--- layout: base title: Official Merchandise navbar_active: store view_class: v-store relative_path: ../ --- {% capture jumbotron_h1 %}  Awesome Swag{% endcapture %} {% capture jumbotron_p %}Show your love & support of Font Awesome with official merchandise!{% endcapture %} {% include jumbotron.html %}
{% include products/fa-ther-tee.html %}
{% include products/space-shuttle-tee.html %}
{% include products/rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock-tee.html %}
{% include products/white-logo-tee.html %}
{% include products/camera-retro-tee.html %}
{% include products/old-skool-tee.html %}
{% include products/classics-tee.html %}
{% include products/green-logo-tee.html %}
{% include products/cta-suggestions.html %}

About Font Awesome Products

There might be times where you want to insert a bit of Font Awesome in the real world. That's why we're trying out some schwag. We hope you enjoy our icons and their fun spirit out in the wild and appreciate the support you're showing and giving by doing so. You're putting the Awesome in Font Awesome!

Shipping, Tracking, & Refunding Orders

All of our products are managed through Amazon. Shipping rates and schedules are managed through their storefront. You'll be able to track your placed orders and contact Amazon's responsive support about refunds, issues, or questions. Ratings and feedback are always welcome either on the product page or directly to us.