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@@ -618,6 +618,12 @@ base_url = /radarr
<p>None of these require an <a href="">Anti-Captcha</a> account (which is a paid service), but I created one anyways in case I need it. Though you need to add credits to it (pretty cheap though) if you ever use it.</p>
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+ <h1>Set up a pastebin alternative with PrivateBin and YOURLS</h1>
+ <p>I learned about PrivateBin a few weeks back and ever since I&rsquo;ve been looking into installing it, along with a URL shortener (a service I wanted to self host since forever). It took me a while as I ran into some problems while experimenting and documenting all the necessary bits in here.</p>
+<p>My setup is exposed to the public, and as always is heavily based on previous entries as described in <a href="#prerequisites">Prerequisites</a>. Descriptions on setting up MariaDB (preferred MySQL replacement for Arch) and PHP are written in this entry as this is the first time I&rsquo;ve needed them.</p>
+<p>Everything here is performed in <mark>arch btw</mark> and all commands should be run as root unless stated otherwise.</p>
+<h2 id="table-of-contents">Table of contents<a class="headerlink" href="#table-of-contents" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<div class="toc">
+<li><a href="#table-of-contents">Table of contents</a></li>
+<li><a href="#prerequisites">Prerequisites</a></li>
+<li><a href="#mariadb">MariaDB</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#create-usersdatabases">Create users/databases</a></li>
+<li><a href="#php">PHP</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#configuration">Configuration</a></li>
+<li><a href="#nginx">Nginx</a></li>
+<li><a href="#yourls">YOURLS</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#configuration_1">Configuration</a></li>
+<li><a href="#nginx_1">Nginx</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#ssl-certificate">SSL certificate</a></li>
+<li><a href="#privatebin">PrivateBin</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#configuration_2">Configuration</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#yourls-integration">YOURLS integration</a></li>
+<li><a href="#nginx_2">Nginx</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#ssl-certificate_1">SSL certificate</a></li>
+<h2 id="prerequisites">Prerequisites<a class="headerlink" href="#prerequisites" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<p>If you want to expose to a (sub)domain, then similar to my early <a href="">tutorial</a> entries (specially the <a href="">website</a> for the reverse proxy plus certificates):</p>
+<li><code>nginx</code> for the reverse proxy.</li>
+<li><code>certbot</code> for the SSL certificates.</li>
+<li><code>yay</code> to install AUR packages.<ul>
+<li>I briefly mention how to install and use it on <a href="">Manga server with Komga: yay</a>.</li>
+<li>An <strong>A</strong> (and/or <strong>AAAA</strong>) or a <strong>CNAME</strong> for <code>privatebin</code> and <code>yourls</code> (or whatever you want to call them).</li>
+<h2 id="mariadb">MariaDB<a class="headerlink" href="#mariadb" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<p><a href="">MariaDB</a> is a drop-in replacement of <a href="">MySQL</a>.</p>
+<p>Install the <code>mariadb</code> package:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">pacman -S mariadb
+<p>Before starting/enabling the systemd service run:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">mariadb-install-db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
+<p><code>start</code>/<code>enable</code> the <code>mariadb.service</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">systemctl start mariadb.service
+systemctl enable mariadb.service
+<p>Run and follow the secure installation script before proceding any further:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">mariadb-secure-installation
+<p>Change the binding address so the service listens on <code>localhost</code> only by modifying <code>/etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-ini">[mariadb]
+bind-address = localhost
+<h3 id="create-usersdatabases">Create users/databases<a class="headerlink" href="#create-usersdatabases" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>To use <code>mariadb</code> simply run the command and it will try to login with the corresponding linux user running it. The general login command is:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">mariadb -u &lt;username&gt; -p &lt;database_name&gt;
