timenow(), int(time.time()), await serverstatsupdate()) mycursor.execute(sql2) mydb.commit() mycursor.close() # Announcing when a player leaves the server, updates db with playtime if(, line)): logquit =, line).group(1) mycursor = await get_cursor() sql = """SELECT id, user, jointime, playtime FROM players WHERE valid = '%s'""" % (logquit) mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount if row_count == 1: Info=Info[0] EndTime = int(time.time()) Ptime = EndTime - Info[2] + Info[3] ponline = await convert(EndTime - Info[2]) InGame = 0 sql = """UPDATE players SET playtime = '%s', ingame = '%s' WHERE id = '%s'""" % (Ptime, InGame, Info[0]) mycursor.execute(sql) mydb.commit() await lchannel.send(':airplane_departure: **' + Info[1] + '** has left the party! Online for: ' + ponline + '') sql2 = """INSERT INTO serverstats (date, timestamp, users) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')""" % (await timenow(), int(time.time()), await serverstatsupdate()) mycursor.execute(sql2) mydb.commit() mycursor.close() # Annocing that a boss location was found if(, line)): newitem =, line).group(1) mycursor = await get_cursor() sql = """SELECT type, smessage, image FROM events WHERE type = '%s' LIMIT 1""" % (newitem) mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() Info=Info[0] image = discord.File('img/' + Info[2], filename=Info[2]) embed = discord.Embed(title=Info[0], colour=discord.Colour(0x77ac18)) embed.set_thumbnail(url='attachment://' + Info[2]) embed.set_author(name="📢 Location Found") await lchannel.send(file=image, embed=embed) mycursor.close() # Extra Server Info DB After this point if config.EXSERVERINFO == True: if(, line)): save1 =, line).group(1) mycursor = await get_cursor() sql = """INSERT INTO exstats (savezdos, timestamp) VALUES ('%s', '%s')""" % (save1, int(time.time())) mycursor.execute(sql) mydb.commit() mycursor.close() # Getting time it took for the save if(, line)): save2 =, line).group(1) mycursor = await get_cursor() tlookup = int(time.time()) - 60 sql = """SELECT id FROM exstats WHERE savesec is null AND timestamp BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s' LIMIT 1""" % (tlookup, int(time.time())) mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount if row_count == 1: Info=Info[0] if config.WORLDSIZE == True: sql ="""UPDATE exstats SET savesec = '%s', worldsize = '%s' WHERE id = '%s'""" % (save2, '{:,.2f}'.format(os.path.getsize(config.worldfile)/float(1<<20)), Info[0]) else: sql = """UPDATE exstats SET savesec = '%s' WHERE id = '%s'""" % (save2, Info[0]) mycursor.execute(sql) mydb.commit() else: print(Fore.RED + 'ERROR: Could not find save zdos info' + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description="Could not find save zdos info", color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) mycursor.close() # Getting and storing server version and Valheim Plus number in db, and announcing in channel if version was updated if(, line)): serversion =, line).group(1) vplversion =, line).group(2) mycursor = await get_cursor() sql = """SELECT id, serverversion, plusversion FROM exstats WHERE id = 1""" mycursor.execute(sql) Info = mycursor.fetchall() row_count = mycursor.rowcount if row_count == 0: print(Fore.RED + 'ERROR: Extra server info is set, but missing database table/info' + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description="Extra server info is set, but missing database table/info", color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) else: Info=Info[0] vcount = 0 if serversion != Info[1]: sqlv = 'serverversion = "' + serversion + '"' vcount = 1 await lchannel.send('**INFO:** Server has been updated to version: ' + serversion + '') if vplversion != Info[2]: if vcount == 1: sqlv = sqlv + ', plusversion = "' + vplversion + '"' else: sqlv = 'plusversion = "' + vplversion + '"' vcount = 1 await lchannel.send('**INFO:** Valheim Plus has been updated to version: ' + vplversion + '') if vcount == 1: sql = """UPDATE exstats SET %s WHERE id = '%s'""" % (sqlv, Info[0]) mycursor.execute(sql) mydb.commit() mycursor.close() # Getting and storing game day in db (only reported in log when doing a sleep) reports day of sleep not day after waking up if(, line)): gamedays =, line).group(1) mycursor = await get_cursor() sql = """INSERT INTO exstats (gameday, timestamp) VALUES ('%s', '%s')""" % (gamedays, int(time.time())) mycursor.execute(sql) mydb.commit() await lchannel.send('**INFO:** Server reported in game day as: ' + gamedays + '') mycursor.close() await asyncio.sleep(0.2) except IOError: print('No valid log found, event reports disabled. Please check') print('To generate server logs, run server with -logfile launch flag') print('Or permission error getting world file size') if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description="No valid log found, event reports disabled. Please check \n To generate server logs, run server with -logfile launch flag \n Or permission error getting world file size", color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) async def serverstatsupdate(): try: if channel = bot.get_channel(chanID) oplayers = if config.USEVCSTATS == True: await channel.edit(name=f"{emoji.emojize(':house:')} In-Game: {oplayers}" +" / 10") except Exception as e: print(Fore.RED + await timenow(), e, 'from A2S' + Style.RESET_ALL) channel = bot.get_channel(chanID) oplayers = 0 if config.USEVCSTATS == True: await channel.edit(name=f"{emoji.emojize(':cross_mark:')} Server Offline") else: return oplayers async def serveronline(): global sonline await bot.wait_until_ready() while not bot.is_closed(): try: if meonline = if sonline == 0: sonline = 1 if config.USEVCSTATS == True: channel = bot.get_channel(chanID) await channel.edit(name=f"{emoji.emojize(':house:')} Server OnLine") except Exception as e: if config.USEVCSTATS == True: channel = bot.get_channel(chanID) await channel.edit(name=f"{emoji.emojize(':cross_mark:')} Server Offline") if sonline == 1: sonline = 0 mycursor = await get_cursor() sql2 = """INSERT INTO serverstats (date, timestamp, users) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')""" % (await timenow(), int(time.time()), sonline) mycursor.execute(sql2) mydb.commit() mycursor.close() print(Fore.RED + await timenow(), e, 'from A2S, retrying (60s)...' + Style.RESET_ALL) if config.USEDEBUGCHAN == True: bugchan = bot.get_channel(dbchanID) bugerror = discord.Embed(title=":sos: **ERROR** :sos:", description=e, color=0xFF001E) bugerror.set_author(name=server_name) await bugchan.send(embed=bugerror) await asyncio.sleep(60) bot.loop.create_task(mainloop(file))