--- layout: base title: Fork Awesome Examples navbar_active: examples relative_path: ../ --- {% capture jumbotron_h1 %}  Examples{% endcapture %} {% capture jumbotron_p %}Lots of easy ways to use {{ site.forkawesome.name }}{% endcapture %} {% include jumbotron.html %} {% include stripe-social.html %}

After you get up and running, you can place {{ site.forkawesome.name }} icons just about anywhere with the <i> tag. Some examples appreciatively re-used from the Bootstrap documentation.

The following examples are kept simple. So please be sure to visit the manual accessibility examples and read more about making your icons accessible for all users.

{% include examples/basic.html %} {% include examples/larger.html %} {% include examples/fixed-width.html %} {% include examples/list.html %} {% include examples/bordered-pulled.html %} {% include examples/animated.html %} {% include examples/rotated-flipped.html %} {% include examples/stacked.html %} {% include examples/bootstrap.html %} {% include examples/custom.html %} {% include examples/accessible.html %}