import pytest from pytest import LogCaptureFixture from typing import Any, Callable from logging import ERROR from pyssg.configuration import get_static_config, get_parsed_config # this test is a bit sketchy, as the way the datetimes are calculated could vary # by milliseconds or even have a difference in seconds def test_static_config(rss_date_fmt: str, sitemap_date_fmt: str, get_fmt_time: Callable[..., str], version: str) -> None: rss_run_date: str = get_fmt_time(rss_date_fmt) sitemap_run_date: str = get_fmt_time(sitemap_date_fmt) sc_dict: dict[str, Any] = {'fmt': {'rss_date': rss_date_fmt, 'sitemap_date': sitemap_date_fmt}, 'info': {'rss_run_date': rss_run_date, 'sitemap_run_date': sitemap_run_date, 'version': version}} static_config: dict[str, Any] = get_static_config() assert static_config == sc_dict def test_default_config(sample_files_path: str, default_yaml: str, default_config_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> None: yaml_path: str = f'{sample_files_path}/config/{default_yaml}' yaml: list[dict[str, Any]] = get_parsed_config(yaml_path) assert len(yaml) == 1 assert yaml[0] == default_config_dict def test_default_config_mising_mandatory_key(sample_files_path: str, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: err: tuple[str, int, str] = ('pyssg.configuration', ERROR, 'config doesn\'t have "title"') yaml_path: str = f'{sample_files_path}/config/default_missing_mandatory_key.yaml' with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as system_exit: get_parsed_config(yaml_path) assert system_exit.type == SystemExit assert system_exit.value.code == 1 assert caplog.record_tuples[-1] == err def test_default_config_mising_dirs(sample_files_path: str, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: err: tuple[str, int, str] = ('pyssg.configuration', ERROR, 'config doesn\'t have any dirs (dirs.*)') yaml_path: str = f'{sample_files_path}/config/default_missing_dirs.yaml' with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as system_exit: get_parsed_config(yaml_path) assert system_exit.type == SystemExit assert system_exit.value.code == 1 assert caplog.record_tuples[-1] == err def test_default_config_root_dir(sample_files_path: str, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: err: tuple[str, int, str] = ('pyssg.configuration', ERROR, 'config doesn\'t have "dirs./"') yaml_path: str = f'{sample_files_path}/config/default_missing_root_dir.yaml' with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as system_exit: get_parsed_config(yaml_path) assert system_exit.type == SystemExit assert system_exit.value.code == 1 assert caplog.record_tuples[-1] == err # this really just tests that both documents in the yaml file are read, # both documents are the same (the default.yaml) def test_multiple_default_config(sample_files_path: str, default_config_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> None: yaml_path: str = f'{sample_files_path}/config/multiple_default.yaml' yaml: list[dict[str, Any]] = get_parsed_config(yaml_path) assert len(yaml) == 2 assert yaml[0] == default_config_dict assert yaml[1] == default_config_dict # also, this just tests that the checks for a well formed config file are # processed for all documents def test_multiple_default_config_one_doc_error(sample_files_path: str, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: err: tuple[str, int, str] = ('pyssg.configuration', ERROR, 'config doesn\'t have any dirs (dirs.*)') yaml_path: str = f'{sample_files_path}/config/multiple_default_one_doc_error.yaml' with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as system_exit: get_parsed_config(yaml_path) assert system_exit.type == SystemExit assert system_exit.value.code == 1 assert caplog.record_tuples[-1] == err