# Valheim Discord Bot ![](img/vhb_banner.png) Based off of [stolenvw's ValheimPlus-Discord_Bot](https://github.com/stolenvw/ValheimPlus-Discord_Bot) which in turn is based off of [ckbaudio's valheim-discord-bot](https://github.com/ckbaudio/valheim-discord-bot). Includes support for Valheim Plus. I'm keeping the original assets and art, all credits go to [ckbaudio](https://github.com/ckbaudio). ## Setup: - **Working MySQL server is needed for this bot**. - `table_info.sql` has table info for the database. - Install requirements via `pip install -r requirements.txt`. - The script is intended to run on the same server as the game host for uninterrupted access to server logs. - Logs can be invoked on a dedicated valheim server by passing the `-logfile` flag. ### [config.py](code/config.py) Edit this file with your info. Setting should be self-explanitory. **Warning:** Using the `BepInEx/LogOutput.log` file will not work. For `WORLDSIZE` user running the bot must have read permissions to the world.db.old file. ### [dbsetup.py](code/dbsetup.py) Tables and data for the MySQL database. **Warning: Set up the `config.py` before running this**. Run `python3 dbsetup.py` from the code dir to create tables. ## Usage: `python3 plusbot.py` while in the `code` dir. `nohup python3 plusbot.py &` Too run in background, or you can create a service to run `plusbot.py` under systemd. **help** shows available commands. ## [Optional:](optional) Check the optional dir for addons. ## Example Output: ![](img/example.png)