From d01bcc92f5a32fefadf28fa26cf12ece731fe374 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Luevano Alvarado <>
Date: Thu, 27 May 2021 21:51:53 -0600
Subject: reflect new article arrangement

 blog/dst/a/el_blog_ya_tiene_timestamps.html |  14 +++-
 blog/dst/a/first_blog_post.html             |  14 +++-
 blog/dst/a/git_server_with_cgit.html        |  14 +++-
 blog/dst/a/linux_video_notes.html           |  14 +++-
 blog/dst/a/mail_server_with_postfix.html    |  14 +++-
 blog/dst/a/new_blogging_system.html         | 106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 blog/dst/a/shell_scripting.html             |  14 +++-
 blog/dst/a/sql_video_notes.html             |  14 +++-
 blog/dst/a/website_with_nginx.html          |  14 +++-
 9 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 blog/dst/a/new_blogging_system.html

(limited to 'blog/dst/a')

diff --git a/blog/dst/a/el_blog_ya_tiene_timestamps.html b/blog/dst/a/el_blog_ya_tiene_timestamps.html
index e27e355..497e7b0 100644
--- a/blog/dst/a/el_blog_ya_tiene_timestamps.html
+++ b/blog/dst/a/el_blog_ya_tiene_timestamps.html
@@ -67,10 +67,18 @@
 <p>Pues eso, esta entrada es sólo para tirar update sobre mi <a href="">primer post</a>. Ya modifiqué el <code>ssg</code> lo suficiente como para que maneje los <em>timestamps</em>, y ya estoy más familiarizado con este script entonces ya lo podré extender más, pero por ahora las entradas ya tienen su fecha de creación (y modificación en dado caso) al final y en el índice ya están organizados por fecha, que por ahora está algo simple pero está sencillo de extender.</p>
 <p>Ya lo único que queda es cambiar un poco el formato del blog (y de la página en general), porque en un momento de desesperación puse todo el texto en justificado y pues no se ve chido siempre, entonces queda corregir eso. <em>Y aunque me tomó más tiempo del que quisiera, así nomás quedó, diría un cierto personaje.</em></p>
 <p>El <code>ssg</code> modificado está en mis <a href="">dotfiles</a> (o directamente <a href="">aquí</a>).</p>
-<p>Por último, también quité las extensiones <code>.html</code> de las URLs, porque se veía bien pitero, pero igual los links con <code>.html</code> al final redirigen a su link sin <code>.html</code>, así que no hay rollo alguno.</p>  <p>Tags: 
-<a href="">short</a>, <a href="">spanish</a>, <a href="">tools</a>, <a href="">update</a></p>
+<p>Por último, también quité las extensiones <code>.html</code> de las URLs, porque se veía bien pitero, pero igual los links con <code>.html</code> al final redirigen a su link sin <code>.html</code>, así que no hay rollo alguno.</p>
+<div class="article-info">
 <p>By: David Luévano</p>
-<p>Created: Tue, Mar 16, 2021 @ 02:46 UTC, edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 20:53 UTC</p>
+<p>Created: Tue, Mar 16, 2021 @ 02:46 UTC</p>
+<p>Edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 20:53 UTC</p>
+<div class="article-tags">
+  <p>Tags: 
+<a href="">short</a>, <a href="">spanish</a>, <a href="">tools</a>, <a href="">update</a></p>
diff --git a/blog/dst/a/first_blog_post.html b/blog/dst/a/first_blog_post.html
index 63bb681..b02dec0 100644
--- a/blog/dst/a/first_blog_post.html
+++ b/blog/dst/a/first_blog_post.html
@@ -66,10 +66,18 @@
 <h1>This is the first blog post, just for testing purposes</h1>
 <p>I&rsquo;m making this post just to figure out how <a href=""><code>ssg5</code></a> and <a href=""><code>lowdown</code></a> are supposed to work (and eventually also <a href=""><code>rssg</code></a>).</p>
 <p>At the moment, I&rsquo;m not satisfied because there&rsquo;s no automatic date insertion into the 1) html file, 2) the blog post itself and 3) the listing system in the <a href="">blog homepage</a> (and there&rsquo;s also the problem with the ordering of the entries&hellip;). And all of this just because I didn&rsquo;t want to use <a href="">Luke&rsquo;s</a> solution (don&rsquo;t really like that much how he handles the scripts&hellip; <em>but they just work</em>).</p>
-<p>Hopefully, for tomorrow all of this will be sorted out and I&rsquo;ll have a working blog system.</p>  <p>Tags: 
-<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">short</a>, <a href="">tools</a>, <a href="">update</a></p>