+<p>The <code>database_name</code> is optional. It will prompt a password input field.</p>
+<p>Using <code>mariadb</code> as root, create users with their respective database if needed with the following queries:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sql">MariaDB&gt; CREATE USER '&lt;username&gt;'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '&lt;password&gt;';
+MariaDB&gt; CREATE DATABASE &lt;database_name&gt;;
+MariaDB&gt; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON &lt;database_name&gt;.* TO '&lt;username&gt;'@'localhost';
+MariaDB&gt; quit
+<p>The <code>database_name</code> will depend on how YOURLS and PrivateBin are configured, that is if the services use a separate database and/or table prefixes are used.</p>
+<h2 id="php">PHP<a class="headerlink" href="#php" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<p><a href="">PHP</a> is a general-purpose scripting language that is usually used for web development, which was supposed to be ass for a long time but it seems to be a misconseption from the <em>old times</em>.</p>
+<p>Install the <code>php</code>, <code>php-fpm</code>, <code>php-gd</code> packages:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">pacman -S php php-fpm php-gd
+<p><code>start</code>/<code>enable</code> the <code>php-fpm.service</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">systemctl start php-fpm.service
+systemctl enable php-fpm.service
+<h3 id="configuration">Configuration<a class="headerlink" href="#configuration" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>Only showing changes needed, main config file is located at <code>/etc/php/php.ini</code>, or drop-in files can be placed at <code>/etc/php/conf.d/</code> instead.</p>
+<p>Set timezone (<a href="">list of timezones</a>):</p>
+<pre><code class="language-ini">date.timezone = Europe/Berlin
+<p>Enable the <code>gd</code> and <code>mysql</code> extensions:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-ini">extension=gd
+<h3 id="nginx">Nginx<a class="headerlink" href="#nginx" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>Create a PHP specific config that can be reusable at <code>/etc/nginx/php_fastcgi.conf</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-nginx">location ~ \.php$ {
+ # required for yourls
+ add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin;
+ # 404
+ try_files $fastcgi_script_name =404;
+ # default fastcgi_params
+ include fastcgi_params;
+ # fastcgi settings
+ fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock;
+ fastcgi_index index.php;
+ fastcgi_buffers 8 16k;
+ fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
+ # fastcgi params
+ fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT $realpath_root;
+ fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $realpath_root$fastcgi_script_name;
+ #fastcgi_param PHP_ADMIN_VALUE &quot;open_basedir=$base/:/usr/lib/php/:/tmp/&quot;;
+<p>This then can be imported by any <code>server</code> directive that needs it.</p>
+<h2 id="yourls">YOURLS<a class="headerlink" href="#yourls" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<p><a href="">YOURLS</a> is a self-hosted URL shortener that is supported by PrivateBin.</p>
+<p>Install from the AUR with <code>yay</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">yay -S yourls
+<p>Create a new user and database as described in <a href="#create-usersdatabases">MariaDB: Create users/databases</a>.</p>
+<h3 id="configuration_1">Configuration<a class="headerlink" href="#configuration_1" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>The default configuration file is self explanatory, it is located at <code>/etc/webapps/yourls/config.php</code>.</p>
+<p>Set the user/database YOURLS will use and either create a cookie or get one from <a href="">URL provided</a>. It is important to change the <code>$yours_user_passwords</code> variable, YOURLS will hash the passwords on login so it is not stored in plaintext. Password hashing can be disabled with:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-php">define( 'YOURLS_NO_HASH_PASSWORD', true );
+<p>I also changed the &ldquo;shortening method&rdquo; to <code>62</code> to include more characters:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-php">define( 'YOURLS_URL_CONVERT', 62 );
