import sys import yaml import pprint from importlib.metadata import version from importlib.resources import path as rpath from datetime import datetime, timezone from configparser import ConfigParser from logging import Logger, getLogger from .utils import get_expanded_path log: Logger = getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH: str = '$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pyssg/config.yaml' VERSION = version('pyssg') def __expand_all_paths(config: ConfigParser) -> None: log.debug('expanding all path options') for option in config.options('path'): path: str = config['path'][option] config.set('path', option, get_expanded_path(path)) def __check_well_formed_config(config: ConfigParser) -> None: log.debug('checking that config file is well formed') default_config: ConfigParser = ConfigParser() with rpath('pyssg.plt', 'default.ini') as p: log.debug('reading config file "%s"', p) for section in default_config.sections(): log.debug('checking section "%s"', section) if not config.has_section(section): log.error('config does not have section "%s"', section) sys.exit(1) for option in default_config.options(section): log.debug('checking option "%s"', option) if not config.has_option(section, option): log.error('config does not have option "%s" in section "%s"', option, section) sys.exit(1) def get_parsed_config(path: str) -> ConfigParser: config: ConfigParser = ConfigParser() log.debug('reading config file "%s"', path) __check_well_formed_config(config) __expand_all_paths(config) # set other required options log.debug('setting extra config options') config.set('fmt', 'rss_date', '%%a, %%d %%b %%Y %%H:%%M:%%S GMT') config.set('fmt', 'sitemap_date', '%%Y-%%m-%%d') config.set('info', 'version', VERSION) config.set('info', 'rss_run_date', tz=timezone.utc).strftime(config['fmt']['rss_date'])) config.set('info', 'sitemap_run_date', tz=timezone.utc).strftime(config['fmt']['sitemap_date'])) return config