import os import sys from importlib.resources import path as rpath from typing import Union from logging import Logger, getLogger, DEBUG from argparse import ArgumentParser from pyssg.arg_parser import get_parser from pyssg.utils import create_dir, copy_file, get_expanded_path from pyssg.cfg.configuration import get_parsed_config, VERSION from pyssg.database import Database from pyssg.builder import Builder log: Logger = getLogger(__name__) def main() -> None: arg_parser: ArgumentParser = get_parser() args: dict[str, Union[str, bool]] = vars(arg_parser.parse_args()) # TODO: move this logic to the logger # too messy to place at, don't want to be # passing the arg parser around def _log_perror(message: str) -> None: arg_parser.print_usage() # even if it's an error, print it as info # as it is not critical, only config related'pyssg: error: {message}, --help for more') sys.exit(1) # -1 as first argument is program path num_args = len(sys.argv) - 1 if num_args == 2 and args['config']: _log_perror('only config argument passed') elif not num_args > 0 or (num_args == 1 and args['debug']): _log_perror('no arguments passed') elif num_args == 3 and (args['debug'] and args['config']): _log_perror('no arguments passed other than "debug" and "config"') if args['version']:'pyssg v%s', VERSION) sys.exit(0) # TODO: move this logic to the logger if args['debug']: # need to modify the root logger specifically, # as it is the one that holds the config # (__name__ happens to resolve to pyssg in __init__) root_logger: Logger = getLogger('pyssg') root_logger.setLevel(DEBUG) for handler in root_logger.handlers: handler.setLevel(DEBUG) log.debug('changed logging level to DEBUG') if args['init']: idir: str = os.path.normpath(get_expanded_path(str(args['init'])))'initializing directory structure and copying templates') create_dir(idir) with rpath('pyssg.plt', 'default.yaml') as p: copy_file(str(p), os.path.join(idir, 'config.yaml')) create_dir(os.path.join(idir, 'src')) create_dir(os.path.join(idir, 'dst')) create_dir(os.path.join(idir, 'plt')) files: list[str] = ['index.html', 'page.html', 'tag.html', 'rss.xml', 'sitemap.xml', ''] log.debug('list of files to copy over: %s', files) for f in files: plt_file: str = os.path.join(os.path.join(idir, 'plt'), f) with rpath('pyssg.plt', f) as p: copy_file(str(p), plt_file)'finished initialization') sys.exit(0) config_path: str = get_expanded_path(str((args['config']))) \ if args['config'] else 'config.yaml' if not os.path.exists(config_path): log.error('config file does\'t exist in path "%s"; make sure' ' the path is correct; use --init if it\'s the' ' first time if you haven\'t already', config_path) sys.exit(1) log.debug('reading config files') config: list[dict] = get_parsed_config(config_path) print(config) if args['build']:'building the html files') # TODO: move from filesystem database to sqlite3 db: Database = Database(config[0]['path']['db']) # TODO: change logic from "dir_paths" to single config log.debug('building all dir_paths found in conf') for dir_path in config[0]['dirs'].keys(): log.debug('building for "%s"', dir_path) builder: Builder = Builder(config[0], db, dir_path) db.write()'finished building the html files') sys.exit(0)