+<p>Lastly, the <code>$yourls_reserved_URL</code> variable will need more blacklisted words depending on the use-case. <code>YOURLS_SITE</code> needs to match whatever is set in <code>nginx</code>.</p>
+<h3 id="nginx_1">Nginx<a class="headerlink" href="#nginx_1" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>Create a <code>yourls.conf</code> at the usual <code>sites-&lt;available/enabled&gt;</code> path for <code>nginx</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-nginx">server {
+ listen 80;
+ root /usr/share/webapps/yourls/;
+ server_name;
+ index index.php;
+ location / {
+ try_files $uri $uri/ /yourls-loader.php$is_args$args;
+ }
+ include /etc/nginx/php_fastcgi.conf;
+<p>Make sure the following header is included in the <code>php</code>&lsquo;s <code>nginx</code> location block described in <a href="#nginx">YOURLS: Nginx</a>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-nginx">add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin;
+<h4 id="ssl-certificate">SSL certificate<a class="headerlink" href="#ssl-certificate" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h4>
+<p>Create/extend the certificate by running:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">certbot --nginx
+<p>Restart the <code>nginx</code> service for changes to take effect:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">systemctl restart nginx.service
+<h2 id="privatebin">PrivateBin<a class="headerlink" href="#privatebin" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<p><a href="">PrivateBin</a> is a minimalist self-hosted alternative to <a href="">pastebin</a>.</p>
+<p>Install from the AUR with <code>yay</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">yay -S privatebin
+<p>Create a new user and database as described in <a href="#create-usersdatabases">MariaDB: Create users/databases</a>.</p>
+<h3 id="configuration_2">Configuration<a class="headerlink" href="#configuration_2" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>This heavily depends on personal preference, all defaults are fine. Make a copy of the sample config template:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">cp /etc/webapps/privatebin/conf.sample.php /etc/webapps/privatebin/conf.php
+<p>The most important changes needed are <code>basepath</code> according to the <code>privatebin</code> URL and the <code>[model]</code> and <code>[model_options]</code> to use MySQL instead of plain filesystem files:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-php">[model]
+; example of DB configuration for MySQL
+class = Database
+dsn = &quot;mysql:host=localhost;dbname=privatebin;charset=UTF8&quot;
+tbl = &quot;privatebin_&quot; ; table prefix
+usr = &quot;privatebin&quot;
+pwd = &quot;&lt;password&gt;&quot;
+opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT
+<p>Any other <code>[model]</code> or <code>[model_options]</code> needs to be commented out (for example, the default filesystem setting).</p>
+<h4 id="yourls-integration">YOURLS integration<a class="headerlink" href="#yourls-integration" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h4>
+<p>I recommend creating a separate user for <code>privatebin</code> in <code>yourls</code> by modifying the <code>$yours_user_passwords</code> variable in <code>yourls</code> config file. Then login with this user and get the <code>signature</code> from the &ldquo;Tools&rdquo; section in the admin page, for more: <a href="">YOURLS: Passwordless API</a>.</p>
+<p>For a &ldquo;private&rdquo; <code>yourls</code> installation (that needs username/pasword), set <code>urlshortener</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-php">urlshortener = &quot;;action=shorturl&amp;format=json&amp;url=&quot;
+<p><mark>Note that this will expose the <code>signature</code> in the HTTP requests and anybody with the signature can use it to shorten external URLs.</mark></p>
+<h3 id="nginx_2">Nginx<a class="headerlink" href="#nginx_2" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>To deny access to some bots/crawlers, PrivateBin provides a sample <code>.htaccess</code>, which is used in Apache. We need an Nginx version, which I found <a href="">here</a>.</p>
+<p>Add the following at the beginning of the <code>http</code> block of the <code>/etc/nginx/nginx.conf</code> file:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-nginx">http {
+ map $http_user_agent $pastebin_badagent {
+ ~*bot 1;
+ ~*spider 1;
+ ~*crawl 1;
+ ~https?:// 1;
+ WhatsApp 1;
+ SkypeUriPreview 1;
+ facebookexternalhit 1;
+ }
+ #...
