<section id="new-upgrading"> <h2 class="page-header">Switching from {{ site.fontawesome.name }} {{ site.fontawesome.minor_version }}?</h2> <p> If you were using {{ site.fontawesome.name }} {{ site.fontawesome.minor_version }}, you should be able to just switch to {{ site.forkawesome.name }} {{ site.forkawesome.minor_version }} and get all the benefits from it. If you were using npm or composer packages, replace the ones you were using by this {{ site.forkawesome.name }} ones. Or if you downloaded a static copy of {{ site.fontawesome.name }}, download the latest version of {{ site.forkawesome.name }} and replace CSS and font files in your project and you should be good to go. </p> <p> We paid special attention not to change unicode codepoints for the existing icons, nor changed the CSS class names or icon names from {{ site.fontawesome.name }} {{ site.fontawesome.minor_version }}. Though we added a few more icons and made the process of contributing to this project much easier. Though, if you see a mistake, please don't hesitate to <a href="{{ page.relative_path }}community/#reporting-bugs">file a bug</a>. </p> </section>