import urllib3 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def get_chapter_image_list(chapter_data): """ Gets the links for each image in the chapter, and returns a list of the links. Returns a list of the image urls and its file name. chapter_data: A list containing a url and a title. NOTE: Not for direct use with the result of 'get_chapters_list' """ # Not actually a file, but the content of the html. html = urllib3.PoolManager().request('GET', chapter_data[0]) # Get the data from the html and parse it. soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser') # Get the "vung-doc" class, this contains a url for each page, # which redirects to the source of the image. # Deletes the first and last items, since they're trash. soup_img = soup.find_all('img') del soup_img[0] del soup_img[len(soup_img)-1] # Stores each image url in a list. image_url_list = [] for img in soup_img: # Gets the sring of the url, splits it by the char '/', # and gets the last item, which is the name of the file. image_url_list.append([img['src'], img['src'].split('/')[-1]]) return image_url_list