+<p>Create a <code>privatebin.conf</code> at the usual <code>sites-&lt;available/enabled&gt;</code> path for <code>nginx</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-nginx">server {
+ listen 80;
+ root //usr/share/webapps/privatebin/;
+ server_name;
+ index index.php;
+ if ($pastebin_badagent) {
+ return 403;
+ }
+ location / {
+ try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
+ }
+ include /etc/nginx/php_fastcgi.conf;
+<h4 id="ssl-certificate_1">SSL certificate<a class="headerlink" href="#ssl-certificate_1" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h4>
+<p>Create/extend the certificate by running:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">certbot --nginx
+<p>Restart the <code>nginx</code> service for changes to take effect:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">systemctl restart nginx.service
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+ <p>By David Luévano</p>
+ <p>Created: Sun, Aug 20, 2023 @ 09:46 UTC</p>
+ <p>Modified: Sun, Aug 20, 2023 @ 09:56 UTC</p>
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+++ b/live/blog/index.html
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
<ul class="page-list">
+ <li><span class="page-list-item">Aug 20</span> - <a href="">Set up a pastebin alternative with PrivateBin and YOURLS</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jul 24</span> - <a href="">Set up a media server with Jellyfin, Sonarr and Radarr</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jul 24</span> - <a href="">Set up qBitTorrent with Jackett for use with Starr apps</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jun 15</span> - <a href="">Configure system logs on Arch to avoid filled up disk</a></li>
diff --git a/live/blog/rss.xml b/live/blog/rss.xml
index 5c4119c..675de5f 100644
--- a/live/blog/rss.xml
+++ b/live/blog/rss.xml
@@ -23,6 +23,252 @@
+ <title>Set up a pastebin alternative with PrivateBin and YOURLS</title>
+ <link></link>
+ <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
+ <pubDate>Sun, 20 Aug 2023 09:46:33 GMT</pubDate>
+ <category>Code</category>
+ <category>English</category>
+ <category>Server</category>
+ <category>Tools</category>
+ <category>Tutorial</category>
+ <description>How to set up a pastebin alternative with PrivateBin and YOURLS as shortener, on Arch.</description>
+ <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I learned about PrivateBin a few weeks back and ever since I&rsquo;ve been looking into installing it, along with a URL shortener (a service I wanted to self host since forever). It took me a while as I ran into some problems while experimenting and documenting all the necessary bits in here.</p>
+<p>My setup is exposed to the public, and as always is heavily based on previous entries as described in <a href="#prerequisites">Prerequisites</a>. Descriptions on setting up MariaDB (preferred MySQL replacement for Arch) and PHP are written in this entry as this is the first time I&rsquo;ve needed them.</p>
+<p>Everything here is performed in <mark>arch btw</mark> and all commands should be run as root unless stated otherwise.</p>
+<h2 id="table-of-contents">Table of contents<a class="headerlink" href="#table-of-contents" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<div class="toc">
+<li><a href="#table-of-contents">Table of contents</a></li>
+<li><a href="#prerequisites">Prerequisites</a></li>
+<li><a href="#mariadb">MariaDB</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#create-usersdatabases">Create users/databases</a></li>
+<li><a href="#php">PHP</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#configuration">Configuration</a></li>
+<li><a href="#nginx">Nginx</a></li>
+<li><a href="#yourls">YOURLS</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#configuration_1">Configuration</a></li>
+<li><a href="#nginx_1">Nginx</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#ssl-certificate">SSL certificate</a></li>
+<li><a href="#privatebin">PrivateBin</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#configuration_2">Configuration</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#yourls-integration">YOURLS integration</a></li>
+<li><a href="#nginx_2">Nginx</a><ul>
+<li><a href="#ssl-certificate_1">SSL certificate</a></li>
+<h2 id="prerequisites">Prerequisites<a class="headerlink" href="#prerequisites" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<p>If you want to expose to a (sub)domain, then similar to my early <a href="">tutorial</a> entries (specially the <a href="">website</a> for the reverse proxy plus certificates):</p>
+<li><code>nginx</code> for the reverse proxy.</li>
