import sys from importlib.metadata import version from importlib.resources import path as rpath from datetime import datetime, timezone from configparser import ConfigParser from logging import Logger, getLogger from .utils import get_expanded_path log: Logger = getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH: str = '$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pyssg/config.ini' VERSION = version('pyssg') def __expand_all_paths(config: ConfigParser) -> None: log.debug('expanding all path options') for option in config.options('path'): path: str = config.get('path', option) config.set('path', option, get_expanded_path(path)) def __check_well_formed_config(config: ConfigParser) -> None: log.debug('checking that config file is well formed') default_config: ConfigParser = ConfigParser() with rpath('pyssg.plt', 'default.ini') as p: log.debug('reading config file "%s"', p) for section in default_config.sections(): log.debug('checking section "%s"', section) if not config.has_section(section): log.error('config does not have section "%s"', section) sys.exit(1) for option in default_config.options(section): log.debug('checking option "%s"', option) if not config.has_option(section, option): log.error('config does not have option "%s" in section "%s"', option, section) sys.exit(1) def get_parsed_config(path: str) -> ConfigParser: config: ConfigParser = ConfigParser() log.debug('reading config file "%s"', path) __check_well_formed_config(config) __expand_all_paths(config) # set other required options log.debug('setting extra config options') config.set('fmt', 'rss_date', '%%a, %%d %%b %%Y %%H:%%M:%%S GMT') config.set('fmt', 'sitemap_date', '%%Y-%%m-%%d') config.set('info', 'version', VERSION) config.set('info', 'rss_run_date', tz=timezone.utc).strftime(config.get('fmt', 'rss_date'))) config.set('info', 'sitemap_run_date', tz=timezone.utc).strftime(config.get('fmt', 'sitemap_date'))) return config