import sys from importlib.metadata import version from importlib.resources import path as rpath from datetime import datetime, timezone from logging import Logger, getLogger from .utils import get_expanded_path from .yaml_parser import get_parsed_yaml log: Logger = getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH: str = '$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pyssg/config.yaml' VERSION: str = version('pyssg') def __check_well_formed_config(config: dict, config_base: list[dict], prefix_key: str = '') -> None: for key in config_base[0].keys(): current_key: str = f'{prefix_key}.{key}' if prefix_key != '' else key log.debug('checking "%s"', current_key) if key not in config: log.error('config doesn\'t have "%s"', current_key) log.debug('key: %s; config.keys: %s', key, config.keys()) sys.exit(1) # checks for dir_paths if key == 'dirs': if '/' not in config[key]: log.error('config doesn\'t have "%s./"', current_key) log.debug('key: %s; config.keys: %s', key, config[key].keys()) sys.exit(1) log.debug('checking "%s" fields for (%s) dir_paths', key, ', '.join(config[key].keys())) for dkey in config[key].keys(): new_current_key: str = f'{current_key}.{dkey}' new_config_base: list[dict] = [config_base[1], config_base[1]] __check_well_formed_config(config[key][dkey], new_config_base, new_current_key) continue # the case for elements that don't have nested elements if not config_base[0][key]: log.debug('"%s" doesn\'t need nested elements', current_key) continue new_config_base: list[dict] = [config_base[0][key], config_base[1]] __check_well_formed_config(config[key], new_config_base, current_key) def __expand_all_paths(config: dict) -> None: log.debug('expanding all path options: %s', config['path'].keys()) for option in config['path'].keys(): config['path'][option] = get_expanded_path(config['path'][option]) # not necessary to type deeper than the first dict def get_parsed_config(path: str) -> list[dict]: log.debug('reading config file "%s"', path) config: list[dict] = get_parsed_yaml(path) mandatory_config: list[dict] = get_parsed_yaml('mandatory_config.yaml', 'pyssg.plt')'found %s document(s) for configuration "%s"', len(config), path) log.debug('checking that config file is well formed (at least contains mandatory fields') # TODO: make it work with n yaml docs __check_well_formed_config(config[0], mandatory_config) log.error('testing') sys.exit(1) __expand_all_paths(config[0]) return config # not necessary to type deeper than the first dict, # static config means config that shouldn't be changed by the user def get_static_config() -> dict[str, dict]: log.debug('reading and setting static config') config: dict = get_parsed_yaml('static_config.yaml', 'pyssg.plt')[0] # do I really need a lambda function... current_time = lambda x : config['info']['version'] = VERSION config['info']['rss_run_date'] = current_time(config['fmt']['rss_date']) config['info']['sitemap_run_date'] = current_time(config['fmt']['sitemap_date']) return config