+<li><code>certbot</code> for the SSL certificates.</li>
+<li><code>yay</code> to install AUR packages.<ul>
+<li>I briefly mention how to install and use it on <a href="">Manga server with Komga: yay</a>.</li>
+<li>An <strong>A</strong> (and/or <strong>AAAA</strong>) or a <strong>CNAME</strong> for <code>privatebin</code> and <code>yourls</code> (or whatever you want to call them).</li>
+<h2 id="mariadb">MariaDB<a class="headerlink" href="#mariadb" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<p><a href="">MariaDB</a> is a drop-in replacement of <a href="">MySQL</a>.</p>
+<p>Install the <code>mariadb</code> package:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">pacman -S mariadb
+<p>Before starting/enabling the systemd service run:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">mariadb-install-db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
+<p><code>start</code>/<code>enable</code> the <code>mariadb.service</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">systemctl start mariadb.service
+systemctl enable mariadb.service
+<p>Run and follow the secure installation script before proceding any further:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">mariadb-secure-installation
+<p>Change the binding address so the service listens on <code>localhost</code> only by modifying <code>/etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-ini">[mariadb]
+bind-address = localhost
+<h3 id="create-usersdatabases">Create users/databases<a class="headerlink" href="#create-usersdatabases" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>To use <code>mariadb</code> simply run the command and it will try to login with the corresponding linux user running it. The general login command is:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">mariadb -u &lt;username&gt; -p &lt;database_name&gt;
+<p>The <code>database_name</code> is optional. It will prompt a password input field.</p>
+<p>Using <code>mariadb</code> as root, create users with their respective database if needed with the following queries:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sql">MariaDB&gt; CREATE USER '&lt;username&gt;'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '&lt;password&gt;';
+MariaDB&gt; CREATE DATABASE &lt;database_name&gt;;
+MariaDB&gt; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON &lt;database_name&gt;.* TO '&lt;username&gt;'@'localhost';
+MariaDB&gt; quit
+<p>The <code>database_name</code> will depend on how YOURLS and PrivateBin are configured, that is if the services use a separate database and/or table prefixes are used.</p>
+<h2 id="php">PHP<a class="headerlink" href="#php" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<p><a href="">PHP</a> is a general-purpose scripting language that is usually used for web development, which was supposed to be ass for a long time but it seems to be a misconseption from the <em>old times</em>.</p>
+<p>Install the <code>php</code>, <code>php-fpm</code>, <code>php-gd</code> packages:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">pacman -S php php-fpm php-gd
+<p><code>start</code>/<code>enable</code> the <code>php-fpm.service</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">systemctl start php-fpm.service
+systemctl enable php-fpm.service
+<h3 id="configuration">Configuration<a class="headerlink" href="#configuration" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>Only showing changes needed, main config file is located at <code>/etc/php/php.ini</code>, or drop-in files can be placed at <code>/etc/php/conf.d/</code> instead.</p>
+<p>Set timezone (<a href="">list of timezones</a>):</p>
+<pre><code class="language-ini">date.timezone = Europe/Berlin
+<p>Enable the <code>gd</code> and <code>mysql</code> extensions:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-ini">extension=gd
+<h3 id="nginx">Nginx<a class="headerlink" href="#nginx" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>Create a PHP specific config that can be reusable at <code>/etc/nginx/php_fastcgi.conf</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-nginx">location ~ \.php$ {
+ # required for yourls
+ add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin;
+ # 404
+ try_files $fastcgi_script_name =404;
+ # default fastcgi_params
+ include fastcgi_params;
+ # fastcgi settings
+ fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock;
+ fastcgi_index index.php;
+ fastcgi_buffers 8 16k;
+ fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
+ # fastcgi params
+ fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT $realpath_root;
+ fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $realpath_root$fastcgi_script_name;
+ #fastcgi_param PHP_ADMIN_VALUE &quot;open_basedir=$base/:/usr/lib/php/:/tmp/&quot;;
+<p>This then can be imported by any <code>server</code> directive that needs it.</p>
+<h2 id="yourls">YOURLS<a class="headerlink" href="#yourls" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<p><a href="">YOURLS</a> is a self-hosted URL shortener that is supported by PrivateBin.</p>
+<p>Install from the AUR with <code>yay</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">yay -S yourls
+<p>Create a new user and database as described in <a href="#create-usersdatabases">MariaDB: Create users/databases</a>.</p>
+<h3 id="configuration_1">Configuration<a class="headerlink" href="#configuration_1" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>The default configuration file is self explanatory, it is located at <code>/etc/webapps/yourls/config.php</code>.</p>
+<p>Set the user/database YOURLS will use and either create a cookie or get one from <a href="">URL provided</a>. It is important to change the <code>$yours_user_passwords</code> variable, YOURLS will hash the passwords on login so it is not stored in plaintext. Password hashing can be disabled with:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-php">define( 'YOURLS_NO_HASH_PASSWORD', true );
+<p>I also changed the &ldquo;shortening method&rdquo; to <code>62</code> to include more characters:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-php">define( 'YOURLS_URL_CONVERT', 62 );
+<p>Lastly, the <code>$yourls_reserved_URL</code> variable will need more blacklisted words depending on the use-case. <code>YOURLS_SITE</code> needs to match whatever is set in <code>nginx</code>.</p>
+<h3 id="nginx_1">Nginx<a class="headerlink" href="#nginx_1" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>Create a <code>yourls.conf</code> at the usual <code>sites-&lt;available/enabled&gt;</code> path for <code>nginx</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-nginx">server {
+ listen 80;
+ root /usr/share/webapps/yourls/;
+ server_name;
+ index index.php;
+ location / {
+ try_files $uri $uri/ /yourls-loader.php$is_args$args;
+ }
+ include /etc/nginx/php_fastcgi.conf;
+<p>Make sure the following header is included in the <code>php</code>&lsquo;s <code>nginx</code> location block described in <a href="#nginx">YOURLS: Nginx</a>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-nginx">add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin;
+<h4 id="ssl-certificate">SSL certificate<a class="headerlink" href="#ssl-certificate" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h4>
+<p>Create/extend the certificate by running:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">certbot --nginx
+<p>Restart the <code>nginx</code> service for changes to take effect:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">systemctl restart nginx.service
+<h2 id="privatebin">PrivateBin<a class="headerlink" href="#privatebin" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
+<p><a href="">PrivateBin</a> is a minimalist self-hosted alternative to <a href="">pastebin</a>.</p>
+<p>Install from the AUR with <code>yay</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">yay -S privatebin
+<p>Create a new user and database as described in <a href="#create-usersdatabases">MariaDB: Create users/databases</a>.</p>
+<h3 id="configuration_2">Configuration<a class="headerlink" href="#configuration_2" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>This heavily depends on personal preference, all defaults are fine. Make a copy of the sample config template:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">cp /etc/webapps/privatebin/conf.sample.php /etc/webapps/privatebin/conf.php
+<p>The most important changes needed are <code>basepath</code> according to the <code>privatebin</code> URL and the <code>[model]</code> and <code>[model_options]</code> to use MySQL instead of plain filesystem files:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-php">[model]
+; example of DB configuration for MySQL
+class = Database
+dsn = &quot;mysql:host=localhost;dbname=privatebin;charset=UTF8&quot;
+tbl = &quot;privatebin_&quot; ; table prefix
+usr = &quot;privatebin&quot;
+pwd = &quot;&lt;password&gt;&quot;
+opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT
+<p>Any other <code>[model]</code> or <code>[model_options]</code> needs to be commented out (for example, the default filesystem setting).</p>
+<h4 id="yourls-integration">YOURLS integration<a class="headerlink" href="#yourls-integration" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h4>
