return { { 'gbprod/nord.nvim', lazy = false, priority = 1000, config = function() require('nord').setup({ transparent = false, -- controled with below plugin 'xiyaowong/transparent.nvim' terminal_colors = true, diff = { mode = 'bg' }, borders = true, errors = { mode = 'bg' }, search = { theme = 'vim' }, styles = { -- Style to be applied to different syntax groups -- Value is any valid attr-list value for `:help nvim_set_hl` comments = { italic = true }, keywords = {}, functions = {}, variables = {}, -- To customize lualine/bufferline bufferline = { current = {}, modified = { italic = true }, }, }, }) vim.cmd.colorscheme('nord') end, }, { 'xiyaowong/transparent.nvim', config = function() require('transparent').setup({ extra_groups = { -- 'NormalFloat', -- plugins which have float panel such as Lazy, Mason, LspInfo }, exclude_groups = { 'CursorLine' }, }) vim.keymap.set('n', 'tT', 'TransparentToggle', { desc = '[t]oggle [T]ransparency' }) end, }, }