+<p>Hopefully, for tomorrow all of this will be sorted out and I&rsquo;ll have a working blog system.</p>
+<div class="article-info">
 <p>By: David Luévano</p>
-<p>Created: Sat, Feb 27, 2021 @ 13:08 UTC, edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 20:53 UTC</p>
+<p>Created: Sat, Feb 27, 2021 @ 13:08 UTC</p>
+<p>Edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 20:53 UTC</p>
+<div class="article-tags">
+  <p>Tags: 
+<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">short</a>, <a href="">tools</a>, <a href="">update</a></p>
diff --git a/blog/dst/a/git_server_with_cgit.html b/blog/dst/a/git_server_with_cgit.html
index 01a3820..e808be2 100644
--- a/blog/dst/a/git_server_with_cgit.html
+++ b/blog/dst/a/git_server_with_cgit.html
@@ -170,10 +170,18 @@ repo.desc=These are my personal dotfiles.
 <p>Otherwise you could let <code>cgit</code> to automatically detect your repositories (you have to be careful if you want to keep &ldquo;private&rdquo; repos) using the option <code>scan-path</code> and setup <code>.git/description</code> for each repository. I will add more to my actual configuration, but for now it is useful as it is. For more, you can check <a href="">cgitrc(5)</a>.</p>
-<p>Finally, if you want further support for highlighting, other compressed snapshots or support for markdown, checkout the optional dependencies for <code>cgit</code> and also the Arch Wiki goes in detail on how to setup highlighting with two different packages.</p>  <p>Tags: 
-<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">git</a>, <a href="">nginx</a>, <a href="">tools</a>, <a href="">tutorial</a></p>
+<p>Finally, if you want further support for highlighting, other compressed snapshots or support for markdown, checkout the optional dependencies for <code>cgit</code> and also the Arch Wiki goes in detail on how to setup highlighting with two different packages.</p>
+<div class="article-info">
 <p>By: David Luévano</p>
-<p>Created: Sun, Mar 21, 2021 @ 19:00 UTC, edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 21:03 UTC</p>
+<p>Created: Sun, Mar 21, 2021 @ 19:00 UTC</p>
+<p>Edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 21:03 UTC</p>
+<div class="article-tags">
+  <p>Tags: 
+<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">git</a>, <a href="">nginx</a>, <a href="">tools</a>, <a href="">tutorial</a></p>
diff --git a/blog/dst/a/linux_video_notes.html b/blog/dst/a/linux_video_notes.html
index b9ef8f3..4b87b08 100644
--- a/blog/dst/a/linux_video_notes.html
+++ b/blog/dst/a/linux_video_notes.html
@@ -139,10 +139,18 @@
 <li><code>netstat</code>: &ldquo;network statistics&rdquo; general statistics about network devices usage, display connections to the machine and more.</li>
 <li><code>traceroute</code>: shows the route that the packets go through (how the packets jump from one server to another one) when trying to access an IP (or, for example, a website).</li>
 <li><code>nmap</code>: &ldquo;network mapper&rdquo; explore network available hosts, opened ports, reverse DNS names, can guess the operating system of the device, it&rsquo;s type, MAC address and more.</li>
-</ul>  <p>Tags: 
-<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">linux</a>, <a href="">notes</a></p>
+<div class="article-info">
 <p>By: David Luévano</p>
-<p>Created: Sun, Mar 14, 2021 @ 05:57 UTC, edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 20:59 UTC</p>
+<p>Created: Sun, Mar 14, 2021 @ 05:57 UTC</p>
+<p>Edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 20:59 UTC</p>
+<div class="article-tags">
+  <p>Tags: 
+<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">linux</a>, <a href="">notes</a></p>
diff --git a/blog/dst/a/mail_server_with_postfix.html b/blog/dst/a/mail_server_with_postfix.html
index b5083ea..f6477ac 100644
--- a/blog/dst/a/mail_server_with_postfix.html
+++ b/blog/dst/a/mail_server_with_postfix.html
@@ -425,10 +425,18 @@ systemctl enable spamassassin.service
 <p>All that&rsquo;s left to do is test your mail server for spoofing, and to see if everything is setup correctly. Go to <a href="">DKIM Test</a> and follow the instructions (basically click next, and send an email with whatever content to the email that they provide). After you send the email, you should see something like:</p>