+<p>I recommend creating a separate user for <code>privatebin</code> in <code>yourls</code> by modifying the <code>$yours_user_passwords</code> variable in <code>yourls</code> config file. Then login with this user and get the <code>signature</code> from the &ldquo;Tools&rdquo; section in the admin page, for more: <a href="">YOURLS: Passwordless API</a>.</p>
+<p>For a &ldquo;private&rdquo; <code>yourls</code> installation (that needs username/pasword), set <code>urlshortener</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-php">urlshortener = &quot;;action=shorturl&amp;format=json&amp;url=&quot;
+<p><mark>Note that this will expose the <code>signature</code> in the HTTP requests and anybody with the signature can use it to shorten external URLs.</mark></p>
+<h3 id="nginx_2">Nginx<a class="headerlink" href="#nginx_2" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
+<p>To deny access to some bots/crawlers, PrivateBin provides a sample <code>.htaccess</code>, which is used in Apache. We need an Nginx version, which I found <a href="">here</a>.</p>
+<p>Add the following at the beginning of the <code>http</code> block of the <code>/etc/nginx/nginx.conf</code> file:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-nginx">http {
+ map $http_user_agent $pastebin_badagent {
+ ~*bot 1;
+ ~*spider 1;
+ ~*crawl 1;
+ ~https?:// 1;
+ WhatsApp 1;
+ SkypeUriPreview 1;
+ facebookexternalhit 1;
+ }
+ #...
+<p>Create a <code>privatebin.conf</code> at the usual <code>sites-&lt;available/enabled&gt;</code> path for <code>nginx</code>:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-nginx">server {
+ listen 80;
+ root //usr/share/webapps/privatebin/;
+ server_name;
+ index index.php;
+ if ($pastebin_badagent) {
+ return 403;
+ }
+ location / {
+ try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
+ }
+ include /etc/nginx/php_fastcgi.conf;
+<h4 id="ssl-certificate_1">SSL certificate<a class="headerlink" href="#ssl-certificate_1" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h4>
+<p>Create/extend the certificate by running:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">certbot --nginx
+<p>Restart the <code>nginx</code> service for changes to take effect:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sh">systemctl restart nginx.service
+ </item>
+ <item>
<title>Set up a media server with Jellyfin, Sonarr and Radarr</title>
<guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
diff --git a/live/blog/sitemap.xml b/live/blog/sitemap.xml
index 528eaaa..c9c5e77 100644
--- a/live/blog/sitemap.xml
+++ b/live/blog/sitemap.xml
@@ -46,6 +46,12 @@
+ <loc></loc>
+ <lastmod>2023-08-20</lastmod>
+ <changefreq>weekly</changefreq>
+ <priority>1.0</priority>
+ </url>
+ <url>
diff --git a/live/blog/tag/@code.html b/live/blog/tag/@code.html
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+++ b/live/blog/tag/@code.html
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
<ul class="page-list">
+ <li><span class="page-list-item">Aug 20</span> - <a href="">Set up a pastebin alternative with PrivateBin and YOURLS</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jul 24</span> - <a href="">Set up a media server with Jellyfin, Sonarr and Radarr</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jul 24</span> - <a href="">Set up qBitTorrent with Jackett for use with Starr apps</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jun 15</span> - <a href="">Configure system logs on Arch to avoid filled up disk</a></li>
diff --git a/live/blog/tag/@english.html b/live/blog/tag/@english.html
index 8ef6e45..3481735 100644
--- a/live/blog/tag/@english.html
+++ b/live/blog/tag/@english.html
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
<ul class="page-list">
+ <li><span class="page-list-item">Aug 20</span> - <a href="">Set up a pastebin alternative with PrivateBin and YOURLS</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jul 24</span> - <a href="">Set up a media server with Jellyfin, Sonarr and Radarr</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jul 24</span> - <a href="">Set up qBitTorrent with Jackett for use with Starr apps</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jun 15</span> - <a href="">Configure system logs on Arch to avoid filled up disk</a></li>
diff --git a/live/blog/tag/@server.html b/live/blog/tag/@server.html
index 0edef1e..fc282fe 100644
--- a/live/blog/tag/@server.html
+++ b/live/blog/tag/@server.html
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
<ul class="page-list">
