import urllib3 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def get_chapters_list(main_url, manga_name_url, manga_name, reverse_sorted=True): """ Retrieves chapter urls and names. Returns a list of lists containing the url and the title of the chapter. main_url: Main webpage name (source). manga_name_url: Name of the manga in the url format that's used by the webpage. manga_name: Actual name of the manga, as it appears in the webpage. reverse_sorted: Sorting of the final array. """ manga_url = ''.join([main_url, manga_name_url]) # Not actually a file, but the content of the html. html = urllib3.PoolManager().request('GET', manga_url) # Get the data from the html and parse it. soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser') # Get the "rows" class, this contains the url # and title data for each chapter. # Deletes the first tag, since it's not useful. soup_rows = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'row'}) del soup_rows[0] # Creates a list to store date for each url and chapter name. chapter_list = [] for row in soup_rows: # Gets the url name from the a tag. href = row.a['href'] # Same, for the title. Deletes every ocurrance of the manga name, # unwanted characters and then gets everyword. title_words = row.a['title'].replace(manga_name, '').replace('?', '') title_words = title_words.replace(':', '').replace('-', '') title_words = title_words.replace('...', '').replace(',', '').split() # Doing all the work in oneliner doesn't work for some chapters, # for some reason. # title = '_'.join(row.a['title'].replace(manga_name, '') # .replace(':', '').replace('-', '').lower().split()) # Lowers every word and appends it to a new list, # then it gets joined with '_' as a sep. title_words_lower = [] for word in title_words: title_words_lower.append(word.lower()) title = '_'.join(title_words_lower) # print(href, title) chapter_list.append([href, title]) if reverse_sorted: return chapter_list[::-1] else: return chapter_list