import os class HF: def __init__(self): self.header: str = None self.footer: str = None class Common(HF): def __init__(self): self.list_header: str = None self.list_footer: str = None self.list_entry: str = None self.list_separator: str = None class Template(HF): def __init__(self): self.article: HF = HF() self.articles: Common = Common() self.tags: Common = Common() def write_templates(self, src: str) -> None: # get initial working directory iwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(src) # create templates dir os.mkdir('templates') os.chdir('templates') # common os.mkdir('common') os.chdir('common') self.__write_template('header.html', ['\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '$$TITLE\n', '$$EXTRAHEAD\n', '\n', '\n']) self.__write_template('footer.html', ['\n', '\n']) # go back to templates os.chdir('..') # article entry os.mkdir('article') os.chdir('article') self.__write_template('header.html', ['


']) self.__write_template('footer.html', ['']) # go back to templates os.chdir('..') # article index (articles) os.mkdir('articles') os.chdir('articles') self.__write_template('header.html', ['']) self.__write_template('list_header.html', ['


\n', '\n']) self.__write_template('footer.html', ['']) # go back to templates os.chdir('..') # tag os.mkdir('tag') os.chdir('tag') self.__write_template('header.html', ['']) self.__write_template('list_header.html', ['

Tags: ']) self.__write_template('list_entry.html', ['$$NAME']) self.__write_template('list_separator.html', [', ']) self.__write_template('list_footer.html', ['

\n']) self.__write_template('footer.html', ['']) # return to initial working directory os.chdir(iwd) def read_templates(self, src: str) -> None: # get initial working directory iwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.join(src, 'templates')) # common os.chdir('common') self.header = self.__read_template('header.html') self.footer = self.__read_template('footer.html') # go back to templates os.chdir('..') # article entry os.chdir('article') self.article.header = self.__read_template('header.html') self.article.footer = self.__read_template('footer.html') # go back to templates os.chdir('..') # article index os.chdir('articles') self.articles.header = self.__read_template('header.html') self.articles.list_header = \ self.__read_template('list_header.html') self.articles.list_entry = \ self.__read_template('list_entry.html') self.articles.list_separator = \ self.__read_template('list_separator.html') self.articles.list_footer = \ self.__read_template('list_footer.html') self.articles.footer = self.__read_template('footer.html') # go back to templates os.chdir('..') # tag os.chdir('tag') self.tags.header = self.__read_template('header.html') self.tags.list_header = self.__read_template('list_header.html') self.tags.list_entry = self.__read_template('list_entry.html') self.tags.list_separator = self.__read_template('list_separator.html') self.tags.list_footer = self.__read_template('list_footer.html') self.tags.footer = self.__read_template('footer.html') # return to initial working directory os.chdir(iwd) def __write_template(self, file_name: str, content: list[str]) -> None: with open(file_name, 'w+') as f: for c in content: f.write(c) def __read_template(self, file_name: str) -> str: out: str = None with open(file_name, 'r') as f: out = return out