import os import sys from copy import deepcopy from operator import itemgetter from logging import Logger, getLogger from jinja2 import Environment, Template, FileSystemLoader as FSLoader from .utils import get_file_list, get_dir_structure, create_dir, copy_file from .database import Database from .md_parser import MDParser from .page import Page log: Logger = getLogger(__name__) # TODO: need to better handle when using dir_path other than "/", as the "dir_path" is removed class Builder: def __init__(self, config: dict, db: Database, dir_path: str) -> None: log.debug('initializing site builder') self.config: dict = config self.db: Database = db self.dir_path: str = dir_path if self.dir_path not in self.config['dirs']: log.error('couldn\'t find "dirs.%s" attribute in config file', self.dir_path) sys.exit(1) if os.path.isabs(self.dir_path) and self.dir_path.strip() != '/': log.error('dir path "%s" cannot be absolute, except for the special case "/"', self.dir_path) sys.exit(1) log.debug('building dir_cfg for "%s" dir_path', self.dir_path) self.dir_cfg: dict = deepcopy(self.config['dirs'][self.dir_path]['cfg']) if self.dir_path.strip() == '/': log.debug('dir_path is "/", copying src/dst directly') self.dir_cfg['src'] = self.config['path']['src'] self.dir_cfg['dst'] = self.config['path']['dst'] self.dir_cfg['url'] = self.config['url']['main'] else: log.debug('dir_path is "%s", generating', self.dir_path) self.dir_cfg['src'] = os.path.join(self.config['path']['src'], self.dir_path) self.dir_cfg['dst'] = os.path.join(self.config['path']['dst'], self.dir_path) self.dir_cfg['url'] = f'{self.config["url"]["main"]}/{self.dir_path}' # the autoescape option could be a security risk if used in a dynamic # website, as far as i can tell log.debug('initializing the jinja environment') self.env: Environment = Environment(loader=FSLoader(self.config['path']['plt']), autoescape=False, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True) self.dirs: list[str] self.md_files: list[str] self.html_files: list[str] # files and pages are synoyms self.all_files: list[Page] self.all_tags: list[tuple[str, str]] self.common_vars: dict def build(self) -> None: log.debug('building site for dir path "%s"', self.dir_path) if 'exclude_dirs' not in self.dir_cfg: log.debug('"exclude_dirs" field not found in "dirs.%s.cfg"', self.dir_path) self.dir_cfg['exclude_dirs'] = [] if not isinstance(self.dir_cfg['exclude_dirs'], list): log.error('"exclude_dirs" field in "dirs.%s.cfg" isn\'t of type "list"', self.dir_path) sys.exit(1) self.dirs = get_dir_structure(self.dir_cfg['src'], self.dir_cfg['exclude_dirs']) self.md_files = get_file_list(self.dir_cfg['src'], ('.md',), self.dir_cfg['exclude_dirs']) self.html_files = get_file_list(self.dir_cfg['src'], ('.html',), self.dir_cfg['exclude_dirs']) self.__create_dir_structure() self.__copy_html_files() # TODO: check if need to pass dirs.dir_path.files parser: MDParser = MDParser(self.md_files, self.config, self.dir_cfg, self.db) parser.parse_files() # just so i don't have to pass these vars to all the functions self.all_files = parser.all_files self.all_tags = parser.all_tags # TODO: check if need to pass dirs.dir_path.files # dict for the keyword args to pass to the template renderer log.debug('adding exposed vars for jinja') self.common_vars = dict(config=self.config, dir_config=self.dir_cfg, all_pages=self.all_files, all_tags=self.all_tags) self.__render_pages(self.dir_cfg['plt']) if self.dir_cfg['tags']: log.debug('rendering tags for dir_path "%s"', self.dir_path) create_dir(os.path.join(self.dir_cfg['dst'], 'tag'), True, True) if isinstance(self.dir_cfg['tags'], str): self.__render_tags(self.dir_cfg['tags']) else: self.__render_tags('tag.html') default_plts: dict[str, str] = {'index': 'index.html', 'rss': 'rss.xml', 'sitemap': 'sitemap.xml'} for opt in default_plts.keys(): if self.dir_cfg[opt]: if isinstance(self.dir_cfg[opt], str): self.__render_template(self.dir_cfg[opt], default_plts[opt], **self.common_vars) else: self.__render_template(default_plts[opt], default_plts[opt], **self.common_vars) def __create_dir_structure(self) -> None: log.debug('creating dir structure for dir_path "%s"', self.dir_path) create_dir(self.dir_cfg['dst'], True, True) for d in self.dirs: path: str = os.path.join(self.dir_cfg['dst'], d) create_dir(path, True, True) def __copy_html_files(self) -> None: if not len(self.html_files) > 0: log.debug('no html files to copy') return log.debug('copying all html files') src_file: str dst_file: str for file in self.html_files: src_file = os.path.join(self.dir_cfg['src'], file) dst_file = os.path.join(self.dir_cfg['dst'], file) log.debug('copying "%s"', file) copy_file(src_file, dst_file) def __render_pages(self, template_name: str) -> None: log.debug('rendering pages with template "%s"', template_name) page_vars: dict = deepcopy(self.common_vars) for p in self.all_files: p_fname: str ='.md', '.html') log.debug('adding page "%s" to exposed vars for jinja', p_fname) page_vars['page'] = p # actually render article self.__render_template(template_name, p_fname, **page_vars) def __render_tags(self, template_name: str) -> None: log.debug('rendering tags with template "%s"', template_name) tag_vars: dict = deepcopy(self.common_vars) tag_pages: list[Page] for t in self.all_tags: log.debug('rendering tag "%s"', t[0]) # clean tag_pages tag_pages = [] log.debug('adding all pages that contain current tag') for p in self.all_files: if p.tags is not None and t[0] in list(map(itemgetter(0), p.tags)): log.debug('adding page "%s" as it contains tag "%s"',, t[0]) tag_pages.append(p) log.debug('adding tag and tag_pages to exposed vars for jinja') tag_vars['tag'] = t tag_vars['tag_pages'] = tag_pages t_fname: str = f'tag/@{t[0]}.html' # actually render tag page self.__render_template(template_name, t_fname, **tag_vars) def __render_template(self, template_name: str, file_name: str, **template_vars) -> None: log.debug('rendering html "%s" with template "%s"', file_name, template_name) template: Template = self.env.get_template(template_name) content: str = template.render(**template_vars) dst_path: str = os.path.join(self.dir_cfg['dst'], file_name) log.debug('writing html file to path "%s"', dst_path) with open(dst_path, 'w') as f: f.write(content)