import os import shutil from copy import deepcopy from .configuration import Configuration from .template import Template from .database import Database from .parser import MDParser from .page import Page from .discovery import get_file_list, get_dir_structure class HTMLBuilder: def __init__(self, config: Configuration, template: Template, db: Database): self.src: str = config.src self.dst: str = config.dst self.base_url: str = config.base_url self.dformat: str = config.dformat self.l_dformat: str = config.l_dformat self.lsep_dformat: str = config.lsep_dformat self.force: bool = config.force self.template: Template = template self.db: Database = db self.dirs: list[str] = None self.md_files: list[str] = None self.html_files: list[str] = None self.all_pages: list[Page] = None def build(self) -> None: self.dirs = get_dir_structure(self.src, ['templates']) self.md_files = get_file_list(self.src, ['.md'], ['templates']) self.html_files = get_file_list(self.src, ['.html'], ['templates']) self.__create_dir_structure() self.__copy_html_files() parser: MDParser = MDParser(self.src, self.md_files, self.db) parser.parse() # just to be able to extract all pages out of this class self.all_pages = parser.all_pages # create the article index self.__create_article_index(parser.all_tags, parser.all_pages) # create each category of html pages # check if all pages should be created if self.force: self.__create_articles(parser.all_pages) else: self.__create_articles(parser.updated_pages) self.__create_tags(parser.all_tags, parser.all_pages) def get_pages(self) -> list[Page]: return self.all_pages def __create_dir_structure(self) -> None: for d in self.dirs: # for the dir structure, # doesn't matter if the dir already exists try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.dst, d)) except FileExistsError: pass def __copy_html_files(self) -> None: src_file: str = None dst_file: str = None for f in self.html_files: src_file = os.path.join(self.src, f) dst_file = os.path.join(self.dst, f) # only copy files if they have been modified (or are new) if self.db.update(src_file, remove=f'{self.src}/'): shutil.copy2(src_file, dst_file) # this is really similar to create_tag (singular) def __create_article_index(self, tags: list[str], pages: list[Page]) -> None: # make temporary template t: Template = deepcopy(self.template) # do basic replacements # get page and tag list formated, both functions do replacements p_list: list[str] = self.__get_pages_formatted(pages, t) t_list: list[str] = self.__get_tags_formatted(tags, t) # common t.header = t.header.replace("$$LANG", 'en') t.header = t.header.replace('$$TITLE', f'Index') with open(os.path.join(self.dst, 'index.html'), 'w') as f: f.write(t.header) f.write(t.articles.header) f.write(t.tags.list_header) for tag in t_list: f.write(tag) f.write(t.tags.list_footer) f.write(t.articles.list_header) for page in p_list: f.write(page) f.write(t.articles.list_footer) f.write(t.articles.footer) f.write(t.footer) def __create_articles(self, pages: list[Page]) -> None: for p in pages: self.__create_article(p) def __create_article(self, page: Page) -> None: # TODO: create better solution for replace # make temporary template t: Template = deepcopy(self.template) # prepare html file name f_name: str = f_name = f_name.replace('.md', '.html') # get timestamps c_date: str = page.c_datetime.strftime(self.dformat) m_date: str = None if page.m_datetime is not None: m_date: str = page.m_datetime.strftime(self.dformat) # do basic replacements # get tag list formatted (some replacements done inside # get_tags_formatted) t_list: list[str] = None if page.tags is not None: t_list = self.__get_tags_formatted(page.tags, t) # common t.header = t.header.replace("$$LANG", page.lang) t.header = t.header.replace('$$TITLE', page.title) # article header t.article.header = t.article.header.replace('$$TITLE', page.title) t.article.header = t.article.header.replace('$$AUTHOR', t.article.header = t.article.header.replace('$$CTIME', c_date) if m_date is not None: t.article.header = t.article.header.replace('$$MTIME', m_date) else: t.article.header = t.article.header.replace('$$MTIME', '') # article footer (same replaces as header) t.article.footer = t.article.footer.replace('$$TITLE', page.title) t.article.footer = t.article.footer.replace('$$AUTHOR', t.article.footer = t.article.footer.replace('$$CTIME', c_date) if m_date is not None: t.article.footer = t.article.footer.replace('$$MTIME', m_date) else: t.article.footer = t.article.footer.replace('$$MTIME', '') with open(os.path.join(self.dst, f_name), 'w') as f: f.write(t.header) f.write(t.article.header) f.write(page.html) if t_list is not None: f.write(t.tags.list_header) for tag in t_list: f.write(tag) f.write(t.tags.list_footer) f.write(t.article.footer) f.write(t.footer) def __get_tags_formatted(self, tags: list[str], template: Template) -> list[str]: tag_amount: int = len(tags) tags_formatted: list[str] = [] for i, t in enumerate(tags): # t_e=tag entry t_e: str = template.tags.list_entry t_e = t_e.replace('$$URL', f'{self.base_url}/tag/@{t}.html') t_e = t_e.replace('$$NAME', t) tags_formatted.append(t_e) if i != tag_amount - 1: tags_formatted.append(template.tags.list_separator) return tags_formatted def __create_tags(self, tags: list[str], pages: list[Page]) -> None: for t in tags: # get a list of all pages that have current tag tag_pages: list[Page] = [] for p in pages: if p.tags is not None and t in p.tags: tag_pages.append(p) # build tag page self.__create_tag(t, tag_pages) # clean list of pages with current tag tag_pages = [] def __create_tag(self, tag: str, pages: list[Page]) -> None: # TODO: create better solution for replace # make temporary template t: Template = deepcopy(self.template) # do basic replacements # get page list formated (some replacements done inside # get_pages_formatted) p_list: list[str] = self.__get_pages_formatted(pages, t) # common t.header = t.header.replace("$$LANG", 'en') t.header = t.header.replace('$$TITLE', f'Posts filtered by: {tag}') # tag header tag_url: str = f'{self.base_url}/tag/@{tag}.html' t.tags.header = t.tags.header.replace('$$NAME', tag) with open(os.path.join(self.dst, f'tag/@{tag}.html'), 'w') as f: f.write(t.header) f.write(t.tags.header) f.write(t.articles.list_header) for p in p_list: f.write(p) f.write(t.articles.list_footer) f.write(t.tags.footer) f.write(t.footer) def __get_pages_formatted(self, pages: list[Page], template: Template) -> list[str]: month_year: str = '-' pages_formatted: list[str] = [] for p in pages: # check if the monthly separator should be included c_month_year: str = p.c_datetime.strftime(self.lsep_dformat) if c_month_year != month_year: month_year = c_month_year month_sep: str = template.articles.list_separator month_sep = month_sep.replace('$$SEP', month_year) pages_formatted.append(month_sep) f_name: str = f_name = f_name.replace('.md', '.html') # p_e=page entry p_e: str = template.articles.list_entry p_e = p_e.replace('$$URL', f'{self.base_url}/{f_name}') p_e = p_e.replace('$$DATE', p.c_datetime.strftime(self.l_dformat)) p_e = p_e.replace('$$TITLE', p.title) pages_formatted.append(p_e) return pages_formatted