class_name FoodManager extends Node2D export(PackedScene) var FOOD_BASIC: PackedScene export(NodePath) var WORLD_GENERATOR_NP: NodePath onready var world_generator: Node2D = get_node(WORLD_GENERATOR_NP) onready var possible_food_locations: Array = world_generator.get_valid_map_coords() var max_apples: int = 10 var current_food: Array = [] func _ready(): randomize() Event.connect("food_eaten", self, "_on_food_eaten") func _process(delta) -> void: if current_food.size() < max_apples: _place_new_food() func _place_new_food() -> void: var food: FoodBasic = FOOD_BASIC.instance() var type: int = FoodBasic.Type.APPLE Event.emit_signal("food_placing_new_food", type) var pos_loc: Array = _get_random_pos() var pos: Vector2 = pos_loc[0] var loc: Vector2 = pos_loc[1] # need to set the position first, else it will spawn on the middle and the moved food.global_position = pos add_child(food) food.set_type(FoodBasic.Type.APPLE) food.set_location(loc)["points"] = 1 current_food.append(loc) Event.emit_signal("food_placed_new_food",["type"],["location"]) func _get_random_pos() -> Array: var found_valid_loc: bool = false var index: int var location: Vector2 while not found_valid_loc: index = randi() % possible_food_locations.size() location = possible_food_locations[index] if current_food.find(location) == -1: found_valid_loc = true return [world_generator.get_centered_world_position(location), location] func _on_food_eaten(properties: Dictionary) -> void: var index: int = current_food.find(properties["location"]) current_food.remove(index)