{%extends "base.html"%} {%block html_lang%} {{config['lang']}} {%endblock html_lang%} {%block head_title%} Index -- {{config['title']}} {%endblock head_title%} {%block head_description%} {%endblock head_description%} {%block head_rss%} {%endblock head_rss%} {%block head_extra%} {%endblock head_extra%} {%block head_og%} {%endblock head_og%} {%block body_header%} {%import 'body/header.html' as body_header%} {{body_header.print(config)}} {%endblock body_header%} {%block body_content%}

Index -- {{config['title']}}

Welcome to my blog where I'll post whatever I please, ranging from rants to how-to's. Además, este pex va a estar en español e inglés porque quiero (no una mezcla en cada entrada, pero sí entradas completas en diferentes lenguajes).

Get the RSS feed: {{config['url']['main']}}/rss.xml

{%import "tag_list.html" as tag_list%} {{tag_list.print(all_tags, "article-tags")}} {%import "blog/page_list.html" as page_list%} {{page_list.print("Articles", all_pages)}} {%endblock body_content%} {%block body_footer%} {%import 'body/footer.html' as body_footer%} {{body_footer.contact(config)}} {{body_footer.donate(config)}} {{body_footer.rss(config)}}
{{body_footer.copyright()}} {%endblock body_footer%}