#!/bin/sh # General script that manages the panel/panel. STATUSBAR_FIFO=/tmp/panel-fifo STATUSBAR_HEIGHT=20 STATUSBAR_FONT="Noto Sans Mono:size=10" STATUSBAR_EMOJI_FONT0="Noto Color Emoji" STATUSBAR_EMOJI_FONT1="Font Awesome 5 Free" STATUSBAR_EMOJI_FONT2="Font Awesome 5 Brands" STATUSBAR_EMOJI_FONT3="Font Awesome 5 Free Solid" STATUSBAR_WM_NAME=bspwm_panel . panel_colors if xdo id -a "$STATUSBAR_WM_NAME" > /dev/null ; then printf "%s\n" "The status bar is already running. Try pkill -x panel." >&2 exit 1 fi trap 'trap - TERM; kill 0' INT TERM QUIT EXIT # Create a new FIFO. (Pipe) [ -e "$STATUSBAR_FIFO" ] && rm "$STATUSBAR_FIFO" mkfifo "$STATUSBAR_FIFO" # Here is where all the 'plugins' or 'blocks' for the panel # are run. They're piped into the FIFO for later reading. # In general you want them to print a letter at the beginning and then # the actual stuff to show on scren, so you can distinguish between them on the actual bars. xtitle -sf 'T%s\n' > "$STATUSBAR_FIFO" & # date +"C%d/%m%y %r" > "$STATUSBAR_FIFO" & bspc subscribe report > "$STATUSBAR_FIFO" & # Here you can start N amount of bars and each one would be # different if required. Piping into 'sh' is required for interaction # with the bar. panel_main < "$STATUSBAR_FIFO" | lemonbar -a 32 -u 2 -n "$STATUSBAR_WM_NAME" -g x$STATUSBAR_HEIGHT -f "$STATUSBAR_FONT" -f "$STATUSBAR_EMOJI_FONT0" -f "$STATUSBAR_EMOJI_FONT1" -f "$STATUSBAR_EMOJI_FONT2" -f "$STATUSBAR_EMOJI_FONT3" -F "$COLOR_DEFAULT_FG" -B "$COLOR_DEFAULT_BG" | sh & # This only really works for one monitor. # wid=$(xdo id -m -a "$STATUSBAR_WM_NAME") # xdo above -t "$(xdo id -N Bspwm -n root | sort | head -n 1)" "$wid" # Set the bar only on top of the 'root' window, which is bspwm itself. # This, so you can fullscreen a program and it stays on top. bspid="$(xdo id -N Bspwm -n root | sort | head -n 1)" # The first part of the pipe is the "wid" xdo id -m -a "$STATUSBAR_WM_NAME" | while read wid; do xdo above -t "$bspid" "$wid" done wait