From 6d2c067f0d6bc78eef7ececcec3eba71cbb5d80c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Luevano Alvarado Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2021 03:21:33 -0600 Subject: add fork awesome, contact and donate pages, update general style and update readme --- static/fa/metadata/categories.yml | 2572 ------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 2572 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 static/fa/metadata/categories.yml (limited to 'static/fa/metadata/categories.yml') diff --git a/static/fa/metadata/categories.yml b/static/fa/metadata/categories.yml deleted file mode 100644 index ca2d30d..0000000 --- a/static/fa/metadata/categories.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2572 +0,0 @@ -accessibility: - icons: - - accessible-icon - - american-sign-language-interpreting - - assistive-listening-systems - - audio-description - - blind - - braille - - closed-captioning - - deaf - - low-vision - - phone-volume - - question-circle - - sign-language - - tty - - universal-access - - wheelchair - label: Accessibility -alert: - icons: - - bell - - bell-slash - - exclamation - - exclamation-circle - - exclamation-triangle - - radiation - - radiation-alt - - skull-crossbones - label: Alert -animals: - icons: - - cat - - crow - - dog - - dove - - dragon - - feather - - feather-alt - - fish - - frog - - hippo - - horse - - horse-head - - kiwi-bird - - otter - - paw - - spider - label: Animals -arrows: - icons: - - angle-double-down - - angle-double-left - - angle-double-right - - angle-double-up - - angle-down - - angle-left - - angle-right - - angle-up - - arrow-alt-circle-down - - arrow-alt-circle-left - - arrow-alt-circle-right - - arrow-alt-circle-up - - arrow-circle-down - - arrow-circle-left - - arrow-circle-right - - arrow-circle-up - - arrow-down - - arrow-left - - arrow-right - - arrow-up - - arrows-alt - - arrows-alt-h - - arrows-alt-v - - caret-down - - caret-left - - caret-right - - caret-square-down - - caret-square-left - - caret-square-right - - caret-square-up - - caret-up - - cart-arrow-down - - chart-line - - chevron-circle-down - - chevron-circle-left - - chevron-circle-right - - chevron-circle-up - - chevron-down - - chevron-left - - chevron-right - - chevron-up - - cloud-download-alt - - cloud-upload-alt - - compress-alt - - compress-arrows-alt - - download - - exchange-alt - - expand-alt - - expand-arrows-alt - - external-link-alt - - external-link-square-alt - - hand-point-down - - hand-point-left - - hand-point-right - - hand-point-up - - hand-pointer - - history - - level-down-alt - - level-up-alt - - location-arrow - - long-arrow-alt-down - - long-arrow-alt-left - - long-arrow-alt-right - - long-arrow-alt-up - - mouse-pointer - - play - - random - - recycle - - redo - - redo-alt - - reply - - reply-all - - retweet - - share - - share-square - - sign-in-alt - - sign-out-alt - - sort - - sort-alpha-down - - sort-alpha-down-alt - - sort-alpha-up - - sort-alpha-up-alt - - sort-amount-down - - sort-amount-down-alt - - sort-amount-up - - sort-amount-up-alt - - sort-down - - sort-numeric-down - - sort-numeric-down-alt - - sort-numeric-up - - sort-numeric-up-alt - - sort-up - - sync - - sync-alt - - text-height - - text-width - - undo - - undo-alt - - upload - label: Arrows -audio-video: - icons: - - audio-description - - backward - - broadcast-tower - - circle - - closed-captioning - - compress - - compress-alt - - compress-arrows-alt - - eject - - expand - - expand-alt - - expand-arrows-alt - - fast-backward - - fast-forward - - file-audio - - file-video - - film - - forward - - headphones - - microphone - - microphone-alt - - microphone-alt-slash - - microphone-slash - - music - - pause - - pause-circle - - phone-volume - - photo-video - - play - - play-circle - - podcast - - random - - redo - - redo-alt - - rss - - rss-square - - step-backward - - step-forward - - stop - - stop-circle - - sync - - sync-alt - - tv - - undo - - undo-alt - - video - - volume-down - - volume-mute - - volume-off - - volume-up - - youtube - label: Audio & Video -automotive: - icons: - - air-freshener - - ambulance - - bus - - bus-alt - - car - - car-alt - - car-battery - - car-crash - - car-side - - caravan - - charging-station - - gas-pump - - motorcycle - - oil-can - - shuttle-van - - tachometer-alt - - taxi - - trailer - - truck - - truck-monster - - truck-pickup - label: Automotive -autumn: - icons: - - apple-alt - - campground - - cloud-sun - - drumstick-bite - - football-ball - - hiking - - mountain - - tractor - - tree - - wind - - wine-bottle - label: Autumn -beverage: - icons: - - beer - - blender - - cocktail - - coffee - - flask - - glass-cheers - - glass-martini - - glass-martini-alt - - glass-whiskey - - mug-hot - - wine-bottle - - wine-glass - - wine-glass-alt - label: Beverage -buildings: - icons: - - archway - - building - - campground - - church - - city - - clinic-medical - - dungeon - - gopuram - - home - - hospital - - hospital-alt - - hospital-user - - hotel - - house-damage - - igloo - - industry - - kaaba - - landmark - - monument - - mosque - - place-of-worship - - school - - store - - store-alt - - synagogue - - torii-gate - - university - - vihara - - warehouse - label: Buildings -business: - icons: - - address-book - - address-card - - archive - - balance-scale - - balance-scale-left - - balance-scale-right - - birthday-cake - - book - - briefcase - - building - - bullhorn - - bullseye - - business-time - - calculator - - calendar - - calendar-alt - - certificate - - chart-area - - chart-bar - - chart-line - - chart-pie - - city - - clipboard - - coffee - - columns - - compass - - copy - - copyright - - cut - - edit - - envelope - - envelope-open - - envelope-square - - eraser - - fax - - file - - file-alt - - folder - - folder-minus - - folder-open - - folder-plus - - glasses - - globe - - highlighter - - industry - - landmark - - laptop-house - - marker - - paperclip - - paste - - pen - - pen-alt - - pen-fancy - - pen-nib - - pen-square - - pencil-alt - - percent - - phone - - phone-alt - - phone-slash - - phone-square - - phone-square-alt - - phone-volume - - print - - project-diagram - - registered - - save - - sitemap - - socks - - sticky-note - - stream - - table - - tag - - tags - - tasks - - thumbtack - - trademark - - wallet - label: Business -camping: - icons: - - binoculars - - campground - - caravan - - compass - - faucet - - fire - - fire-alt - - first-aid - - frog - - hiking - - map - - map-marked - - map-marked-alt - - map-signs - - mountain - - route - - toilet-paper - - trailer - - tree - label: Camping -charity: - icons: - - dollar-sign - - donate - - dove - - gift - - globe - - hand-holding-heart - - hand-holding-usd - - hand-holding-water - - hands-helping - - handshake - - heart - - leaf - - parachute-box - - piggy-bank - - ribbon - - seedling - label: Charity -chat: - icons: - - comment - - comment-alt - - comment-dots - - comment-medical - - comment-slash - - comments - - frown - - icons - - meh - - phone - - phone-alt - - phone-slash - - poo - - quote-left - - quote-right - - smile - - sms - - video - - video-slash - label: Chat -chess: - icons: - - chess - - chess-bishop - - chess-board - - chess-king - - chess-knight - - chess-pawn - - chess-queen - - chess-rook - - square-full - label: Chess -childhood: - icons: - - apple-alt - - baby - - baby-carriage - - bath - - biking - - birthday-cake - - cookie - - cookie-bite - - gamepad - - ice-cream - - mitten - - robot - - school - - shapes - - snowman - label: Childhood -clothing: - icons: - - graduation-cap - - hat-cowboy - - hat-cowboy-side - - hat-wizard - - mitten - - shoe-prints - - socks - - tshirt - - user-tie - label: Clothing -code: - icons: - - archive - - barcode - - bath - - bug - - code - - code-branch - - coffee - - file - - file-alt - - file-code - - filter - - fire-extinguisher - - folder - - folder-open - - keyboard - - laptop-code - - microchip - - project-diagram - - qrcode - - shield-alt - - sitemap - - stream - - terminal - - user-secret - - window-close - - window-maximize - - window-minimize - - window-restore - label: Code -communication: - icons: - - address-book - - address-card - - american-sign-language-interpreting - - assistive-listening-systems - - at - - bell - - bell-slash - - bluetooth - - bluetooth-b - - broadcast-tower - - bullhorn - - chalkboard - - comment - - comment-alt - - comments - - envelope - - envelope-open - - envelope-square - - fax - - inbox - - language - - microphone - - microphone-alt - - microphone-alt-slash - - microphone-slash - - mobile - - mobile-alt - - paper-plane - - phone - - phone-alt - - phone-slash - - phone-square - - phone-square-alt - - phone-volume - - rss - - rss-square - - tty - - voicemail - - wifi - label: Communication -computers: - icons: - - compact-disc - - database - - desktop - - download - - ethernet - - hdd - - headphones - - keyboard - - laptop - - laptop-house - - memory - - microchip - - mobile - - mobile-alt - - mouse - - plug - - power-off - - print - - satellite - - satellite-dish - - save - - sd-card - - server - - sim-card - - stream - - tablet - - tablet-alt - - tv - - upload - label: Computers -construction: - icons: - - brush - - drafting-compass - - dumpster - - hammer - - hard-hat - - paint-roller - - pencil-alt - - pencil-ruler - - ruler - - ruler-combined - - ruler-horizontal - - ruler-vertical - - screwdriver - - toolbox - - tools - - truck-pickup - - wrench - label: Construction -currency: - icons: - - bitcoin - - btc - - dollar-sign - - ethereum - - euro-sign - - gg - - gg-circle - - hryvnia - - lira-sign - - money-bill - - money-bill-alt - - money-bill-wave - - money-bill-wave-alt - - money-check - - money-check-alt - - pound-sign - - ruble-sign - - rupee-sign - - shekel-sign - - tenge - - won-sign - - yen-sign - label: Currency -date-time: - icons: - - bell - - bell-slash - - calendar - - calendar-alt - - calendar-check - - calendar-minus - - calendar-plus - - calendar-times - - clock - - hourglass - - hourglass-end - - hourglass-half - - hourglass-start - - stopwatch - label: Date & Time -design: - icons: - - adjust - - bezier-curve - - brush - - clone - - copy - - crop - - crop-alt - - crosshairs - - cut - - drafting-compass - - draw-polygon - - edit - - eraser - - eye - - eye-dropper - - eye-slash - - fill - - fill-drip - - highlighter - - icons - - layer-group - - magic - - marker - - object-group - - object-ungroup - - paint-brush - - paint-roller - - palette - - paste - - pen - - pen-alt - - pen-fancy - - pen-nib - - pencil-alt - - pencil-ruler - - ruler-combined - - ruler-horizontal - - ruler-vertical - - save - - splotch - - spray-can - - stamp - - swatchbook - - tint - - tint-slash - - vector-square - label: Design -editors: - icons: - - align-center - - align-justify - - align-left - - align-right - - bold - - border-all - - border-none - - border-style - - clipboard - - clone - - columns - - copy - - cut - - edit - - eraser - - file - - file-alt - - font - - glasses - - heading - - highlighter - - i-cursor - - icons - - indent - - italic - - link - - list - - list-alt - - list-ol - - list-ul - - marker - - outdent - - paper-plane - - paperclip - - paragraph - - paste - - pen - - pen-alt - - pen-fancy - - pen-nib - - pencil-alt - - print - - quote-left - - quote-right - - redo - - redo-alt - - remove-format - - reply - - reply-all - - screwdriver - - share - - spell-check - - strikethrough - - subscript - - superscript - - sync - - sync-alt - - table - - tasks - - text-height - - text-width - - th - - th-large - - th-list - - tools - - trash - - trash-alt - - trash-restore - - trash-restore-alt - - underline - - undo - - undo-alt - - unlink - - wrench - label: Editors -education: - icons: - - apple-alt - - atom - - award - - bell - - bell-slash - - book-open - - book-reader - - chalkboard - - chalkboard-teacher - - graduation-cap - - laptop-code - - microscope - - music - - school - - shapes - - theater-masks - - user-graduate - label: Education -emoji: - icons: - - angry - - dizzy - - flushed - - frown - - frown-open - - grimace - - grin - - grin-alt - - grin-beam - - grin-beam-sweat - - grin-hearts - - grin-squint - - grin-squint-tears - - grin-stars - - grin-tears - - grin-tongue - - grin-tongue-squint - - grin-tongue-wink - - grin-wink - - kiss - - kiss-beam - - kiss-wink-heart - - laugh - - laugh-beam - - laugh-squint - - laugh-wink - - meh - - meh-blank - - meh-rolling-eyes - - sad-cry - - sad-tear - - smile - - smile-beam - - smile-wink - - surprise - - tired - label: Emoji -energy: - icons: - - atom - - battery-empty - - battery-full - - battery-half - - battery-quarter - - battery-three-quarters - - broadcast-tower - - burn - - charging-station - - fan - - fire - - fire-alt - - gas-pump - - industry - - leaf - - lightbulb - - plug - - poop - - power-off - - radiation - - radiation-alt - - seedling - - solar-panel - - sun - - water - - wind - label: Energy -files: - icons: - - archive - - clone - - copy - - cut - - file - - file-alt - - file-archive - - file-audio - - file-code - - file-excel - - file-image - - file-pdf - - file-powerpoint - - file-video - - file-word - - folder - - folder-open - - paste - - photo-video - - save - - sticky-note - label: Files -finance: - icons: - - balance-scale - - balance-scale-left - - balance-scale-right - - book - - cash-register - - chart-line - - chart-pie - - coins - - comment-dollar - - comments-dollar - - credit-card - - donate - - file-invoice - - file-invoice-dollar - - hand-holding-usd - - landmark - - money-bill - - money-bill-alt - - money-bill-wave - - money-bill-wave-alt - - money-check - - money-check-alt - - percentage - - piggy-bank - - receipt - - stamp - - wallet - label: Finance -fitness: - icons: - - bicycle - - biking - - burn - - fire-alt - - heart - - heartbeat - - hiking - - running - - shoe-prints - - skating - - skiing - - skiing-nordic - - snowboarding - - spa - - swimmer - - walking - label: Fitness -food: - icons: - - apple-alt - - bacon - - bone - - bread-slice - - candy-cane - - carrot - - cheese - - cloud-meatball - - cookie - - drumstick-bite - - egg - - fish - - hamburger - - hotdog - - ice-cream - - lemon - - pepper-hot - - pizza-slice - - seedling - - stroopwafel - label: Food -fruit-vegetable: - icons: - - apple-alt - - carrot - - leaf - - lemon - - pepper-hot - - seedling - label: Fruits & Vegetables -games: - icons: - - chess - - chess-bishop - - chess-board - - chess-king - - chess-knight - - chess-pawn - - chess-queen - - chess-rook - - dice - - dice-d20 - - dice-d6 - - dice-five - - dice-four - - dice-one - - dice-six - - dice-three - - dice-two - - gamepad - - ghost - - headset - - heart - - playstation - - puzzle-piece - - steam - - steam-square - - steam-symbol - - twitch - - xbox - label: Games -gaming-tabletop: - icons: - - acquisitions-incorporated - - book-dead - - critical-role - - d-and-d - - d-and-d-beyond - - dice-d20 - - dice-d6 - - dragon - - dungeon - - fantasy-flight-games - - fist-raised - - hat-wizard - - penny-arcade - - ring - - scroll - - skull-crossbones - - wizards-of-the-coast - label: Tabletop Gaming -gender: - icons: - - genderless - - mars - - mars-double - - mars-stroke - - mars-stroke-h - - mars-stroke-v - - mercury - - neuter - - transgender - - transgender-alt - - venus - - venus-double - - venus-mars - label: Genders -halloween: - icons: - - book-dead - - broom - - cat - - cloud-moon - - crow - - ghost - - hat-wizard - - mask - - skull-crossbones - - spider - - toilet-paper - label: Halloween -hands: - icons: - - allergies - - fist-raised - - hand-holding - - hand-holding-heart - - hand-holding-medical - - hand-holding-usd - - hand-holding-water - - hand-lizard - - hand-middle-finger - - hand-paper - - hand-peace - - hand-point-down - - hand-point-left - - hand-point-right - - hand-point-up - - hand-pointer - - hand-rock - - hand-scissors - - hand-sparkles - - hand-spock - - hands - - hands-helping - - hands-wash - - handshake - - handshake-alt-slash - - handshake-slash - - praying-hands - - thumbs-down - - thumbs-up - label: Hands -health: - icons: - - accessible-icon - - ambulance - - h-square - - heart - - heartbeat - - hospital - - medkit - - plus-square - - prescription - - stethoscope - - user-md - - wheelchair - label: Health -holiday: - icons: - - candy-cane - - carrot - - cookie-bite - - gift - - gifts - - glass-cheers - - holly-berry - - mug-hot - - sleigh - - snowman - label: Holiday -hotel: - icons: - - baby-carriage - - bath - - bed - - briefcase - - car - - cocktail - - coffee - - concierge-bell - - dice - - dice-five - - door-closed - - door-open - - dumbbell - - glass-martini - - glass-martini-alt - - hot-tub - - hotel - - infinity - - key - - luggage-cart - - shower - - shuttle-van - - smoking - - smoking-ban - - snowflake - - spa - - suitcase - - suitcase-rolling - - swimmer - - swimming-pool - - tv - - umbrella-beach - - utensils - - wheelchair - - wifi - label: Hotel -household: - icons: - - bath - - bed - - bell - - blender - - box-tissue - - chair - - coffee - - couch - - door-closed - - door-open - - dungeon - - fan - - faucet - - house-user - - laptop-house - - lightbulb - - plug - - pump-soap - - shower - - sink - - snowflake - - soap - - toilet-paper - - toilet-paper-slash - - tv - label: Household -images: - icons: - - adjust - - bolt - - camera - - camera-retro - - chalkboard - - clone - - compress - - compress-arrows-alt - - expand - - eye - - eye-dropper - - eye-slash - - file-image - - film - - id-badge - - id-card - - image - - images - - photo-video - - portrait - - sliders-h - - tint - - unsplash - label: Images -interfaces: - icons: - - award - - ban - - barcode - - bars - - beer - - bell - - bell-slash - - blog - - bug - - bullhorn - - bullseye - - calculator - - calendar - - calendar-alt - - calendar-check - - calendar-minus - - calendar-plus - - calendar-times - - certificate - - check - - check-circle - - check-double - - check-square - - circle - - clipboard - - clone - - cloud - - cloud-download-alt - - cloud-upload-alt - - coffee - - cog - - cogs - - copy - - cut - - database - - dot-circle - - download - - edit - - ellipsis-h - - ellipsis-v - - envelope - - envelope-open - - eraser - - exclamation - - exclamation-circle - - exclamation-triangle - - external-link-alt - - external-link-square-alt - - eye - - eye-slash - - file - - file-alt - - file-download - - file-export - - file-import - - file-upload - - filter - - fingerprint - - flag - - flag-checkered - - folder - - folder-open - - frown - - glasses - - grip-horizontal - - grip-lines - - grip-lines-vertical - - grip-vertical - - hashtag - - heart - - history - - home - - i-cursor - - info - - info-circle - - language - - magic - - marker - - medal - - meh - - microphone - - microphone-alt - - microphone-slash - - minus - - minus-circle - - minus-square - - paste - - pen - - pen-alt - - pen-fancy - - pencil-alt - - plus - - plus-circle - - plus-square - - poo - - qrcode - - question - - question-circle - - quote-left - - quote-right - - redo - - redo-alt - - reply - - reply-all - - rss - - rss-square - - save - - screwdriver - - search - - search-minus - - search-plus - - share - - share-alt - - share-alt-square - - share-square - - shield-alt - - sign-in-alt - - sign-out-alt - - signal - - sitemap - - sliders-h - - smile - - sort - - sort-alpha-down - - sort-alpha-down-alt - - sort-alpha-up - - sort-alpha-up-alt - - sort-amount-down - - sort-amount-down-alt - - sort-amount-up - - sort-amount-up-alt - - sort-down - - sort-numeric-down - - sort-numeric-down-alt - - sort-numeric-up - - sort-numeric-up-alt - - sort-up - - star - - star-half - - sync - - sync-alt - - thumbs-down - - thumbs-up - - times - - times-circle - - toggle-off - - toggle-on - - tools - - trash - - trash-alt - - trash-restore - - trash-restore-alt - - trophy - - undo - - undo-alt - - upload - - user - - user-alt - - user-circle - - volume-down - - volume-mute - - volume-off - - volume-up - - wifi - - wrench - label: Interfaces -logistics: - icons: - - box - - boxes - - clipboard-check - - clipboard-list - - dolly - - dolly-flatbed - - hard-hat - - pallet - - shipping-fast - - truck - - warehouse - label: Logistics -maps: - icons: - - ambulance - - anchor - - balance-scale - - balance-scale-left - - balance-scale-right - - bath - - bed - - beer - - bell - - bell-slash - - bicycle - - binoculars - - birthday-cake - - blind - - bomb - - book - - bookmark - - briefcase - - building - - car - - coffee - - crosshairs - - directions - - dollar-sign - - draw-polygon - - eye - - eye-slash - - fighter-jet - - fire - - fire-alt - - fire-extinguisher - - flag - - flag-checkered - - flask - - gamepad - - gavel - - gift - - glass-martini - - globe - - graduation-cap - - h-square - - heart - - heartbeat - - helicopter - - home - - hospital - - image - - images - - industry - - info - - info-circle - - key - - landmark - - layer-group - - leaf - - lemon - - life-ring - - lightbulb - - location-arrow - - low-vision - - magnet - - male - - map - - map-marker - - map-marker-alt - - map-pin - - map-signs - - medkit - - money-bill - - money-bill-alt - - motorcycle - - music - - newspaper - - parking - - paw - - phone - - phone-alt - - phone-square - - phone-square-alt - - phone-volume - - plane - - plug - - plus - - plus-square - - print - - recycle - - restroom - - road - - rocket - - route - - search - - search-minus - - search-plus - - ship - - shoe-prints - - shopping-bag - - shopping-basket - - shopping-cart - - shower - - snowplow - - street-view - - subway - - suitcase - - tag - - tags - - taxi - - thumbtack - - ticket-alt - - tint - - traffic-light - - train - - tram - - tree - - trophy - - truck - - tty - - umbrella - - university - - utensil-spoon - - utensils - - vest - - vest-patches - - wheelchair - - wifi - - wine-glass - - wrench - label: Maps -maritime: - icons: - - anchor - - binoculars - - compass - - dharmachakra - - frog - - ship - - skull-crossbones - - swimmer - - water - - wind - label: Maritime -marketing: - icons: - - ad - - bullhorn - - bullseye - - comment-dollar - - comments-dollar - - envelope-open-text - - funnel-dollar - - lightbulb - - mail-bulk - - poll - - poll-h - - search-dollar - - search-location - label: Marketing -mathematics: - icons: - - calculator - - divide - - equals - - greater-than - - greater-than-equal - - infinity - - less-than - - less-than-equal - - minus - - not-equal - - percentage - - plus - - square-root-alt - - subscript - - superscript - - times - - wave-square - label: Mathematics -medical: - icons: - - allergies - - ambulance - - bacteria - - bacterium - - band-aid - - biohazard - - bone - - bong - - book-medical - - brain - - briefcase-medical - - burn - - cannabis - - capsules - - clinic-medical - - comment-medical - - crutch - - diagnoses - - disease - - dna - - file-medical - - file-medical-alt - - file-prescription - - first-aid - - hand-holding-medical - - head-side-cough - - head-side-cough-slash - - head-side-mask - - head-side-virus - - heart - - heartbeat - - hospital - - hospital-alt - - hospital-symbol - - hospital-user - - id-card-alt - - joint - - laptop-medical - - lungs - - lungs-virus - - microscope - - mortar-pestle - - notes-medical - - pager - - pills - - plus - - poop - - prescription - - prescription-bottle - - prescription-bottle-alt - - procedures - - pump-medical - - radiation - - radiation-alt - - shield-virus - - smoking - - smoking-ban - - star-of-life - - stethoscope - - syringe - - tablets - - teeth - - teeth-open - - thermometer - - tooth - - user-md - - user-nurse - - vial - - vials - - virus - - virus-slash - - viruses - - weight - - x-ray - label: Medical -moving: - icons: - - archive - - box-open - - caravan - - couch - - dolly - - people-carry - - route - - sign - - suitcase - - tape - - trailer - - truck-loading - - truck-moving - - wine-glass - label: Moving -music: - icons: - - compact-disc - - drum - - drum-steelpan - - file-audio - - guitar - - headphones - - headphones-alt - - microphone - - microphone-alt - - microphone-alt-slash - - microphone-slash - - music - - napster - - play - - record-vinyl - - sliders-h - - soundcloud - - spotify - - volume-down - - volume-mute - - volume-off - - volume-up - label: Music -objects: - icons: - - ambulance - - anchor - - archive - - award - - baby-carriage - - balance-scale - - balance-scale-left - - balance-scale-right - - bath - - bed - - beer - - bell - - bicycle - - binoculars - - birthday-cake - - blender - - bomb - - book - - book-dead - - bookmark - - briefcase - - broadcast-tower - - bug - - building - - bullhorn - - bullseye - - bus - - calculator - - calendar - - calendar-alt - - camera - - camera-retro - - candy-cane - - car - - carrot - - church - - clipboard - - cloud - - coffee - - cog - - cogs - - compass - - cookie - - cookie-bite - - copy - - cube - - cubes - - cut - - dice - - dice-d20 - - dice-d6 - - dice-five - - dice-four - - dice-one - - dice-six - - dice-three - - dice-two - - digital-tachograph - - door-closed - - door-open - - drum - - drum-steelpan - - envelope - - envelope-open - - eraser - - eye - - eye-dropper - - fax - - feather - - feather-alt - - fighter-jet - - file - - file-alt - - file-prescription - - film - - fire - - fire-alt - - fire-extinguisher - - flag - - flag-checkered - - flask - - futbol - - gamepad - - gavel - - gem - - gift - - gifts - - glass-cheers - - glass-martini - - glass-whiskey - - glasses - - globe - - graduation-cap - - guitar - - hat-wizard - - hdd - - headphones - - headphones-alt - - headset - - heart - - heart-broken - - helicopter - - highlighter - - holly-berry - - home - - hospital - - hourglass - - igloo - - image - - images - - industry - - key - - keyboard - - laptop - - leaf - - lemon - - life-ring - - lightbulb - - lock - - lock-open - - magic - - magnet - - map - - map-marker - - map-marker-alt - - map-pin - - map-signs - - marker - - medal - - medkit - - memory - - microchip - - microphone - - microphone-alt - - mitten - - mobile - - mobile-alt - - money-bill - - money-bill-alt - - money-check - - money-check-alt - - moon - - motorcycle - - mug-hot - - newspaper - - paint-brush - - paper-plane - - paperclip - - paste - - paw - - pen - - pen-alt - - pen-fancy - - pen-nib - - pencil-alt - - phone - - phone-alt - - plane - - plug - - print - - puzzle-piece - - ring - - road - - rocket - - ruler-combined - - ruler-horizontal - - ruler-vertical - - satellite - - satellite-dish - - save - - school - - screwdriver - - scroll - - sd-card - - search - - shield-alt - - shopping-bag - - shopping-basket - - shopping-cart - - shower - - sim-card - - skull-crossbones - - sleigh - - snowflake - - snowplow - - space-shuttle - - star - - sticky-note - - stopwatch - - stroopwafel - - subway - - suitcase - - sun - - tablet - - tablet-alt - - tachometer-alt - - tag - - tags - - taxi - - thumbtack - - ticket-alt - - toilet - - toolbox - - tools - - train - - tram - - trash - - trash-alt - - tree - - trophy - - truck - - tv - - umbrella - - university - - unlock - - unlock-alt - - utensil-spoon - - utensils - - wallet - - weight - - wheelchair - - wine-glass - - wrench - label: Objects -payments-shopping: - icons: - - alipay - - amazon-pay - - apple-pay - - bell - - bitcoin - - bookmark - - btc - - bullhorn - - camera - - camera-retro - - cart-arrow-down - - cart-plus - - cc-amazon-pay - - cc-amex - - cc-apple-pay - - cc-diners-club - - cc-discover - - cc-jcb - - cc-mastercard - - cc-paypal - - cc-stripe - - cc-visa - - certificate - - credit-card - - ethereum - - gem - - gift - - google-pay - - google-wallet - - handshake - - heart - - key - - money-check - - money-check-alt - - paypal - - receipt - - shopping-bag - - shopping-basket - - shopping-cart - - star - - stripe - - stripe-s - - tag - - tags - - thumbs-down - - thumbs-up - - trophy - label: Payments & Shopping -pharmacy: - icons: - - band-aid - - book-medical - - cannabis - - capsules - - clinic-medical - - disease - - eye-dropper - - file-medical - - file-prescription - - first-aid - - flask - - history - - joint - - laptop-medical - - mortar-pestle - - notes-medical - - pills - - prescription - - prescription-bottle - - prescription-bottle-alt - - receipt - - skull-crossbones - - syringe - - tablets - - thermometer - - vial - - vials - label: Pharmacy -political: - icons: - - award - - balance-scale - - balance-scale-left - - balance-scale-right - - bullhorn - - check-double - - democrat - - donate - - dove - - fist-raised - - flag-usa - - handshake - - person-booth - - piggy-bank - - republican - - vote-yea - label: Political -religion: - icons: - - ankh - - atom - - bahai - - bible - - church - - cross - - dharmachakra - - dove - - gopuram - - hamsa - - hanukiah - - jedi - - journal-whills - - kaaba - - khanda - - menorah - - mosque - - om - - pastafarianism - - peace - - place-of-worship - - pray - - praying-hands - - quran - - star-and-crescent - - star-of-david - - synagogue - - torah - - torii-gate - - vihara - - yin-yang - label: Religion -science: - icons: - - atom - - biohazard - - brain - - burn - - capsules - - clipboard-check - - disease - - dna - - eye-dropper - - filter - - fire - - fire-alt - - flask - - frog - - magnet - - microscope - - mortar-pestle - - pills - - prescription-bottle - - radiation - - radiation-alt - - seedling - - skull-crossbones - - syringe - - tablets - - temperature-high - - temperature-low - - vial - - vials - label: Science -science-fiction: - icons: - - atom - - galactic-republic - - galactic-senate - - globe - - hand-spock - - jedi - - jedi-order - - journal-whills - - meteor - - moon - - old-republic - - robot - - rocket - - satellite - - satellite-dish - - space-shuttle - - user-astronaut - label: Science Fiction -security: - icons: - - ban - - bug - - door-closed - - door-open - - dungeon - - eye - - eye-slash - - file-contract - - file-signature - - fingerprint - - id-badge - - id-card - - id-card-alt - - key - - lock - - lock-open - - mask - - passport - - shield-alt - - unlock - - unlock-alt - - user-lock - - user-secret - - user-shield - label: Security -shapes: - icons: - - bookmark - - calendar - - certificate - - circle - - cloud - - comment - - file - - folder - - heart - - heart-broken - - map-marker - - play - - shapes - - square - - star - label: Shapes -shopping: - icons: - - barcode - - cart-arrow-down - - cart-plus - - cash-register - - gift - - gifts - - person-booth - - receipt - - shipping-fast - - shopping-bag - - shopping-basket - - shopping-cart - - store - - store-alt - - store-alt-slash - - store-slash - - truck - - tshirt - label: Shopping -social: - icons: - - bell - - birthday-cake - - camera - - comment - - comment-alt - - envelope - - hashtag - - heart - - icons - - image - - images - - map-marker - - map-marker-alt - - photo-video - - poll - - poll-h - - retweet - - share - - share-alt - - share-square - - star - - thumbs-down - - thumbs-up - - thumbtack - - user - - user-circle - - user-friends - - user-plus - - users - - video - label: Social -spinners: - icons: - - asterisk - - atom - - bahai - - certificate - - circle-notch - - cog - - compact-disc - - compass - - crosshairs - - dharmachakra - - fan - - life-ring - - palette - - ring - - slash - - snowflake - - spinner - - stroopwafel - - sun - - sync - - sync-alt - - yin-yang - label: Spinners -sports: - icons: - - baseball-ball - - basketball-ball - - biking - - bowling-ball - - dumbbell - - football-ball - - futbol - - golf-ball - - hockey-puck - - quidditch - - running - - skating - - skiing - - skiing-nordic - - snowboarding - - swimmer - - table-tennis - - volleyball-ball - label: Sports -spring: - icons: - - allergies - - broom - - cloud-sun - - cloud-sun-rain - - frog - - rainbow - - seedling - - umbrella - label: Spring -status: - icons: - - ban - - battery-empty - - battery-full - - battery-half - - battery-quarter - - battery-three-quarters - - bell - - bell-slash - - calendar - - calendar-alt - - calendar-check - - calendar-day - - calendar-minus - - calendar-plus - - calendar-times - - calendar-week - - cart-arrow-down - - cart-plus - - comment - - comment-alt - - comment-slash - - compass - - door-closed - - door-open - - exclamation - - exclamation-circle - - exclamation-triangle - - eye - - eye-slash - - file - - file-alt - - folder - - folder-open - - gas-pump - - info - - info-circle - - lightbulb - - lock - - lock-open - - map-marker - - map-marker-alt - - microphone - - microphone-alt - - microphone-alt-slash - - microphone-slash - - minus - - minus-circle - - minus-square - - parking - - phone - - phone-alt - - phone-slash - - plus - - plus-circle - - plus-square - - print - - question - - question-circle - - shield-alt - - shopping-cart - - sign-in-alt - - sign-out-alt - - signal - - smoking-ban - - star - - star-half - - star-half-alt - - stream - - thermometer-empty - - thermometer-full - - thermometer-half - - thermometer-quarter - - thermometer-three-quarters - - thumbs-down - - thumbs-up - - tint - - tint-slash - - toggle-off - - toggle-on - - unlock - - unlock-alt - - user - - user-alt - - user-alt-slash - - user-slash - - video - - video-slash - - volume-down - - volume-mute - - volume-off - - volume-up - - wifi - label: Status -summer: - icons: - - anchor - - biking - - fish - - hotdog - - ice-cream - - lemon - - sun - - swimmer - - swimming-pool - - umbrella-beach - - volleyball-ball - - water - label: Summer -toggle: - icons: - - bullseye - - check-circle - - circle - - dot-circle - - microphone - - microphone-slash - - star - - star-half - - star-half-alt - - toggle-off - - toggle-on - - wifi - label: Toggle -travel: - icons: - - archway - - atlas - - bed - - bus - - bus-alt - - caravan - - cocktail - - concierge-bell - - dumbbell - - glass-martini - - glass-martini-alt - - globe-africa - - globe-americas - - globe-asia - - globe-europe - - hot-tub - - hotel - - luggage-cart - - map - - map-marked - - map-marked-alt - - monument - - passport - - plane - - plane-arrival - - plane-departure - - shuttle-van - - spa - - suitcase - - suitcase-rolling - - swimmer - - swimming-pool - - taxi - - tram - - tv - - umbrella-beach - - wine-glass - - wine-glass-alt - label: Travel -users-people: - icons: - - accessible-icon - - address-book - - address-card - - baby - - bed - - biking - - blind - - chalkboard-teacher - - child - - female - - frown - - hiking - - id-badge - - id-card - - id-card-alt - - male - - meh - - people-arrows - - people-carry - - person-booth - - poo - - portrait - - power-off - - pray - - restroom - - running - - skating - - skiing - - skiing-nordic - - smile - - snowboarding - - street-view - - swimmer - - user - - user-alt - - user-alt-slash - - user-astronaut - - user-check - - user-circle - - user-clock - - user-cog - - user-edit - - user-friends - - user-graduate - - user-injured - - user-lock - - user-md - - user-minus - - user-ninja - - user-nurse - - user-plus - - user-secret - - user-shield - - user-slash - - user-tag - - user-tie - - user-times - - users - - users-cog - - users-slash - - walking - - wheelchair - label: Users & People -vehicles: - icons: - - accessible-icon - - ambulance - - baby-carriage - - bicycle - - bus - - bus-alt - - car - - car-alt - - car-crash - - car-side - - fighter-jet - - helicopter - - horse - - motorcycle - - paper-plane - - plane - - rocket - - ship - - shopping-cart - - shuttle-van - - sleigh - - snowplow - - space-shuttle - - subway - - taxi - - tractor - - train - - tram - - truck - - truck-monster - - truck-pickup - - wheelchair - label: Vehicles -weather: - icons: - - bolt - - cloud - - cloud-meatball - - cloud-moon - - cloud-moon-rain - - cloud-rain - - cloud-showers-heavy - - cloud-sun - - cloud-sun-rain - - meteor - - moon - - poo-storm - - rainbow - - smog - - snowflake - - sun - - temperature-high - - temperature-low - - umbrella - - water - - wind - label: Weather -winter: - icons: - - glass-whiskey - - icicles - - igloo - - mitten - - skating - - skiing - - skiing-nordic - - snowboarding - - snowplow - - tram - label: Winter -writing: - icons: - - archive - - blog - - book - - bookmark - - edit - - envelope - - envelope-open - - eraser - - file - - file-alt - - folder - - folder-open - - keyboard - - newspaper - - paper-plane - - paperclip - - paragraph - - pen - - pen-alt - - pen-square - - pencil-alt - - quote-left - - quote-right - - sticky-note - - thumbtack - label: Writing -- cgit v1.2.3-54-g00ecf