import discord, config from discord.ext import commands from discord.errors import Forbidden """This custom help command is a perfect replacement for the default one on any Discord Bot written in! Original concept by Jared Newsom (AKA Jared M.F.) [Deleted] Rewritten and optimized by Edited by stolenvw for Stolenvw ValPlusBot """ async def send_embed(ctx, embed): """ Function that handles the sending of embeds -> Takes context and embed to send - tries to send embed in channel - tries to send normal message when that fails - tries to send embed private with information abot missing permissions If this all fails: """ try: await ctx.send(embed=embed) except Forbidden: try: await ctx.send("Hey, seems like I can't send embeds. Please check my permissions :)") except Forbidden: await f"Hey, seems like I can't send any message in {} on {}\n" f"May you inform the server team about this issue? :slight_smile: ", embed=embed) class Help(commands.Cog): """ Sends this help message """ def __init__(self, bot): = bot"help") @commands.command() # @commands.bot_has_permissions(add_reactions=True,embed_links=True) async def help(self, ctx, *input): """Shows all modules of that bot""" # !SET THOSE VARIABLES TO MAKE THE COG FUNCTIONAL! prefix = config.BOT_PREFIX version = "v0.2.0" # checks if cog parameter was given # if not: sending all modules and commands not associated with a cog async def predicate(cmd): try: return await cmd.can_run(ctx) except commands.CommandError: return False if not input: # starting to build embed emb = discord.Embed(title='Valheim Plus Discord Bot', url="",, description=f'Use `{prefix}help ` to gain more information about that module ' f'\n') # iterating trough cogs, gathering descriptions cogs_desc = '' for cog in valid = False for command in if not command.hidden: valid = await predicate(command) if valid: break if valid: cogs_desc += f'`{cog}` {[cog].__doc__}\n' # adding 'list' of cogs to embed emb.add_field(name='Modules', value=cogs_desc, inline=False) # integrating trough uncategorized commands commands_desc = '' for command in # if cog not in a cog # listing command if cog name is None and command isn't hidden if not command.cog_name and not command.hidden: commands_desc += f'{} - {}\n' # adding those commands to embed if commands_desc: emb.add_field(name='Not belonging to a module', value=commands_desc, inline=False) emb.set_footer(text=f"Stolenvw ValPlusBot {version}") # block called when one cog-name is given # trying to find matching cog and it's commands elif len(input) == 1: # iterating trough cogs for cog in # check if cog is the matching one if cog.lower() == input[0].lower(): # making title - getting description from doc-string below class emb = discord.Embed(title=f'{cog} - Commands',[cog].__doc__, # getting commands from cog for command in # if cog is not hidden if not command.hidden: valid = await predicate(command) if valid: if not command.usage: emb.add_field(name=f"`{prefix}{}`",, inline=False) else: emb.add_field(name=f"`{prefix}{} {command.usage}`",, inline=False) # found cog - breaking loop break # if input not found # yes, for-loops have an else statement, it's called when no 'break' was issued else: emb = discord.Embed(title="What's that?!", description=f"I've never heard from a module called `{input[0]}` before", # too many cogs requested - only one at a time allowed elif len(input) > 1: emb = discord.Embed(title="That's too much.", description="Please request only one module at once", else: emb = discord.Embed(title="It's a magical place.", description="I don't know how you got here. But I didn't see this coming at all.\n" "Would you please be so kind to report that issue to me on github?\n" "\n" "Thank you! ~Chris", # sending reply embed using our own function defined above await send_embed(ctx, emb) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Help(bot))