 <p><img alt="DKIM Test successful" src=""></p>
 <p>(Yes, I blurred a lot in the picture just to be sure, either way what&rsquo;s important is the list on the bottom part of the image)</p>
-<p>Finally, that&rsquo;s actually it for this entry, if you have any problem whatsoever you have my info down below.</p>  <p>Tags: 
-<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">mail</a>, <a href="">server</a>, <a href="">tools</a>, <a href="">tutorial</a></p>
+<p>Finally, that&rsquo;s actually it for this entry, if you have any problem whatsoever you have my info down below.</p>
+<div class="article-info">
 <p>By: David Luévano</p>
-<p>Created: Sun, Mar 21, 2021 @ 04:05 UTC, edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 21:04 UTC</p>
+<p>Created: Sun, Mar 21, 2021 @ 04:05 UTC</p>
+<p>Edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 21:04 UTC</p>
+<div class="article-tags">
+  <p>Tags: 
+<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">mail</a>, <a href="">server</a>, <a href="">tools</a>, <a href="">tutorial</a></p>
diff --git a/blog/dst/a/new_blogging_system.html b/blog/dst/a/new_blogging_system.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5d9a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/dst/a/new_blogging_system.html
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+<h1>I'm using a new blogging system</h1>
+<p>So, I was tired of working with <code>ssg</code> (and then <code>sbg</code> which was a modified version of <code>ssg</code> that I &ldquo;wrote&rdquo;), for one general reason: not being able to extend it as I would like; and not just dumb little stuff, I wanted to be able to have more control, to add tags (which another tool that I found does: <code>blogit</code>), and even more in a future.</p>
+<p>The solution? Write a new program &ldquo;from scratch&rdquo; in <em>pYtHoN</em>. Yes it is bloated, yes it is in its early stages, but it works just as I want it to work, and I&rsquo;m pretty happy so far with the results and have with even more ideas in mind to &ldquo;optimize&rdquo; and generally clean my wOrKfLoW to post new blog entries. I even thought of using it for posting into a &ldquo;feed&rdquo; like gallery for drawings or pictures in general.</p>
+<p>I called it <a href=""><code>pyssg</code></a>, because it sounds nice and it wasn&rsquo;t taken in the PyPi. It is just a terminal program that reads either a configuration file or the options passed as flags when calling the program.</p>
+<p>It still uses Markdown files because I find them very easy to work with. And instead of just having a &ldquo;header&rdquo; and a &ldquo;footer&rdquo; applied to each parsed entry, you will have templates (generated with the program) for each piece that I thought made sense (idea taken from <code>blogit</code>): the common header and footer, the common header and footer for each entry and, header, footer and list elements for articles and tags. When parsing the Markdown file these templates are applied and stitched together to make a single HTML file. Also generates an RSS feed and the <code>sitemap.xml</code> file, which is nice.</p>
+<p>It might sound convoluted, but it works pretty well, with of course room to improve; I&rsquo;m open to suggestions, issue reporting or direct contributions <a href="">here</a>. BTW, it only works on Linux for now (and don&rsquo;t think on making it work on windows, but feel free to do PR for the compatibility).</p>
+<p>That&rsquo;s it for now, the new RSS feed is available here: <a href=""></a>.</p>
+<div class="article-info">
+<p>By: David Luévano</p>
+<p>Created: Fri, May 28, 2021 @ 03:21 UTC</p>
+<p>Edited: Fri, May 28, 2021 @ 03:42 UTC</p>
+<div class="article-tags">
+  <p>Tags: 
+<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">short</a>, <a href="">tools</a>, <a href="">update</a></p>
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+      Created with <a href="">pyssg</a> by David Luévano
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+      Copyright <i class="fas fa-copyright" alt="Copyright"></i> 2021 David Luévano Alvarado
