import os import sys import pytest import shutil from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Callable from pytest import MonkeyPatch from argparse import ArgumentParser from datetime import datetime, timezone from importlib.metadata import version as v from logging import Logger, getLogger, DEBUG from copy import deepcopy from pyssg.arg_parser import get_parser from pyssg.custom_logger import setup_logger from pyssg.database_entry import DatabaseEntry from import Page @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def version(): return v('pyssg') @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def rss_date_fmt(): return '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT' @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def sitemap_date_fmt(): return '%Y-%m-%d' @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def sample_files_path() -> str: return f'{str(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))}/sample_files' @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def config_resource() -> str: return 'tests.sample_files.config' @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def default_yaml() -> str: return 'default.yaml' @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def arg_parser() -> ArgumentParser: return get_parser() @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def logger() -> Logger: setup_logger(__name__, DEBUG) return getLogger(__name__) @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def capture_stdout(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> dict[str, str | int]: buffer: dict[str, str | int] = {'stdout': '', 'write_calls': 0} def fake_writer(s): buffer['stdout'] += s buffer['write_calls'] += 1 # type: ignore monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdout, 'write', fake_writer) return buffer @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def get_fmt_time() -> Callable[..., str]: def fmt_time(fmt: str) -> str: return return fmt_time @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def default_config() -> dict[str, Any]: return {'define': '$PYSSG_HOME/pyssg/site_example/', 'title': 'Example site', 'path': { 'src': '/tmp/pyssg/pyssg/site_example/src', 'dst': '/tmp/pyssg/pyssg/site_example/dst', 'plt': '/tmp/pyssg/pyssg/site_example/plt', 'db': '/tmp/pyssg/pyssg/site_example/.files'}, 'url': { 'main': ''}, 'fmt': { 'date': '%a, %b %d, %Y @ %H:%M %Z'}, 'dirs': { '/': { 'cfg': { 'plt': 'page.html', 'tags': False, 'index': False, 'rss': False, 'sitemap': False}}}} @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def root_dir_config() -> dict[str, Any]: return {'plt': 'page.html', 'tags': False, 'index': False, 'rss': False, 'sitemap': False, 'src': '/tmp/pyssg/pyssg/site_example/src', 'dst': '/tmp/pyssg/pyssg/site_example/dst', 'url': ''} @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def tmp_dir_structure(tmp_path: Path) -> Path: root: Path = tmp_path/'dir_structure' # order matters dirs: list[Path] = [root, root/'first', root/'first/f1', root/'first/f1/f2', root/'second', root/'second/s1'] for i, d in enumerate(dirs): d.mkdir() for ext in ['txt', 'md', 'html']: (d/f'f{i}.{ext}').write_text('sample') return root @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def tmp_db_e1() -> DatabaseEntry: return DatabaseEntry(('', 1671076311.823135, 0.0, '778bce781d95730cd1e872a10130e20d', '-')) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def tmp_db_e2() -> DatabaseEntry: return DatabaseEntry(('a/', 1671077831.63301, # 1671078892.892921, 1677381461.8107588, # '6092d6471d3a83135293e34ef6012939', 'a61d0116844b6ebc02db62b4b1bf453d', 'english,short,update')) @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def tmp_db(tmp_path: Path, tmp_db_e1: DatabaseEntry, tmp_db_e2: DatabaseEntry) -> Path: root: Path = tmp_path/'db' db_path: Path = tmp_path/'db/sample_db.psv' root.mkdir() e1: str = '|'.join(tmp_db_e1.get_raw_entry()) e2: str = '|'.join(tmp_db_e2.get_raw_entry()) db_path.write_text(f'{e1}\n{e2}\n') return db_path @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def tmp_db_wrong_col_num(tmp_path: Path) -> Path: root: Path = tmp_path/'db' db_path: Path = tmp_path/'db/sample_db_wrong_col_num.psv' root.mkdir() # missing tags, could be anything though db_path.write_text('name|0.0|0.0|cksm\n') return db_path @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def tmp_src_dir(tmp_path: Path, sample_files_path: str) -> Path: src: Path = tmp_path/'src' src_a: Path = src/'a' src.mkdir() src_a.mkdir() src_test: str = f'{sample_files_path}/md' files: list[str] = ['', '', 'a/'] for f in files: shutil.copy2(f'{src_test}/{f}', f'{str(src)}/{f}') return src @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def page_simple(default_config: dict[str, Any], root_dir_config: dict[str, Any], rss_date_fmt: str, sitemap_date_fmt: str) -> Page: # adding the fmt as it is added on the code before being passed to the page config: dict[str, Any] = deepcopy(default_config) config['fmt']['rss_date'] = rss_date_fmt config['fmt']['sitemap_date'] = sitemap_date_fmt return Page( name='', ctime=1682418172.291993, mtime=0.0, html='

Simple converted md with nothing but this text.

', toc='
\n', toc_tokens=[], meta=dict(), config=config, dir_config=root_dir_config ) # this is basically page_simple with extras @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def page_simple_modified(default_config: dict[str, Any], root_dir_config: dict[str, Any], rss_date_fmt: str, sitemap_date_fmt: str) -> Page: config: dict[str, Any] = deepcopy(default_config) config['fmt']['rss_date'] = rss_date_fmt config['fmt']['sitemap_date'] = sitemap_date_fmt dir_config: dict[str, Any] = deepcopy(root_dir_config) dir_config['tags'] = True tags: list[str] = ['blog', 'english', 'etc'] basic_meta: dict[str, Any] = { 'title': 'Example title', 'author': 'Single Author', 'summary': 'Some summary.', 'lang': 'es', 'tags': tags } return Page( name='', ctime=1682418300.291993, mtime=1682418350.291993, html='

Simple converted md with nothing but this text, modified.

', toc='
\n', toc_tokens=[], meta=basic_meta, config=config, dir_config=dir_config )