# luevano.xyz This is my website repo, where I (of course) keep track of everything I do. This is only for version control, the way I "push" the content to my website is through a rsync command. I shouldn't keep tracking of font awesome's stuff, but the files are really small, so I have no problem. ## Blog (blog.luevano.xyz) The blog is managed via [``ssg5``](https://www.romanzolotarev.com/ssg.html), [``rssg``](https://www.romanzolotarev.com/rssg.html) and [``lowdow``](https://github.com/kristapsdz/lowdown). ## Gameboy (gb.luevano.xyz) Thanks to [Aaron Liu (HFO4)](https://github.com/HFO4) the author of [gameboy.live](https://github.com/HFO4/gameboy.live) for the gameboy emulator that I run in my server, hence the website. ## Static (static.luevano.xyz) I also have a subdomain to keep all static content, just general stuff I use throughout my website. ## Git (git.luevano.xyz) This is not present here on github, since it's managed by [``cgit``](https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/), but it's worth mentioning since it's present in my website.