This is the first blog post, just for testing purposes

I’m making this post just to figure out how ssg5 and lowdown are supposed to work (and eventually also rssg).

At the moment, I’m not satisfied because there’s no automatic date insertion into the 1) html file, 2) the blog post itself and 3) the listing system in the blog homepage (and there’s also the problem with the ordering of the entries…). And all of this just because I didn’t want to use Luke’s solution (don’t really like that much how he handles the scripts… but they just work).

Hopefully, for tomorrow all of this will be sorted out and I’ll have a working blog system.

Tags: english, short, tools, update

By: David Luévano

Created: Sat, 27 Feb, 2021 @ 13:08 UTC, edited: Mon, 17 May, 2021 @ 20:53 UTC