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diff --git a/blog/dst/a/shell_scripting.html b/blog/dst/a/shell_scripting.html
index b7eb3c8..e1d04c9 100644
--- a/blog/dst/a/shell_scripting.html
+++ b/blog/dst/a/shell_scripting.html
@@ -264,10 +264,18 @@ function_name () {
-<p>Functions can also take arguments and can access their individual arguments (each function will have a different &ldquo;storage&rdquo; for their arguments). Functions can also be nested. Here <code>exit</code> will not only will finish the function code, but also the shell script that called it, instead use <code>return</code> plus an exit code to just exit the function.</p>  <p>Tags: 
-<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">linux</a>, <a href="">notes</a>, <a href="">scripting</a>, <a href="">shell</a></p>
+<p>Functions can also take arguments and can access their individual arguments (each function will have a different &ldquo;storage&rdquo; for their arguments). Functions can also be nested. Here <code>exit</code> will not only will finish the function code, but also the shell script that called it, instead use <code>return</code> plus an exit code to just exit the function.</p>
+<div class="article-info">
 <p>By: David Luévano</p>
-<p>Created: Sun, Mar 14, 2021 @ 05:57 UTC, edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 20:58 UTC</p>
+<p>Created: Sun, Mar 14, 2021 @ 05:57 UTC</p>
+<p>Edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 20:58 UTC</p>
+<div class="article-tags">
+  <p>Tags: 
+<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">linux</a>, <a href="">notes</a>, <a href="">scripting</a>, <a href="">shell</a></p>
diff --git a/blog/dst/a/sql_video_notes.html b/blog/dst/a/sql_video_notes.html
index b47a9e0..5773379 100644
--- a/blog/dst/a/sql_video_notes.html
+++ b/blog/dst/a/sql_video_notes.html
@@ -199,10 +199,18 @@
 <li><strong>Weak entity&rsquo;s primary key</strong>: oval with its text underlined, but the line is dotted.</li>
 <li><strong>Identifying relationship</strong>: a diamond inside a diamond with its name inside; a relationship that serves to uniquely identify the weak entity.</li>
-<p><img alt="ERD example taken from wikipedia" src=""></p>  <p>Tags: 
-<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">notes</a>, <a href="">sql</a></p>
+<p><img alt="ERD example taken from wikipedia" src=""></p>
+<div class="article-info">
 <p>By: David Luévano</p>
-<p>Created: Tue, Mar 02, 2021 @ 14:35 UTC, edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 20:59 UTC</p>
+<p>Created: Tue, Mar 02, 2021 @ 14:35 UTC</p>
+<p>Edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 20:59 UTC</p>
+<div class="article-tags">
+  <p>Tags: 
+<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">notes</a>, <a href="">sql</a></p>
diff --git a/blog/dst/a/website_with_nginx.html b/blog/dst/a/website_with_nginx.html
index a36ab54..e7481c9 100644
--- a/blog/dst/a/website_with_nginx.html
+++ b/blog/dst/a/website_with_nginx.html
@@ -175,10 +175,18 @@ systemctl restart nginx
 <p>And a file will be opened where you need to add a new rule for certbot, just append the line: <code>1 1 1 * * certbot renew</code> (renew on the first day of every month) and you&rsquo;re good. Alternatively use <code>systemd</code> timers as stated in the <a href="">Arch Linux Wiki</a>.</p>
 <p>For more: <a href="">Arch Linux Wiki: Certbot</a>.</p>
-<p>That&rsquo;s it, you now have a website with SSL certificate.</p>  <p>Tags: 
-<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">nginx</a>, <a href="">tools</a>, <a href="">tutorial</a></p>
+<p>That&rsquo;s it, you now have a website with SSL certificate.</p>
+<div class="article-info">
 <p>By: David Luévano</p>
-<p>Created: Fri, Mar 19, 2021 @ 02:58 UTC, edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 21:04 UTC</p>
+<p>Created: Fri, Mar 19, 2021 @ 02:58 UTC</p>
+<p>Edited: Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 21:04 UTC</p>
+<div class="article-tags">
+  <p>Tags: 
+<a href="">english</a>, <a href="">nginx</a>, <a href="">tools</a>, <a href="">tutorial</a></p>
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2