title: This is the first blog post, just for testing purposes author: David Luévano lang: en summary: Just my first blog post where I state what tools I'm using to build this blog. tags: short update tools english I'm making this post just to figure out how [`ssg5`](https://www.romanzolotarev.com/ssg.html) and [`lowdown`](https://kristaps.bsd.lv/lowdown/) are supposed to work, and eventually [`rssg`](https://www.romanzolotarev.com/rssg.html). At the moment I'm not satisfied because there's no automatic date insertion into the 1) html file, 2) the blog post itself and 3) the listing system in the [blog homepage](https://blog.luevano.xyz/) which also has a problem with the ordering of the entries. And all of this just because I didn't want to use Luke's [lb](https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/lb) solution as I don't really like that much how he handles the scripts (*but they just work*). Hopefully, for tomorrow all of this will be sorted out and I'll have a working blog system. **Update**: I'm now using my own solution which I called [`pyssg`](${PYSSG_URL}), of which I talk about [here](https://blog.luevano.xyz/a/new_blogging_system.html).