import os from operator import itemgetter from markdown import Markdown from configparser import ConfigParser from logging import Logger, getLogger from markdown import Markdown from yafg import YafgExtension from MarkdownHighlight.highlight import HighlightExtension from markdown_checklist.extension import ChecklistExtension from .database import Database from .page import Page log: Logger = getLogger(__name__) def _get_md_obj() -> Markdown: exts: list = ['extra', 'meta', 'sane_lists', 'smarty', 'toc', 'wikilinks', # stripTitle generates an error when True, # if there is no title attr YafgExtension(stripTitle=False, figureClass="", figcaptionClass="", figureNumbering=False, figureNumberClass="number", figureNumberText="Figure"), HighlightExtension(), ChecklistExtension()] log.debug('list of md extensions: (%s)', ', '.join([e if isinstance(e, str) else type(e).__name__ for e in exts])) return Markdown(extensions=exts, output_format='html5') # page and file is basically a synonym here... class MDParser: def __init__(self, files: list[str], config: ConfigParser, db: Database): log.debug('initializing the md parser with %d files', len(files)) self.files: list[str] = files self.config: ConfigParser = config self.db: Database = db Markdown = _get_md_obj() self.all_files: list[Page] = None # updated and modified are synonyms here self.updated_files: list[Page] = None self.all_tags: list[tuple[str]] = None def parse_files(self) -> None: log.debug('parsing all files') # initialize lists self.all_files = [] self.updated_files = [] self.all_tags = [] # not used, not sure why i had this # all_tag_names: list[str] = [] for f in self.files: log.debug('parsing file "%s"', f) src_file: str = os.path.join(self.config.get('path', 'src'), f) log.debug('path "%s"', src_file) # get flag if update is successful file_updated: bool = self.db.update(src_file, remove=f'{self.config.get("path", "src")}/') log.debug('parsing md into html') content: str = page: Page = Page(f, self.db.e[f][0], self.db.e[f][1], content,, self.config) page.parse_metadata() # keep a separated list for all and updated pages if file_updated: log.debug('has been modified, adding to mod file list') self.updated_files.append(page) log.debug('adding to file list') self.all_files.append(page) # parse tags if page.tags is not None: log.debug('parsing tags') # add its tag to corresponding db entry if existent self.db.update_tags(f, list(map(itemgetter(0), page.tags))) log.debug('add all tags to tag list') for t in page.tags: if t[0] not in list(map(itemgetter(0), self.all_tags)): log.debug('adding tag "%s" as it\'s not present in tag list', t[0]) self.all_tags.append(t) else: log.debug('ignoring tag "%s" as it\'s present in tag list', t[0]) else: log.debug('no tags to parse') log.debug('sorting all lists for consistency') self.all_tags.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) self.updated_files.sort(reverse=True) self.all_files.sort(reverse=True) pages_amount: int = len(self.all_files) # note that prev and next are switched because of the # reverse ordering of all_pages log.debug('update next and prev attributes') for i, p in enumerate(self.all_files): if i != 0: next_page: Page = self.all_files[i - 1] = next_page if i != pages_amount - 1: prev_page: Page = self.all_files[i + 1] p.previous = prev_page