+ <li><span class="page-list-item">Aug 20</span> - <a href="">Set up a pastebin alternative with PrivateBin and YOURLS</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jul 24</span> - <a href="">Set up a media server with Jellyfin, Sonarr and Radarr</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jul 24</span> - <a href="">Set up qBitTorrent with Jackett for use with Starr apps</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jun 15</span> - <a href="">Configure system logs on Arch to avoid filled up disk</a></li>
diff --git a/live/blog/tag/@tools.html b/live/blog/tag/@tools.html
index 0ab3d48..b74457e 100644
--- a/live/blog/tag/@tools.html
+++ b/live/blog/tag/@tools.html
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
<ul class="page-list">
+ <li><span class="page-list-item">Aug 20</span> - <a href="">Set up a pastebin alternative with PrivateBin and YOURLS</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jul 24</span> - <a href="">Set up a media server with Jellyfin, Sonarr and Radarr</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jul 24</span> - <a href="">Set up qBitTorrent with Jackett for use with Starr apps</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jun 15</span> - <a href="">Configure system logs on Arch to avoid filled up disk</a></li>
diff --git a/live/blog/tag/@tutorial.html b/live/blog/tag/@tutorial.html
index 6e225bf..68353dc 100644
--- a/live/blog/tag/@tutorial.html
+++ b/live/blog/tag/@tutorial.html
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
<ul class="page-list">
+ <li><span class="page-list-item">Aug 20</span> - <a href="">Set up a pastebin alternative with PrivateBin and YOURLS</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jul 24</span> - <a href="">Set up a media server with Jellyfin, Sonarr and Radarr</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jul 24</span> - <a href="">Set up qBitTorrent with Jackett for use with Starr apps</a></li>
<li><span class="page-list-item">Jun 15</span> - <a href="">Configure system logs on Arch to avoid filled up disk</a></li>
diff --git a/src/blog/a/ b/src/blog/a/
index 643b753..35f28df 100644
--- a/src/blog/a/
+++ b/src/blog/a/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ tags: server
I learned about PrivateBin a few weeks back and ever since I've been looking into installing it, along with a URL shortener (a service I wanted to self host since forever). It took me a while as I ran into some problems while experimenting and documenting all the necessary bits in here.
-My setup is exposed to the public, and as always is heavily based on previous entries as described in [Prerequisites](#Prerequisites). Descriptions on setting up MariaDB (preferred MySQL replacement for Arch) and PHP are written in this entry as this is the first time I've needed them.
+My setup is exposed to the public, and as always is heavily based on previous entries as described in [Prerequisites](#prerequisites). Descriptions on setting up MariaDB (preferred MySQL replacement for Arch) and PHP are written in this entry as this is the first time I've needed them.
Everything here is performed in ==arch btw== and all commands should be run as root unless stated otherwise.
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ bind-address = localhost
## Create users/databases
-To use `mariadb` simply run the command and it will try to login with the corresponding linux user running it, for example for root. Else the general login command is:
+To use `mariadb` simply run the command and it will try to login with the corresponding linux user running it. The general login command is:
mariadb -u <username> -p <database_name>
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Install from the AUR with `yay`:
yay -S yourls
-Create a new user and database as described in [MariaDB: Create users/databases](#Create users/databases).
+Create a new user and database as described in [MariaDB: Create users/databases](#create-usersdatabases).
## Configuration
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ server {
-Make sure the following header is included in the `php`'s nginx location block described in [YOURLS: Nginx](#Nginx):
+Make sure the following header is included in the `php`'s `nginx` location block described in [YOURLS: Nginx](#nginx):
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin;
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ Install from the AUR with `yay`:
yay -S privatebin
-Create a new user and database as described in [MariaDB: Create users/databases](#Create users/databases).
+Create a new user and database as described in [MariaDB: Create users/databases](#create-usersdatabases).
## Configuration