import os import sys import shutil from hashlib import md5 from logging import Logger, getLogger from datetime import datetime, timezone log: Logger = getLogger(__name__) # TODO: add file exclusion option def get_file_list(path: str, exts: tuple[str], exclude_dirs: list[str] = []) -> list[str]: log.debug('retrieving file list in "%s",' ' extensions %s, except dirs %s', path, exts, exclude_dirs) file_list: list[str] = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if exclude_dirs != []: log.debug('removing excludes from list') dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in exclude_dirs] for file in files: if file.endswith(exts): # [1:] is required to remove the '/' # at the beginning after replacing fname: str = os.path.join(root, file) fname = fname.replace(path, '')[1:] file_list.append(fname) log.debug('added "%s"', fname) else: log.debug('ignoring "%s", doesn\'t contain' ' extensions %s', file, exts) return file_list def get_dir_structure(path: str, exclude: list[str] = []) -> list[str]: log.debug('retrieving dir structure in "%s",' ' except dirs %s', path, exclude) dir_list: list[str] = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if exclude != []: log.debug('removing excludes from list') dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in exclude] for d in dirs: if root in dir_list: dir_list.remove(root) # not removing the 'path' part here, # as comparisons with 'root' would fail dname: str = os.path.join(root, d) dir_list.append(dname) log.debug('added dir "%s" to the list', dname) # [1:] is required to remove the '/' at the beginning after replacing return [d.replace(path, '')[1:] for d in dir_list] # TODO: probably change it so it returns a bool, easier to check def create_dir(path: str, p: bool = False) -> None: try: if p: os.makedirs(path) else: os.mkdir(path)'created directory "%s"', path) except FileExistsError: log.debug('directory "%s" exists, ignoring', path) # TODO: change this as it doesn't take directories into account, # a file can be copied into a directory, need to get the filename # and use it when copying # TODO: probably change it so it returns a bool, easier to check def copy_file(src: str, dst: str) -> None: if not os.path.exists(dst): shutil.copy2(src, dst)'copied file "%s" to "%s"', src, dst) else:'file "%s" already exists, ignoring', dst) # as seen in SO: def get_checksum(path: str) -> str: log.debug('calculating md5 checksum for "%s"', path) file_hash = md5() with open(path, "rb") as f: while chunk := file_hash.update(chunk) return file_hash.hexdigest() def get_expanded_path(path: str) -> str: epath: str = os.path.normpath(os.path.expandvars(path)) if '$' in epath: log.error('"$" character found in expanded path "%s",' ' could be due to non-existant env var', epath) sys.exit(1) log.debug('expanded path "%s" to "%s"', path, epath) return epath def get_time_now(fmt: str, tz: timezone=timezone.utc) -> str: return