Luévano's Site


Currently recreating the site with the updated pyssg, things might be broken.

My name is David Luévano and this is my little piece of internet. I’m into alot of stuff, but mostly technology, drawing sometimes and… of course, gaming.

I have some sites setup here, such as a working blog where I post about whatever, an art gallery, and other stuff (check the nav bar).

Also, yes, yes it is supposed to look like this. This isn’t supposed to be a bloated mOdErN website; I use plain HTML and CSS and sometimes a bit of JS (meaning that I use no rEaCt nor bOoTsTrAp).

RSS feeds

Get updates about me or what I’m doing via RSS feeds. If you don’t know what an RSS feed is: RSS 2.0 Specification, or google is your friend.