import pytest from pytest import LogCaptureFixture from pathlib import Path from logging import INFO from pyssg.utils import (get_expanded_path, get_checksum, copy_file, create_dir, get_dir_structure, get_file_list) # $PYSSG_HOME is the only env var set # in the project settings that resemble a path @pytest.mark.parametrize('path, expected_expanded', [ ('$PYSSG_HOME', '/tmp/pyssg'), ('$PYSSG_HOME/', '/tmp/pyssg'), ('/test$PYSSG_HOME/', '/test/tmp/pyssg'), ('/test/$PYSSG_HOME/', '/test/tmp/pyssg'), ('/test/$PYSSG_HOME/test', '/test/tmp/pyssg/test') ]) def test_path_expansion(path: str, expected_expanded: str) -> None: expanded: str = get_expanded_path(path) assert expanded == expected_expanded @pytest.mark.parametrize('path', [ ('$'), ('$NON_EXISTENT_VARIABLE'), ('/path/to/something/$'), ('/path/to/something/$NON_EXISTENT_VARIABLE') ]) def test_path_expansion_failure(path: str) -> None: with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as system_exit: get_expanded_path(path) assert system_exit.type == SystemExit assert system_exit.value.code == 1 def test_checksum(test_dir: str, simple_yaml: str) -> None: path: str = f'{test_dir}/io_files/{simple_yaml}' simple_yaml_checksum: str = 'd4f0a3ed56fd530d3ea485dced25534c' checksum: str = get_checksum(path) assert checksum == simple_yaml_checksum def test_copy_file(tmp_path: Path, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: src: Path = tmp_path/'src' dst: Path = tmp_path/'dst' src.mkdir() dst.mkdir() src_file: Path = src/'tmp_file.txt' dst_file: Path = dst/'tmp_file.txt' src_file.write_text('something') inf: tuple[str, int, str] = ('pyssg.utils', INFO, f'copied file "{src_file}" to "{dst_file}"') copy_file(str(src_file), str(dst_file)) assert caplog.record_tuples[-1] == inf def test_copy_file_failure(tmp_path: Path, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: src: Path = tmp_path/'src' dst: Path = tmp_path/'dst' src.mkdir() dst.mkdir() src_file: Path = src/'tmp_file.txt' dst_file: Path = dst/'tmp_file.txt' src_file.write_text('something') dst_file.write_text('something') inf: tuple[str, int, str] = ('pyssg.utils', INFO, f'file "{dst_file}" already exists, ignoring') copy_file(str(src_file), str(dst_file)) assert caplog.record_tuples[-1] == inf def test_create_dir(tmp_path: Path, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: path: Path = tmp_path/'new_dir' inf: tuple[str, int, str] = ('pyssg.utils', INFO, f'created directory "{path}"') assert path.exists() is False create_dir(str(path), False, False) assert path.exists() is True assert caplog.record_tuples[-1] == inf def test_create_dir_failure(tmp_path: Path, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: path: Path = tmp_path/'new_dir' inf: tuple[str, int, str] = ('pyssg.utils', INFO, f'directory "{path}" exists, ignoring') path.mkdir() create_dir(str(path), False, False) assert caplog.record_tuples[-1] == inf def test_create_dirs(tmp_path: Path, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: path: Path = tmp_path/'new_dir' sub_path: Path = path/'sub_dir' inf: tuple[str, int, str] = ('pyssg.utils', INFO, f'created directory "{sub_path}"') assert path.exists() is False assert sub_path.exists() is False create_dir(str(sub_path), True, False) assert path.exists() is True assert sub_path.exists() is True assert caplog.record_tuples[-1] == inf def test_create_dirs_failure(tmp_path: Path, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: path: Path = tmp_path/'new_dir' sub_path: Path = path/'sub_dir' inf: tuple[str, int, str] = ('pyssg.utils', INFO, f'directory "{sub_path}" exists, ignoring') path.mkdir() sub_path.mkdir() create_dir(str(sub_path), True, False) assert caplog.record_tuples[-1] == inf @pytest.mark.parametrize('exclude, exp_dir_str', [ ([], ['second/s1', 'first/f1/f2']), (['f2'], ['second/s1', 'first/f1']), (['f1'], ['second/s1', 'first']), (['second'], ['first/f1/f2']), (['s1', 'f2'], ['second', 'first/f1']), (['s1', 'f1'], ['second', 'first']), (['s1', 'first'], ['second']) ]) def test_dir_structure(tmp_dir_structure: Path, exclude: list[str], exp_dir_str: list[str]) -> None: dir_str: list[str] = get_dir_structure(str(tmp_dir_structure), exclude) # order doesn't matter assert sorted(dir_str) == sorted(exp_dir_str) @pytest.mark.parametrize('exts, exclude_dirs, exp_flist', [ (('txt',), [], ['f0.txt', 'second/f4.txt', 'second/s1/f5.txt', 'first/f1.txt', 'first/f1/f2.txt', 'first/f1/f2/f3.txt']), (('txt', 'html'), [], ['f0.html', 'f0.txt', 'second/f4.txt', 'second/f4.html', 'second/s1/f5.html', 'second/s1/f5.txt', 'first/f1.html', 'first/f1.txt', 'first/f1/f2.txt', 'first/f1/f2.html', 'first/f1/f2/f3.txt', 'first/f1/f2/f3.html']), (('md',), [], ['', 'second/', 'second/s1/', 'first/', 'first/f1/', 'first/f1/f2/']), (('md',), ['first'], ['', 'second/', 'second/s1/']), (('md',), ['first', 's1'], ['', 'second/']), (('md',), ['f2', 's1'], ['', 'second/', 'first/', 'first/f1/',]) ]) def test_file_list(tmp_dir_structure: Path, exts: tuple[str], exclude_dirs: list[str], exp_flist: list[str]) -> None: flist: list[str] = get_file_list(str(tmp_dir_structure), exts, exclude_dirs) # order doesn't matter assert sorted(flist) == sorted(exp_flist)